English Vocab Q2

  1. Proffer
    • to present for acceptance
    • to offer
  2. ululating
    • howl
    • wail
  3. inimical
    • unfriendly
    • hostile
  4. specious
    • deceptive
    • false
  5. mirage
    an optical illusion
  6. effulgence
  7. enmity
    • hatred
    • hostility
  8. decorous
    • marked by propriety and good taste
    • correct
  9. interposed
    • intrude
    • interrupt
    • intervene
  10. strident
    characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound
  11. eccentric
    • odd
    • unusual
  12. timid
    • shy
    • lacking in courage or self-confidence
  13. pallid
    • dull
    • wan
    • lacking color or liveliness
  14. mortification
    severe embarrassment
  15. suffusion
    • fill
    • infuse
  16. clouted
    to hit forcefully
  17. crag
    a steep rugged rock or cliff
  18. ascent
    • climb
    • the act of rising
  19. pliant
    • pliable
    • easily influenced
    • yielding
  20. embroiled
    drawn into a conflict or a fight
  21. bastion
    • stronghold; fortification
    • fortress
  22. gesticulated
  23. induced
    to move by persuasion or influence
  24. grave
  25. errant
    • behaving wrongly
    • straying outside the proper path
  26. martyr
    to endure suffering or death on behalf of a cause
  27. ebullience
    • the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings
    • exuberance
  28. quota
    the number or amount contributing to a share
  29. officious
    • too eager to offer advice or help
    • meddling
  30. indignity
  31. assent
    • agree
    • concur
  32. recrimination
  33. festoon
    to hang a string or chain of flowers, ribbons, or other bright decorations
  34. avid
    • urgently eager
    • vigorous pursuit
  35. trod
    • tread
    • walk
  36. inscrutable
    • not easily understood
    • secret
    • mysterious
  37. vicissitudes
    changing conditions
  38. contrite
    feeling or showing sorrow and remorse
  39. clarity
    • clear
    • lucid
  40. feeble
  41. declivities
    deep slopes
  42. tacit
      1. implied or indicated, but not actually expressed
    • gaudy
      • overly showy
      • flashy
    • susurration
      • a whispering sound
      • murmur
    • opalescence
      reflecting an iridescent light
    • myriad
      • a great number
      • innumerable
    • vagrant
      • wanderer
      • rover
    • dismal
      • disastrous
      • dreadful
      • causing gloom or depression
    • malevolently
      • evilly
      • wickedly
    • lament
      • weep
      • mourn
    • apex
      • vertex
      • uppermost point
      • tip
    • reverence
      • respect
      • admiration
    • ineffectual
      • not effective
      • weak
    • derisive
      • ridiculing
      • mocking
    • truculently
      • fiercely
      • cruelly
    • obscure
      • to conceal or hide
      • vague
      • cryptic
    • mimicry
      • to imitate
      • to copy
    • discursive
      • rambling
      • moving from topic to topic without order
    • incantation
      • use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as
      • a part of a ritual
    • emphatic
      uttered with or marked by emphasis
    • diffident
      • reserved
      • unassertive
      • shy
    • rebuke
      to reprimand
    • propitiating
      • to pacify
      • appease
      • conciliate
    • somber
      • serious
      • grave
      • melancholy
    • clamor
      • loud noise
      • continual uproar
    • dun
      marked by dullness or drabness
    • wallow
      to roll or lie in mud or water for fun
    • woebegone
      • sad
      • sorrowful
    • obtuse
      • insensitive
      • stupid
      • dull
    • curt
      • marked by rudeness or shortness
      • brusque
    • traverse
      43. crossing
    • impervious
      • not affected by
      • impenetrable
    • torrid
      very hot
    • multitudinous
    • rapt
      • wholly absorbed
      • engrossed
    Card Set
    English Vocab Q2
    English Vocab words for second quarter