divided Charlemagne's holdings among his grandsons
treaty of verdun
Economic, military, and political system that functioned during the Medieval period
One who receives land in exchange for a promise of allegiance and military service
A grant of land in the feudal system
A who grants land to another in exchange for a pledge of loyalty
The practice of kings and other high ranking nobles appointing men to church offices
lay investiture
The buying and selling of church offices
showing improper favortism to one's relatives
Monastery that sparked a major reform of the church because it was free from lay interference
that eventually settlet into the territory that is now hungary
Established by Pope Nicholas II and givern the power to elect the pope
College of Cardinals
Declaration that a person has cut himself off from communion with the Church by his actions
In this Pope gregory VII claimed absolute temporal and spiritual authority
Dictates of the Pope
He served as Pope three times in his life, having been forcibly deposed twice and then abdicating
Benedict IX
Considered the worst pope in history
John XII
Holy Roman Emperor who deposed John XII and then exercised control over the papacy
Otto I
Also called "HIddlebrand," he excommunicated a Holy Roman Emperor over the question of lay investiture
Gregory VII
Holy Roman Emperor who was forced to beg for forgiveness after being excommunicated by the Pope
Henry IV
Compromise that solved the lay investiture controversy
Concordat of Worms
Also calles "Vikings" there raids destroyed many monasteries and convents in Europe
Breathtakingly stupid action-Crusade
Children's Crusade
Literally "marked with a cross"
english king who lead the Third Crusade
Richard I
Cardinal sent to deal with the Patriarch of Constantinople. His actions contributed to the Great Schism
His Closing of latin Churches in Constantinople led to the crisis that resulted in the Great Schism
Michael Celularius
Appointed Patriarch of Constantinople, replacing Ignatius, this action led to a Schism
Cistercian monk who helped promote the devotion to the Virgin Mary
St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Viewed as the most powerful pope of the Middle Ages
Innocent III
Made alliance with the Lombard Leauge to defeat Frederick Barbarosa
Alexander III
Called for the first crusade
Urban II
Proposed by St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, and St. Thomas Aquinas which set criteria that had to be met for a war to be moral
Just War Theory
Limited the number of days when it was lawful to fight wars
Truce of God
Condemned the killing of non-comatants
Peace of God
Time of Purification before one could enter heaven
Reduction of time in Purgatory
"And the Son" this was inserted into the Nicene Creed
Explains that the bread and wine of the Mass are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ
Heretical group that viewed the material world as evil
Muslim group that prohibited pilgrims from going to Jerusalem
Seljuk Turks
What are some differences between the Eastern and Western Church that contributed to the Eastern Schism in 1054
- Western Church Eastern Church
- -Rome -Consantinople
- -Latin -Greek
- -Catholic -Othodox
- -Pope -Patriarch