Dr. Dixon Final!!

  1. When does calcification of primary teeth begin?
    Around 4th month of fetal life
  2. What teeth are known as bicuspids?
  3. What tooth has the cusp of carabelli?
    Maxillary 1st molar
  4. At what age should all primary teeth be erupted by?
    2 3/4 years
  5. As a general rule, which teeth usually come in first? Maxillary or Mandibular?
  6. Primary teeth eruption times?
    • Central incisors- 8-12 months
    • Lateral incisors- 9-13 months
    • 1st Molar- 13-19 months
    • Canines- 16-22 months
    • 2nd Molar- 25-33 months
  7. What is the first permanent tooth to erupt?
    1st Molars
  8. What are the most commonly congenitally missing teeth?
    • -3rd Molars
    • -2nd Mand premolar
    • -Max. lateral incisors
  9. Edentulous
    Without teeth
  10. Max permanent teeth eruption times:
    • Central Incisor- 7-8 yrs.
    • Lateral Incisor- 8-9 yrs.
    • Canine- 11-12 yrs.
    • 1st PM- 10-11 yrs.
    • 2nd PM- 10-12 yrs.
    • 1st Molar- 6-7 yrs.
    • 2nd Molar- 12-13 yrs.
    • 3rd Molar- 17-22 yrs.
  11. Mand permanent teeth eruption times:
    • Central Incisor- 6-7 yrs.
    • Lateral Incisor- 7-8 yrs.
    • Canine- 9-10 yrs.
    • 1st PM- 10-12 yrs.
    • 2nd PM- 11-12 yrs.
    • 1st Molar- 6-7 yrs.
    • 2nd Molar- 11-13 yrs.
    • 3rd Molar- 17-22 yrs.
  12. Diastema
    Space between two adjacent teeth
  13. Protrusion
    pushing out
  14. Retrusion
    pushed in or back
  15. How many teeth are in permanent dentition?
  16. How many teeth are in primary dentition?
  17. What teeth are nonsuccedaneous?
    Permanent molars
  18. Supraeruption
    When an opposing tooth doesnt have anything to oppose, it will continue to erupt trying to find something to contact with
  19. Macrodontia
    Too large of a tooth
  20. Microdontia
    Too small of a tooth
  21. Hyperdontia
    Multiple of extra teeth
  22. Anadontia
    Too few teeth
  23. Dilaceration
    tooth with a sharp bend or curve in the root or crown
  24. Fusion
    2 adjacent tooth germs unite
  25. Peg Lateral
    Malformed lateral incisor
  26. mixed dentition
    contains both primary and permanent teeth
  27. Mamelons
    Forms the incisal edges of anterior teeth when the developmental lobes fuse
  28. How many lobes do molars have?
  29. How many lobes does premolars have?
  30. Attrition
    Wearing away of tooth structure through contact of its functioning surfaces
  31. Anomaly
    Something that is noticeably different or deviates from that which is normal
  32. Hereditary
    A result of the individuals genetic make up
  33. Congenital
    If a condition occurs at or before birth
  34. Dwarfed Roots
    Roots of the teeth are extremely short compared to the crown
  35. Enamel Pearl
    Small masses of excess amounts of cementum of apex of root
  36. Mulberry Molars
    • Irregular-shaped molars with poorly formed cusps
    • -Congenital syphilis exposure
  37. PDL Fiber Groups:
    • Alveolar Crest
    • Horizontal
    • Oblique
    • Apical Group
    • Interradicular
  38. Acellular Cementum
    Covers the cervical 1/3 of the root
  39. Cellular Cementum
    Covers the apical portion of the root
  40. What tooth is the natural plaque trap?
    Max 1st PM
  41. What tooth has groove patterns that are U, H, or Y shaped?
    Mand 2nd PM
  42. What tooth has a Y shaped groove pattern?
    1st Mand molar
  43. What is the smallest teeth in the mouth?
    Mand central incisor
  44. Canine is also known as what?
  45. What is the longest teeth in the mouth?
  46. Exfoliation
    Shedding of primary teeth with replacement by permanent teeth
  47. What tooth has the appearance of a stretched out S?
    Primary mand 1st molar
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Dr. Dixon Final!!
cards for Dr. Dixon