An individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
Grand Theories
- Generated by early theorists aimed at explaining human nature.
- Modern research focuses on specific components of personality such as traits, uniqueness, and concept of self.
Psychoanalytic Perspective
- Comprehensive theory of human personality proposed by Sigmund Freud.
- Focus on unconcious, psychosexual stages, and defense mechanisms.
The Unconscious Mind
A reservoir of unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories which needs to accessed in order to understand human behavior.
Accessing the Unconscious
- Through free association, examination of slips of the tongue, and dream analysis
- (Freudian Slips)
The royal road to the unconscious
Manifest Content
The story of the dream, whatever you remember.
Latent Content
What the dream meant, determined by psychoanalyst
Personality Structure
Id, Ego, Superego
Pleasure principle (Babies)
Reality principle: understanding that one does not always get what one wants
Expects perfections; that we should never do anything other than ideal; results in feeling guilt, telling us that we are bad
Oral Psychosexual Stage
- During breast feeding.
- Oral Fixations: someone who continues to require oral stimulation
Anal Psychosexual Stage
- During potty training
- Anal Retentive: Excessive attention to detail; punished for accidents; enjoying the control
- Anal Expulsive: delights in the sensation of release; very messy, laid back, little attention to detail
Phallic Psychosexual Stage
- Penis
- Oedipal Complex: males develop sexual feelings toward mother; seeing father as competition; Castration anxiety forms when son sees mother's lack of penis, identifying with father
Latency Psychosexual Stage
Genital Psychosexual Stage
- Puberty
- Center of sexual stimulation
Personality Development
Series of psychosexual stages: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Ego Defense Mechanisms
Repression, Regression, Reaction Formation, Projection, Rationalization, Displacement, Sublimation
Pushing out negative thoughts from consciousness
Regressing to a former state when there was less anxiety
Reaction Formation
I form an opinion to counteract something that reminds us of ourselves (if racist, acting in opposite way, anti-KKK)
My uncomfortable thoughts project onto someone else (Instead of hating them, they hate me)
Giving an explanation for uncomfortable feelings (like psych but failing, therefore, not liking psych)
Acting out on someone else who is not the source of anxiety (Having a bad day and taking it out on someone else)
Taking anxiety and channeling it toward something artistic
Alfred Adler, Karen Horney, Carl Jung
Alfred Adler
Inferiority Complex: comparing self to others can have a negative impact on self
Karen Horney
Balance between masculine and feminine
Carl Jung
Collective Unconscious: We can see things across cultures that are relatable
Projective Tests
Thematic Apperception Test and Rorschach Inkblot Tests
Thematic Apperception Test
Seeing a picture and telling a story about it
Rorschach Inkblot Test
Based on what the patient tells you, psychologist would say what it meant
Humanistic Perspective
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers