Muhammad Placing the Black Stone on his Cloak, illuminated manuscript, 1315
mosque lamp, glass, Egypt c. 1329-1335
Taj-Mahal, India, 1632-1647
The Last Judgment, tympanum-west portal, Sainte-Foy, France, c. 1065
Effigy tomb of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Fontevrault Abbey, France, c. 1202
palace chapel at Aachen, Odo of Metz, c. 792-805
Exterior-Chartres Cathedral, France, c. 1134-1513
Flying buttresses, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris, c. 1211-1290
The Tree of Jesse window, Chatres Cathedral, France, c. 1150-1170
Jamb statues, west portal, Chatress Cathedral, France, c. 1145-1170
Knight and a Lady playing chess, ivory mirror case, France, c.1300-1325
Prudence, marble sculpture, pulpit of Pisa Cathedral, Giovanni Pisano, Italy, 1302-1310
Allegory of Good Government, fresco in the Palazzo Pubblico, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Siena, 1338-1339
Tres Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry), illuminated manuscript by the Limbourg brothers, made in France by Dutch artists, c. 1410
Vitruvian Man, pen and ink, Da Vinci, 1487
Sacrifice of Isaac, gilt bronze relief for the doors of the Babtistery of Florence, Ghiberti, 1401-1402
dome of Florence Cathedral, Brunelleschi, dome 1420-1436, lantern c.1446
Birth of Venus, tempera on canvas, Boticelli, c. 1486, Florence
Merode Altarpiece, oil on panel, Robert Campin, Flemish, c. 1426
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami, oil on panel, Jan van Eyck, Flemish, c.1434
The Large Turf, watercolor, Albrecht Dürer, German, c. 1503
Characteristics of Islam
- Concentration on the written word. Calligraphy.
- Aniconic
- Koran text is written everywhere. Shows that Allah is everywhere.
- Repeating complex pattern. submission to rituals, used as meditation.
Characteristics of Early Medieval
- borrowing from the Romans.
- everything was used for teaching
- church dominates
- god over individual
Characteristics of Late Gothic
- Christian theme
- verticallity (god)
- pilgrimage
- courtly love
Characteristics of Proto Renaissance
- rationality
- humanism
- complexity
- fascination with the classical world
- expanded roles of women
- Individualism
Characteristics of Florentine Renaissance
- Rationality
- humanism
- complexity
- fascination with the classical world
- expanded roles of women
- individualism
Characteristics of Northern Renaissance
- Humanism
- complexity
- rationality
- materialism
- fascination with classical world
- expanded roles for women
- individualism
Venetian and Roman/ Vatican Renaissance
- Rationality
- humanism
- complexity
- fascination with thte classical world
- indiviualism
- expanded roles of women