Chapter 17 Bio Lecture

  1. Human Genome Project
    the sequencing of genome
  2. bioformatics
    a field of science developed to analyze DNA sequences
  3. hierarchical sequencing
    • a method for genome sequencing
    • steps
    • -ID short markers along chromosomes
    • -pieces cut and sequenced marker to marker
  4. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)
    fragments inserted here then that inserted into bacteria
  5. genomic library
    a collection of clones containing many different fragments of a genome
  6. Shotgun Sequencing
    a method involving directly cutting genomic DNA into smaller, overlapping fragments
  7. high-throughput sequencing
    fast cheap ways to sequence and analyze large genomes
  8. functional genomics
    the biological discipline that assigns functions to the products of genes
  9. comparative genomics
    the comparing of genome sequences from different organisms
  10. transposable elements
    segments of DNA sequences that can move from place to place in the genome
  11. transposons
    elements that carry additional genes
  12. metagenomics
    describes the analyzing genes without isolating the intact organisms
  13. gene families
    groups of closely related genes
  14. pseudogenes
    nonfunctional genes that arise from mutations (represented by greek letters)
  15. highly repetitive sequences
    short sequences that are repeated thousands of times in tandem arrangements in the genome
  16. moderately repetitive sequences
    short sequences repeated 10-1000 times in a genome
  17. haplotype
    a linked piece of chromosome formed from SNPs
  18. proteome
    the total amount of protiens produced by an organism (more complex than its genome)
  19. metabolome
    the quantitative description of all the small molecules in a cell or organism
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Chapter 17 Bio Lecture
Ch 17 "Genomes"