
  1. misanthropist
    a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.
  2. Sinewy
    consisting of or resembling sinews
  3. tacit
    understood or implied without being stated
  4. laconic
    using very few words
  5. sagacity
    the quality of good judgement
  6. diabolical
    pertaining to or actuating to the devil
  7. taciturn
    inclined to silence
  8. surmise
    to think or infer without certain or strong evidence
  9. ensconcing
    settling securely, sheltering
  10. miscreants
    villain, vicious or depraved person
  11. obviate
    to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures
  12. tome
    a volume forming part of a larger work
  13. Lachrymose
    suggestive of or tending to cause tears
  14. orisons
  15. dour
    stern, severe, gloomy
  16. catechism
    a series of formal questions
  17. superfluous
    being more than is sufficient or required
  18. malevolence
    the quality, state, or feeling of being malevolent
  19. Evince
    to show clearly, make evident or manifest
  20. stolidity
    not easily stirred or moved mentally
  21. recantation
    the withdrawal (of a statement)
  22. obviate
    to anticipate and prevent or eliminate (difficulties, disadvantages, etc.) by effective measures
  23. insipid
    without distinctive, interesting, or stimulating qualities
  24. detestation
    hatred, a person or thing detested
  25. propitiate
  26. physiognomy
    the outward appearance of anything
Card Set
English vocab