
  1. Achaemenid Empire
    • 400
    • Iran
    • -at height governed abt 30 mil ppl
    • used irragation systems to farm
  2. Byzantine Empire
    • 500
    • Western Europe
    • struck by bonic plague
    • almost everyone was christian
  3. Han Dynasty
    • 206
    • China
    • ecouraged study of Confucianism
    • used Qin govt as blueprint for own
  4. Aksum
    • 300
    • Ethiopia
    • profited from taxing trade
    • helped spread christianity
  5. Sasanian Empire
    • 600
    • Iran
    • ruled with the Parthians
    • practice own religion
  6. Tang Dynasty
    • 700
    • China
    • Succecded the Sui Dynasty
    • built new capital chang'an
  7. Ghana
    • 800
    • west africa
    • part of mali kingdom
    • orgiginated as small settlements
  8. Abbasid Caliphate
    • 800
    • Baghdad
    • paper making factory
    • claimed decent from Muhammad
  9. Song dynasty
    • 1000
    • China
    • greater civilian rule
    • united both N&S China
  10. Mali
    • 1230
    • West Africa
    • centered on Niger River
    • each king had a griot
  11. ottoman empire
    • 1300
    • Greece
    • used islamic law to protect local society
    • captured ppl~forced them to join army
  12. delhi sultanate
    • 1300
    • Central Asia
    • founded by former slaves
    • controlled nearly all the Indian subcontinent at height
  13. Ming Dynasty
    • 1400
    • China
    • civil service exams
    • under ming ruler no chance of of advancing social status
  14. Aztec Empire
    • 1400
    • Mexico
    • Spoke Nahuatl
    • sacrificed blood and ppl to sustain gods
  15. Inca Empire
    • 1500
    • Andes
    • intergrated conquered ppl into empire
    • conqured ppl to farm land
Card Set
time, place 2 facts