
  1. five signs of stroke?
  2. does blood pressure drop, or get higher with a stroke?
    its higher. hypertension.
  3. what is hypotension?
    for falls and syncopy. postural hypostension?
  4. what is hypoglycemia?
  5. osteoporosis is what?
  6. how do you reduce swelling?
  7. cause of stroke.
  8. how do you manage multiple sclerosis?
  9. quadrapalegic?
  10. peripelegic?
  11. angina pectoris is?
  12. are men higher risk for UTI's?
  13. if someone just had a stroke, would they start rehab one week after?
  14. what is congestive heart failure?
    affects the right and left side of heart. heart cannot pump properly. -weight gain from edema/ lungs fluid.
  15. inflammation of bladder caused by bacteria in the bladder is?
  16. type one diabetes is treated with:
  17. hypoglycemia is not caused by :

    eating too much, too much exercise, vomitting.
    eating too much food.
  18. define incontinence:
    loss of control over urination, or BM. loss of control of elimination.
  19. dysuria:
  20. incontinence:
  21. urinary system removes waste from? producing how much urine?
  22. three symptoms of diabetes?
  23. urine has a _____________ odour?
  24. define hypoglycemia:
    low blood sugar
  25. list five symptoms of hypoglycemia:
    shaky, disorientation, pale and cool skin. dizziness.
  26. what is osteoarthritis?:
    inflammation of bones and joints
  27. three symptoms of osteoarthritis:
    stiffness, pain everywhere, swelling
  28. rheumatoid arthritis is:
    affect major organs, plus swelling/ inflammation of bones and joints.
  29. what is renal failure:
  30. list three symptoms of renal failure:
    yellow, dry, itchy skin. - hypertension- inflammation of mouth
  31. what is a urinary tract infection?
    infection caused by microbes entering the urethra
  32. what is cystitis?
    inflammation of bladder caused by bacteria
  33. pyelonephritis:
    inflammation of kidney or pelvis
  34. diabetes?
    disorder in which the body cannot produce or use insulin properly
  35. hyperthyroidism:
    disorder caused by an overactive thyroid gland so all of the bodys process speeds up due to excess thyroid hormone
  36. what is constipation?
  37. common time for fecal elimination:
    after meals, peristalsis.
  38. transient achemic attack:
    a mini stroke, a sign that a big stroke is coming
  39. parkinsons disease:
    dopamine producing cells in the brain are progessively destroyed
  40. epilepsy:
    multiple seizure
  41. hypertension:
    bp high
  42. coronary artery disease:
  43. four warning signs of myocardial infarction:
  44. arrhythmia is what?:
  45. congestive heart failure is what?:
  46. cerebrovascular accident is what?
  47. parkinsons disease is what?
  48. epilepsy is what?
  49. difference between right side, and left sided heart failure?
    left sided heart failure will back into lungs. right side will go back into body.
  50. huntingtons disease is what?
    inherited disorder that destroys brain cells causing uncontrolled movements, emotional disturbances, and cognitive losses.
  51. what is amyotrophic lateral scleroisis?:
  52. what is multiple sclerosis?
    disease in which myelin is attacked, so nerve impluses are not sent to and from the brain in a normal manner, which causes impairment or loss or function.
  53. removal of all or part of extremity is:
  54. what disease causes bones to be pourus and brittle?
  55. hemiplegic is:
    one side of body is paralyzed.
  56. stroke is:
  57. stroke occurs in:
    bleeding in brain, or blood clot.
  58. warning sign of stroke is:
  59. symptom management for arthritis:
    weight loss, diet changes, gate aids, tyelonol.
  60. syonosis:
    turning blue
  61. drainage under a cast, chills fever, or vomitting means:
  62. caring for a client who had a stroke observe:
    loss of movement (hemiplegic), loss of facial muscle control. asphagia, loss of ability to speak aphasia. mood change.
  63. joint stiffness occurs in osteoarthritis with activity and ROM exercises. true or false?
  64. rheumatoid arthritis in children can affect growth and development. t or f
  65. rheumatoid arthritis affets only the large weight-bearing joints. t or f
    fasle. it affects all joints and tissues.
  66. arthroplasty is done to cure arthritis, t or f
  67. you can prevent osteoporisis by taking calcium and having a regular exercise program. t or f
  68. when turning and repositioning a client with osteoporosis, you should move him quickly to prevent fractures. t or f
    false. move slowly to prevent fractures.
  69. you must protect a client with osteoporisis from falls because he or she is at high risk for injuries. t or f
  70. an infant who has a fracture may be a victim of child abuse. t or f
  71. phantom limb pain occurs when a client has had an amputation. t or f
  72. a stroke occurs when brain cells get too much oxygen and too many nutrients. t or f
    false. a stroke occurs when there is a blood clot in the brain
  73. if the kidney does not recieve enough blood:
    the waste stays in the body. septicimia. because they are not recieving enough oxygen, they have a low urine output. all the waste remains in the body. the kidney is the filtration system of the body.
  74. is multiple sclerosis a short term acute disease?
    no its a progressive disease
  75. a client with chronic obstructive pulminary disease (COPD) is at risk for respiratory infections.
    yes, but WHY?
  76. angina pectoris occurs when vessels narrow and the heart pumps with more force. t or f
    chest pain occurs, and its because blood is pumping through narrowed arteries.
  77. activity will usually recieve angina pain in five minutes? t or f
    false, REST relieves it.
  78. a common term for a myocardial infarction:
    heart attack
  79. the goal of cardiac rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction is to:
    prevent another heart attack
  80. when a client has renal calculi, do you strain the urine?
  81. when a client has crhonic renal failure, only the renal system is affected.
    FAlse. its systemic
  82. what type of arhtritis occurs in children?
    rheumatoid arthritis
  83. goals in treating rheumatoid arthritis:
    maintain joint motion, control pain, prevent deformations
  84. when a client has osteoporosis, a fracture can occur when they _____ because _____________.
    • -fall
    • -their bones are very brittle and porous.
  85. a child falls and has signs/symptoms of a fracture this includes:
    bruising, swelling, pain, bleeding, limb appearing bent.
  86. what measures would be helpful to use when you care for a client with a stroke:
    assistance with ADL's, monitor swallowing, skin care.
  87. a client with parkinsons disease may need assistance with:
    safety, ADL's
  88. a client with COPD must stop:
    -having sex
  89. a client with amphysema can breathe more easily if they sit:
    -upright in fowlers position
    -flat on ground.
    -no sitting, strict bedrest
    fowlers position
  90. why are exercise and physical therapy ordered for a client with parkinsons disease?
    strength, posture, mobility, balance.
  91. how can you help a client with pneumonia to breathe more easily and be more comfortable?
    fluids-fowlers postion-assist with oxygen and meds.
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