Microbiology Mycology Review

  1. Fungi are divided into 5 classes based on:

    B) their type of sexual production
  2. With most fungi, reproduction occur:

    B) almost continuously by asexual means, and sexually only periodically
  3. Most fungi can be classified as saprobic, which means:

    D) they feed on dead organic matter
  4. Vegetative mycelium:

    D) is responsible for gathering nutrients for the mold
  5. New genetic forms of fungi evolve when:

    B) there is a mixing of chromosomes during sexual reproduction
  6. The distinctive characteristic of the dermatophytes is:

    C) the presence of macroconidia
  7. Dermatomycosis are superficial skin infections, and often develop into systemic infections
    a) true
    b) false
    b) false
  8. Culture on Sabouraud’s agar is used primarily:

    D) to diagnose systemic mycoses in blood, fluids, lung aspirates
  9. Which of these infections is caused by a dermatophyte?

    C) ringworm
  10. Dermatomycosis refers to fungal disease:

    C) of the hair, skin, and nails
  11. The following is true of all systemic mycoses which we discussed in class except:

    B) often cause only superficial infection
  12. Most systemic mycoses are transmitted by:

    C) inhalation of spores from the environment
  13. An India ink prep might be ordered on a cerebrospinal fluid to see encapsulated yeast, which is diagnosis of:

    D) Cryptococcus neoformans
  14. Which of the following applies to the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans?

    D) the organism grows in dropping of pigeons
  15. Histoplasmosis is primarily a disease of

    D) the lungs
  16. Aspergillus fumigatus causes several diseases. If spores of this organism become localized in earwax, Hyphae may invade the auditory canal. This condition if referred to as

    D) Otomycosis
  17. Some fungal diseases are caused by an organism that is normally found in the human intestine. This “opportunistic” pathogen is:

    C) Candida albicans
  18. All of the following are associated with Candida albicans except:

    A) Meningitis
  19. A patient with a veneral disease goes to her gynecologist. She had pruritis, a whitish “cheesy” discharge, and burning internal pain. The physician’s diagnosis probably is:

    C) Yeast infection
  20. Candida albicans infection of the intestine may occur as a result of:

    B) overuse of antibiotics
  21. One could identify a culture as being Candida albicans by observing:

    D) its ability to produce germ tubes
  22. Candida albicans is a part of the normal flora of the upper respiratory tract, the vagina, the skin and the intestinal tract:
    a) true
    b) false
    a) true
  23. Which is also called onychia?

    D) Cutaneous Candidiasis
  24. Nystatin is:

    A) an antifungal agent used to treat Candidiasis
  25. A “yeast infection” in humans usually refers to:

    B) the infection due to Candida albicans
  26. Tinea diseases are dermatophytoses caused by several different genera of fungi. Each of the following is identified in this chapter as causing tinea except:

    D) Emmonsiella
  27. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

    D) Tinea cruris - nail ringworm
  28. Pneumocyctis jirovecii was formerly in the:

    A) Kingdom Protista
  29. Often thrives in earwax:

    B) Aspergillus fumigatus
  30. The drug often used to treat cryptococcosis is:

    C) Fluconazole
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Microbiology Mycology Review
Mycology Review