AutoFilter - Custom
To display only the records of Williams or Berman, click the sort and filter arrow in the Salesperson column heading then point to Text Filters, and then click Contains to display the Custom AutoFilter dialog box. Type Williams in the top right box, then click the Or option and select contains from the list box in the bottom left. Type Berman in the bottom right box, and then click OK to apply the filter.
AutoFilter - Display
Display the Sort & Filter menu by clicking the Sort & Filter button in the Editing group on the Ribbon. Click the Filter button on the Sort & Filter menu to add a filter to cell A2.
AutoFilter - Select
Filter the data in the table so that only sales made by Jennifer Berman appear in the table by clicking the filter arrow in the Salesperson column heading. Deselect the (Select All) check box then click the Jennifer Berman check box and click OK.
AutoFit Column
Double-click the boundary to the right of the column C heading to use AutoFit to modify the width of column C so that it fits the contents of the column.
Cell Formatting - Remove
In the Styles group on the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the Cell Styles button to open the Cell Styles gallery, then click the Normal style to clear the formatting from the selected cell in the current workbook.
Center Across Cells
Merge the range B4-C4 and center the contents of cell B4 across the range by clicking the Merge & Center button in the Alignment group on the Ribbon.
Clear Cells
On the Ribbon in the Editing group, click the Clear button and use the Clear Contents command to clear the contents from the selection.
Close Workbook
From the Office menu, Click Close.
Copy Cells
In the Clipboard group on the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the Copy button.
Create New Workbook - Blank
Click the New command on the Office menu and then click Create to create a new workbook based on the Blank template.
Cut Cells
Click the Cut button in the Clipboard group on the Ribbon to cut the contents of the Total Amount fields that are currently selected.
Delete Cells
Select the range A13:C13, click the Delete arrow on the Ribbon, click Delete Cells, click OK.
Delete Rows
In the Cells group on the Home tab, click the Delete arrow, and then click Delete Sheet Rows to delete the selected row from the worksheet.
Enter Number
Type 350000 in the selected cell in the current workbook, then press ENTER.
Exit Excel
From the Office menu, click Exit Excel.
Fill Series - Drag and Drop
Fill the range A4:A19 by continuing the series started in the range A2:A3 by positioning the pointer over the fill handle and dragging down to cell A19 before releasing the mouse.
Find Text
Click Find & Select in the Editing group on the Ribbon and then click Find to launch the Find and Replace dialog box. In the Find and Replace dialog box, type Bauer in the Find what text box and click the Find Next button to search for the name Bauer in the worksheet.
Go To
Click the Name box arrow and click Wolack to go to the cell range named Wolak.
Help - Display Help Contents
Click the Microsoft Office Excel Help button to open Excel Help. Click the Show Table of Contents button to display the table of contents.
Help - Search
Click the Microsoft Office Excel Help button to open the Excel Help window. In the Excel Help window, type function in the Search text box and click Search to find topics containing the word function.
Insert Cells
Click the Insert arrow in the Cells group on the Ribbon, and then click the Insert Cells command to open the Insert dialog box. In the Insert dialog box, click OK to insert cells in the currently selected Dues Collected 2009 column (H) of the workbook, shifting the existing cells to the right.
Insert Row
In the Cells group on the Ribbon, click the Insert arrow. Click Insert Sheet Rows.
Keyboard Navigation
Press CTRL+END to move to the last cell in the worksheet.
Merge Cells
In the Alignment group on the Home tab, click the Merge & Center arrow, and then click Merge Cells to merge the selected cells into a single cell.
Modify Number
Change the number in cell B3 in the current worksheet from 41,255 to 40,100 by clicking cell B3, and then typing 40,100. Then press ENTER to complete the change.
Move Cells
To move the contents of cell B9 to cell B10, point to the border of the selected cell B9. When the pointer becomes a move pointer, hold down the left mouse button, drag cell B9 to cell B10, and then release the mouse button.
Number Format - Currency
Apply the Accounting number format to the values in the range E2:E20 by clicking the Accounting Number Format button in the Number group on the Ribbon.
Number Format - Date
In the Number group on the Ribbon, click the Format Cells dialog box launcher to display the Format Cells dialog box. Click the Date format March 14, 2001, and then Click OK to apply the changes.
Open Workbook
From the Office menu, click Open. In the Open dialog box, double-click the Financials folder. Double-click FG Profit.
Paste Cells
In the Clipboard group on the Ribbon, click the Paste button to paste the last item placed on the Clipboard into the selected range.
Paste Link
Click the Paste button arrow in the Clipboard group on the Ribbon and then click Paste Link to add a linked copy of the data currently saved to the clipboard to cells D17-E17.
Click the Redo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to restore the recent change.
Replace Text
In the Editing group on the Ribbon, click the Find & Select button and then click Replace to open the Find and Replace dialog box. In the Find and Replace dialog box, click Replace All to replace all instances of Pool with Swim.
Select a cell
Click cell B13 to select it.
Select Column
Click the B column header to select all of the cells in column B.
Select Worksheet
Select all cells in the worksheet by clicking the Select All button in the upper-left corner of the worksheet.
Display the Sort & Filter menu by clicking the Sort & Filter button in the Editing group on the Ribbon. Then click the Sort A to Z button on the Sort & Filter menu to sort the selected records in ascending order.
Align Cell Contents
Right align the contents of the range A13:A17 by clicking the Align Text Right button in the Alignment group on the Ribbon.
Apply Style
In the Styles group on the Ribbon, click Cell Styles, and then click Explanatory under Data and Model to apply the Explanatory style to the selected range.
Open the AutoCorrect Options dialog box by clicking the Office button, clicking Excel Options, clicking the Proofing tab, then clicking AutoCorrect Options. Check the Capitalize names of days checkbox to enable this feature, then click OK.
Autoformat - Table
To format the cell range A1:H19 as a table and apply the Table Style Light 1 style, click the Format as Table button in the Styles group on Home tab on the Ribbon, and then click Table Style Light 1.
Bold Cell Contents
Apply Bold format to the text in cell A2 by clicking the Bold button in the Font group on the Ribbon.
Border Lines
Apply a Thick Box border to all sides of cell A8 by clicking the Bottom Border arrow in the Font group on the Ribbon, then clicking the Thick Box Border option on the Border menu.
Center Across Cells
Merge the range B4-C4 and center the contents of cell B4 across the range by clicking the Merge & Center button in the Alignment group on the Ribbon.
Color Text
In the Font group on the Ribbon, click the Font Color arrow. Under Theme Colors, click the Red, Accent 2 color.
Column Width
Display the Format menu by clicking the Format button in the Cells group on the Ribbon. Then select Column Width to open the Column Width dialog box. Type 18 as the new width then click OK.
Convert a hyperlink to regular text
Right-click the merged range B5:C5, then click Remove Hyperlink on the shortcut menu.
Display formula contents
On the Formulas tab on the Ribbon, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button to show formulas.
Font Size
Click the Font Size list arrow in the Font group on the Ribbon to display a list of available fonts. Then click 14 in the list.
Apply the Arial font face to cell A17 by clicking the Font arrow in the Font group on the Ribbon then clicking Arial in the Font menu.
Format - Copy
In the Clipboard group on the Ribbon, click the Format Painter button to copy the formatting of the selected cell.
Format cells before entering data
In the Number group on the Ribbon, click the Number Format arrow, then click Currency.
Header Rows Repeat
In the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the Print Titles button to open the Page Setup dialog box. Then, click in the Rows to repeat at top text box, click anywhere in the selected cells, and click the OK button, to ensure that Row 1 in the current workbook repeats when printing the worksheet.
Headers and Footers
Display the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon. Click the Page Setup dialog box launcher to launch the Page Setup dialog box, then click the Header/Footer tab to display it. Choose Rates01 from the Header drop down list. Then click OK.
Hide Column
Hide column D by clicking the Format button in the Cells group on the Ribbon, then on the Format menu, point to Hide & Unhide and click Hide Columns to hide column D.
Indent Cell Contents
In the Alignment group on the Home tab, click the Increase Indent button to increase the text indent of the selected cell.
Italicize Cell Contents
In the Font group on the Ribbon, click the Italic button to apply the italic format to the text in cell A2.
Click the Page Layout tab, then click the Margins button and click Custom Margins on the Margins menu. In the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box, type 1.5 in the Top and Bottom boxes, then click OK.
Modify row height
Modify the height of row 12 so that it fits the contents of the row or is 19.5 points by double-clicking the boundary below the Row 12 heading.
Click the Orientation button in the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon to change the orientation of the worksheet from Portrait to Landscape.
Page Break
Right-click the selected cell to display the shortcut menu. Specify that a new page will begin at the current cell-pointer location when the workbook prints by clicking Insert Page Break.
Panes - Freeze
On the View tab on the Ribbon, in the Window group, use the Freeze Panes button to freeze columns A and B in the worksheet so that they will remain visible when the worksheet is scrolled.
Paper Size
In the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab, click the Size button arrow to change the paper size to A4.
Print all worksheets in a workbook
In the current workbook, click the Office button, then click Print. In the Print what area of the Print dialog box, click the Entire workbook option button, then click OK.
Print Preview
Point to the Print command on the Office menu and then click Print Preview to see the correct document as it will look when it is printed.
Print Range
Print the selected cells in the current worksheet by clicking the Office button and then clicking the Print button to display the Print dialog box. In the Print dialog box, click the Selection radio button under Print what and then click OK.
Print Workbook
Click the Print command on the Office menu to open the Print dialog box. In the Print dialog box, click the Page(s) radio button and type 2 in the From text field and 3 in the To text field to print pages 2 and 3 of the current worksheet. Then, in the Number of copies field, type 2 to print two copies of the current worksheet and click OK to print.
Resize a chart
Click the bottom right corner sizing handle of the New Sales 2010 chart and drag the sizing handle down and to the left so that the chart's right edge is within column J and its bottom edge is within row 21.
Rotate and tilt a 3-D Pie chart
In the Background group on the Chart Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the 3-D Rotation button. Click the up arrow in the X box twice to change the 3-D rotation for the X-axis to 20 degrees, then click the up arrow in the Y box once to set the 3-D rotation for the Y-axis to 40 degrees, and click Close.
Rotate Text
Use the Orientation button in the Alignment group on the Home tab on the Ribbon to change the orientation of the text in the selected cells in the current workbook. Re-orient the text so that it rotates counterclockwise at a 45-degree angle.
Save a workbook as a PDF
In the current workbook, click the Office Button, point to Save As, then click PDF or XPS to open the Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box, and then click Publish.
Save a workbook with a password
To save a workbook with passwords, click the Office Button, and click Save As. In the Save As dialog box, click the Tools button, and then click General Options. In the General Options dialog box, type profit10 in the Password to open text box, type 22emp in the Password to modify text box, and then click OK. Enter the same passwords in the confirm dialog boxes. In the Save As dialog box, click Save, and then click Yes in the Confirm Save As dialog box.
Save in Different Location
Save the file Fit Gym Profix.xlsx onto a USB drive labeled G: by clicking the Office button and clicking Save As to open the Save As dialog box Then, in the Save As dialog box, double-click the G: drive to display the contents, name the file Profits.xlsx, and click Save.
Save Workbook
From the Office menu, Click Save As and the File name text box appears. Type 2010 Rates and click the Save button.
Scale Worksheet
In the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the Page Setup dialog box launcher to open the Page Setup dialog box. On the Page tab in the Page Setup dialog box, click the Fit to radio button to set the worksheet to print on one page and then click the OK button.
Set Print Area
To set the print area for the selected cells, use the Print Area button in the Page Setup group on the Page Layout tab.
Split a window into panes
Split the window into two horizontal panes so that the top pane's bottom row is row 19 by clicking the View tab, then clicking the Split button in the Window group.
Text File - Save
Save the Fit Gym Sales Data workbook as a comma-delimited text file named Fit Gym Sales Data.csv.
Underline Cell Contents
Click the Underline button in the Font group on the Ribbon to underline the selected cell.
Unhide columns
In the Cells group on the Ribbon, click the Format button, point to Hide & Unhide, and then click Unhide Columns to unhide columns C and D in the worksheet.
Wrap Text
Click the Wrap Text button in the Alignment group on the Ribbon to wrap the text contained in the current cell.
Click the Zoom button in the Zoom group on the View tab on the Ribbon to open the Zoom dialog box. In the Zoom dialog box, click the 200% option button and then click OK to change the Zoom setting for the current worksheet to 200%.
Absolute Cell Address
With the cursor in the Formula Bar, press the F4 key so that the G3 cell reference becomes absolute $G$3. Then press ENTER.
Add a macro button to a worksheet
To add a macro to the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click the Quick Access Toolbar, then click Customize Quick Access Toolbar. In the Excel Options dialog box, select Macros in the Choose commands from list, click the Final macro, and then click Add. Click OK to close the Excel Options dialog box.
Add a total row to a table
In the Table Style Options group on the Table Tools Design tab on the Ribbon, click the Total Row check box to add a total row to the table in the worksheet.
Create a formula using Formula AutoComplete
In cell H7, type =s, click the scroll bar in the Formula AutoComplete drop-down list, and then double-click SUM. Click and drag to select the range B7:G7. Type ), and then press ENTER.
Create a formula using the FV function
In the Insert Function dialog box in the current worksheet, click the Or select a category arrow, and click Financial. Then, in the Select a function list, click the scroll bar, click FV, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Create a PivotTable
In the Tables group on the Insert tab on the Ribbon, click the PivotTable button. In the Create PivotTable dialog box, click OK to create the PivotTable on a new worksheet.
Create a scenario
In the Data Tools group on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click the What-If Analysis button, then click Scenario Manager. Click Add in the Scenario Manager dialog box, type Original Figures in the Scenario name box, then click OK.
Create a two-input data table
In the Data Tools group on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click the What-If Analysis button, and then click Data Table. In the Data Table dialog box, with the insertion point in the Row input cell box, click cell B7 in the worksheet. Click in the Column input cell box, click cell B6 in the worksheet, and then click OK to calculate the mortgage payment options based on varying interest rates and loan terms.
Create formulas using the AND function
In the Insert Function dialog box, click the Or select a category arrow, and click Logical. Then, in the Select a function list, click AND, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Create formulas using the AVERAGE function
On the Home tab on the Ribbon, in the Editing group, click the Sum arrow and then click the Average command to use the AVERAGE function to calculate an average.
Create formulas using the IF function
In the Function Library group on the Formulas tab, click the Logical button, and then click IF in the list of functions.
Create formulas using the MAX function
In the Editing group on the Ribbon, click the Sum arrow, click Max, and then press ENTER.
Create formulas using the MIN function
In the Editing group on the Ribbon, click the Sum arrow, click MIN, then press ENTER to insert a formula for the MIN function in the current worksheet.
Create formulas using the NOT function
In the Insert Function dialog box, select Logical in the Or select a category list, click NOT in the Select a function list, then click OK.
Create formulas using the NOW function
In the Insert Function dialog box, select Date & Time in the Or select a category list, click the scroll bar, then click NOW in the Select a function list, and click OK.
Create formulas using the OR function
In the Insert Function dialog box, click the Or select a category: arrow, and click Logical. Then, in the Select a function: list, click OR, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Create formulas using the PMT function
In the Insert Function dialog box in the current spreadsheet, click the Or select a category arrow, and click Financial. Then, click the scroll bar in the Select a function box, click the PMT function, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Create formulas using the PV function
In the Insert Function dialog box in the current worksheet, click the Or select a category arrow, and click Financial. Then, click the scroll bar in the Select a function list, click PV, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Create formulas using the TODAY function
In the Insert Function dialog box, select Date & Time in the Or select a category list, click the scroll bar, then click TODAY in the Select a function list, and click OK.
Customize Excel Options
In the current worksheet, click the Office button, and then click Excel Options. In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Proofing tab, and then click the Ignore words that contain numbers check box to deselect it. Click OK.
Delete Sheet
In the Cells group on the Ribbon, click the Delete arrow. Click Delete Sheet to display the warning dialog box, and then click Delete.
Edit a calculated column
Double-click cell G2, select ".1" in the formula, type .2, and press ENTER.
Format worksheet tabs
In the Cells group on the Ribbon, click the Format button, point to Tab Color, and click Orange under Standard Colors.
Formula - Add
Calculate an average for utilities by entering the formula =SUM(B6:M6)/12 in the Formula Bar.
Formula - Subtract
Calculate the difference between the rent and other values for January by typing =B3-SUM(B4:B9) in the Formula Bar.
Function - Autosum
In the Editing group on the Ribbon click the Sum button to insert the SUM function into the selected cells.
Function - Math
On the Insert Function dialog box click the arrow button in the Or select a category section. Click Math & Trig. Scroll through the list of functions in the Select a function list until you reach ROUND. Click ROUND then click OK.
Generate a Linear Trend
In the Editing group on the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the Fill button, and then click Series. In the Series dialog box, click the Trend check box, and then click OK.
Goal Seek
On the Data tab on the Ribbon, in the Data Tools group, click the What-If Analysis button and use the Goal Seek command to open the Goal Seek dialog box. Use the Goal Seek dialog box to change the value in cell B3 so that the result of the formula in cell H18 is $100,000.00 by typing $100,000.00 in the To value box and B3 in the By changing cell box. Click OK twice to start the analysis.
Group and ungroup worksheets
In the Connections group on the Data tab, click the Edit Links button. In the Edit Links dialog box, click Break Link, then click Break Links in the Microsoft Office Excel dialog box to break the link between the two workbooks.
Hide worksheets in a workbook
Hide the Rates 2009 worksheet.
Insert Worksheet
Click the Insert Worksheet tab at the bottom of the screen to insert a new worksheet to the right of the existing worksheets in the current workbook.
Macro - Play
Click the Developer tab then click the Macros button. In the Macros dialog box, select the FormatCells macro name if necessary, then click the Run button.
Macro - Record
To create a macro that makes the contents of a selected cell bold, click the Developer tab on the Ribbon. In the Code group, click the Record Macro button to open the Record Macro dialog box. Type the name Bold for the macro and then click OK to begin recording.
Modify Formula
With cell H4 as the active cell, select the contents of the Formula Bar up to the first (opening) parenthesis mark, and then type C4,D4) to change the formula in cell H4 from =SUM(B4:G4) to =SUM(C4,D4).
Move Sheet
Click the Rates2010 worksheet tab and drag it to the left of the Rates2009 worksheet tab. A small black triangle will appear indicating the position into which the worksheet will move. Release the mouse button.
Pivot Table - Modify
Right-click the selected cell to display the shortcut menu. Click the Summarize Data By button on the shortcut menu to display the submenu. Click Max on the submenu to change the summary function to Max.
Print formulas
In the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas tab on the Ribbon, click the Show Formulas button to display formulas in the current workbook. Click the Office Button, click Print, and then click OK in the Print dialog box to print the worksheet showing formulas instead of values.
Rename Worksheet
Double-click the Sheet1 worksheet tab, type Rates 2010 and then press ENTER to rename the worksheet to Rates 2010.
Save a workbook in a macro-enabled format
In the current workbook, click the Office Button, point to Save As, click Excel Macro-Enabled workbook, and then click Save.
Series - Fill Cells
Click the Fill button arrow in the Editing group on the Ribbon and then click Series to open the Series dialog box. In the Series dialog box, click the Month radio button in the Date unit and then click OK to enter the remaining months of the year in the selected cells.
Share data among worksheets using 3-D cell references in formulas
To use 3-D cell references in a formula in cell B18, type =SUM('Sheet1:Sheet3'!B18), and then press ENTER.
In the Outline group on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click the Subtotal button to open the Subtotal dialog box. Then, with the Total checkbox selected in the Add subtotal to list, click OK in the Subtotal dialog box to add subtotals to the selected range in the current workbook.
Summarize data using COUNTIF
In the Insert Function dialog box, click the Or select a category arrow, and click Statistical. Then, in the Select a function list, click the scroll bar, click COUNTIF, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Summarize data using SUMIF
In the Insert Function dialog box, click the Or select a category arrow, and click Math & Trig. Then, in the Select a function list, click the scroll bar, click SUMIF, and click OK to open the Function Arguments dialog box.
Toolbar - Customize
In the Clipboard group on the Ribbon, right-click the Cut button to display the shortcut menu, then click the Add to Quick Access Toolbar button.
Use relative references
Type the formula =C13*D13 in the formula bar to calculate a value using relative references. Press ENTER.
Use Solver
In the Analysis group on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click the Solver button. Click cell E18, then click the Value of option button, double-click the text box to the right of the Value of option button, and then type 55000. Next, click the By Changing Cells option button, and select the range B3:D3 in the worksheet. Click Add, then click cell B3, click >=, and type 44000 in the Constraint text box. Next, click Add, then click cell D3, click >=, and type 48000 in the Constraint text box. Click OK, and then click Solve.
Add comments attached to worksheet cells
In the Comments group on the Review tab on the Ribbon, click the New Comment button and then type Rent increase in September in the comment box to add the comment to cell H7 in the current workbook.
Add data labels
In the Labels group on the Chart Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the Data Labels button. On the Data Labels menu, click Outside End to add data labels above each column in the chart.
Apply a Quick Style to a chart
In the Chart Styles group of the Chart Tools Design tab on the Ribbon, click Style 3 to apply Style 3 to the New Sales 2010 chart in the current workbook.
Apply a theme to a worksheet
In the Themes group on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the Themes button to display the Theme gallery, then click the Equity theme to apply it to the current workbook.
Chart - Change Type
In the Type group on the Chart Tools Design tab on the Ribbon, click the Change Chart Type button to display the Change Chart Type dialog box. In the Column section of the Change Chart Type dialog box, click the 3-D Cone button. Click the OK button.
Chart - Create
Create a 3-D Clustered Column chart based on the data in the range A2:B8 by clicking the Insert tab on the Ribbon, then clicking the Column button in the Charts group. On the Column palette click the 3-D Clustered Column button.
Chart - Format
In the Labels group on the Chart Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon, click the Legend button, then select Show Legend at Left from the Legend menu to move the selected chart legend in the current workbook to the right of the chart.
Clip Art
Search for Clip Art that relates to money. Display the Clip Art pane by clicking the Insert tab on the Ribbon, then clicking the Clip Art button in the Illustrations group. In the Search for field of the Clip Art pane, type money then press the Go button.
Comment - Display
On the Review tab on the Ribbon, in the Comments group, choose Show All Comments to display all comments associated with this worksheet.
Comment - Edit
Select cell H18. On the Review tab on the Ribbon, in the Comments group, use the Edit Comment button to edit the comment on the selection. Replace the text "150K" within the comment with the text "200K".
Create charts using the pie chart types
In the Charts group on the Insert tab, click the Pie button, and then click Pie in 3-D to insert a three-dimensional pie chart based on the selected range.
Customize a theme
To create a new set of theme fonts for the FGSales worksheet, click the Fonts button in the Themes group on the Page Layout tab. In the Fonts theme gallery, click Create New Theme Fonts to open the Create New Theme Fonts dialog box, then type FGFonts in the Name text box, click the Heading font arrow, click the scroll bar in the Heading font list box, and click Century. Then, click the Body font arrow, and click Arial in the Body font list box. Finally, in the Create New Theme Fonts dialog box, click Save.
Delete a comment
In the Comments group on the Review tab on the Ribbon, click the Delete button to delete the comment from the selected cell.
Drawing - Group Objects
Click the Drawing Tools Format tab on the Ribbon then Click the Group button in the Arrange group. Click Group in the Group menu to group the objects.
E-mail a workbook from within Excel
Click the Office button, point to Send, and then click E-mail to e-mail the FG Profit workbook from within Excel.
Format cells with a color scale
In the Styles group on the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the Conditional Formatting button, then point to Color Scales and click the Yellow - Red Color Scale icon to apply conditional formatting to the selection in the current workbook.
Format cells with an icon set
In the Styles group on the Home tab on the Ribbon, click the Conditional Formatting button, then point to Icon Sets and click the Red To Black icon set in the sixth row to apply conditional formatting to the selected range in the current workbook.
Format cells with data bars
In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting button, and point to Data Bars to open the Data Bars gallery. Click the Blue Data Bar in the Data Bars gallery to format the selected cells in the current workbook.
Format chart data labels
In the Labels group on the Chart Tools Layout tab, click the Data Labels button and then click More Data Label Options. In the Label Options section of the Format Data Labels dialog box, click the Value check box to select it, and click the Percentage check box to deselect it, then click Close.
Format charts
Format the chart area of the New Sales 2010 chart with the Colored Fill - Accent 4 shape style.
Hyperlink - Edit
Right-click the selected cell then choose Edit Hyperlink on the shortcut menu. In the Address field of the Insert Hyperlink dialog box type http://www.fitgymusa.com. Click OK to make the change.
Hyperlink - Insert
In the Links group on the Insert tab, click the Hyperlink button, and choose the Rates.txt file by clicking the file name in the list of files in the current folder. Then click OK to create a hyperlink to the file.
Import Data
In the Get External Data group on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click the From Text button to open the Import Text File dialog box. Select the file Fit Gym Sales Data.csv, and click Import to open the Text Import Wizard. Click Next on the first screen of the Text Import Wizard to advance, and on the second screen of the Text Import Wizard, click the Comma check box in the Delimiters section. Finally, click Next again to advance to the next screen, which allows you to choose column data formats, to import comma-separated text data into the current workbook.
Import data from a Web page
To import data from a Web page, in the Get External Data group on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click the From Web button. In the New Web Query dialog box type http://fitness.gov/resources_factsheet.htm in the address field, then click the Go button. Click the small yellow box above the small yellow box next to Search, and then click Import. In the Import Data dialog box, click OK to import the Web data into the worksheet.
Import Text File
Click the From Text button in the Get External Data group on the Data tab to open the Import Text File dialog box. Select the file Fit Gym Sales Data.txt and then click Import.
Insert a SmartArt graphic
In the Illustrations group on the Insert tab, click the SmartArt button to open the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box. Then, under List, click the Vertical Box List SmartArt graphic to insert it into the current worksheet.
Merge Workbooks
Click the Compare and Merge Workbooks button on the Quick Access Toolbar, then in the Select Files to Merge Into Current Workbook dialog box, click FG Profit 2008.xlsx then hold the SHIFT key and click FG Profit 2009.xlsx, next click the OK button.
Picture - Insert
Click the Picture button in the Illustrations group on the Insert tab on the Ribbon to open the Insert Picture dialog box. Click the FGLogo file in the Pictures folder and then click Insert to insert the FGLogo picture into cell A1 of the current worksheet.
Position graphics
Reposition the FitGym graphic by dragging it in the worksheet so that it is centered within the range A2:A5.
Print a chart
To print the New Sales 2010 chart, click the Office button, click Print, and then click OK in the Print dialog box.
Protect Cells
Prepare to lock the selected cell A1 when the Protect Workbook feature is turned on by selecting Lock Cells from the Format menu in the Cells group on the Ribbon.
Protect Sheet
In the Changes group on the Review tab on the Ribbon, click the Protect Sheet button to open the Protect Sheet dialog box. In the Allow all users of this worksheet to list in the dialog box, click the checkboxes beside Format columns and Insert columns, then type the word Profits in the Password to unprotect sheet text box, and click OK. In the Confirm Password dialog box that opens, type Profits in the Reenter password to proceed text box, then click OK.
Protect workbooks
In the Changes group on the Review tab on the Ribbon, click the Protect Workbook button. On the Protect Workbook menu, click Protect Structure and Windows, then, in the Protect Structure and Windows dialog box, click the Windows check box, and then click OK.
Save worksheets as Web pages
In the current workbook, click the Office button, then click Save As on the Office menu. In the Save As dialog box, select Web Page in the Save as type list, click the Selection: Sheet option button, then click Save.
Click the Fill Color button arrow in the Font group on the Ribbon to display the Fill Color palette. Click the No Fill button on the Fill Color palette to remove the fill from the title cell which is currently selected.
Share Workbook
In the Changes group on the Review tab on the Ribbon, click the Share Workbook button to open the Share Workbook dialog box. On the Editing tab In the Share Workbook dialog box, click the check box next to Allow changes by more than one user at the same time, and then click OK to close the dialog box. In the Excel dialog box that appears, click OK to save the workbook as a shared workbook that multiple users can open and make changes to at the same time.
Track Changes
In the Changes group on the Review tab on the Ribbon, click the Track Changes button, then select Highlight changes from the Track Changes menu to open the Highlight Changes dialog box. In the Highlight Changes dialog box, select Angela Pomander in the Who list, then click OK to enable tracking changes for the user Angela Pomander.
Use a digital signature to authenticate a workbook
In the Text group on the Insert tab on the Ribbon, click the Signature Line button, then click OK in the Microsoft Office Excel dialog box. Type Mandy Emerson in the Suggested signer text box, then click OK.
Use Page Layout view
In the Workbook Views group on the View tab, click the Page Layout button to open Page Layout view.