
  1. bid
    Twice a day
  2. CVA
  3. Dx
  4. EKG/ECG
  5. Fx
  6. gtt
  7. HBA1c
    Glycosylated hemoglobin
  8. HTN
    High blood pressure
  9. itis
  10. K
  11. Nephro
  12. od
    Right eye
  13. po
    By mouth
  14. SQ
    Under the skin
  15. T cells
    Lymphocytes originating in the thymus gland
  16. T4
  17. Acute
    Sharp, sudden, and intense for a short period of time.
  18. Alkaline Phosphatase
    An enzyme present in blood and body tissue, such as bone and liver. Elevated in diseases such as those of bone and liver.
  19. Alopecia
    Loss of hair; baldness.
  20. Amenorrhea
    Absence of menstrual periods.
  21. Analgesic
    Medication that reduces or eliminates pain.
  22. Anemia
    Deficiency of hemoglobin and/or in number of red blood cells, in blood.
  23. Aneurysm
    Localized widening of the wall of an artery, of a vein, or of the heart.
  24. Angina
    Sharp pain in the chest resulting from a decrease in blood supply to heart muscle.
  25. Angioplasty
    Surgical repair of a blood vessel. A tube (catheter) is placed in a clogged artery, and a balloon at the end of the tube is inflated to flatten the clogged material against the wall of the artery.
  26. Angiotensin
    A hormone that is a powerful vasoconstrictor and raises blood pressure.
  27. Anterior
    Located in the front (of the body or of a structure).
  28. Anuria
    Lack of urine formation by the kidney.
  29. Aphasia
    Absence of impairment of communication through speech.
  30. Arthralgia
    Pain in a joint.
  31. Ascites
    Abnormal of collection of fluid in the abdomen.
  32. Atrophy
    Decrease in size of cells within an organ.
  33. Barium
    Substance used as a radiopaque (x-rays cannot pass through it) contrast medium for x-ray examination of the digestive tract.
  34. Bilirubin
    A red blood cell pigment extracted with bile from the liver into the intestine.
  35. Bradycardia
    Slow heart beat.
  36. Calculus
  37. Cardiomegaly
    Enlargement of the heart.
  38. Cardioversion
    Brief discharges of electricity passing across the chest to stop a cardiac arrhythmia called defibrillation.
  39. Cellulits
    Inflammation of soft tissue under the skin; it is marked by swelling, redness, and pain and is caused by bacterial infection.
  40. Cholecystectomy
    Removal of the gall bladder.
  41. Crohn(�s) disease
    Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (often the ileum) marked by bouts of diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever.
  42. Cirrhosis
    Liver disease with deterioration of the liver cells.
  43. Computed tomography scan
    X-ray images taken to show the body in cross-sectional views.
  44. Conjunctiva
    Thin protective membrane over the front of the eye and attached to the eyelids.
  45. Cortisol
    Anti-inflammatory hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex.
  46. Creatinine
    Nitrogen-containing waste that is removed from the blood by the kidney and excreted in the urine.
  47. Cyanosis
    Bluish discoloration of the skin due to deficient oxygen in the blood stream.
  48. Cystitis
    Inflammation of the urinary bladder.
  49. Debridement
    Removal of diseased tissue from the skin.
  50. Dermatitis
    Inflammation of the skin.
  51. Diverticula
    Small pouches or sacks created by herniation of mucous membrane linings, most commonly in the colon.
  52. Dyspnea
    Painful (labored, difficult) breathing.
  53. Dysuria
    Painful or difficult urination.
  54. Edema
    Swelling in tissues. It is often caused by retention of fluid and salts by the kidneys.
  55. Electrolyte
    Substances that conduct an electrical current and are found in blood and body cells.
  56. Embolus
    Foreign object (air, tissue, tumor or clot) that circulates in the blood stream until it lodges in a vessel.
  57. Encephalopathy
    Disease of the brain.
  58. Endoscopy
    Process of viewing the inside of hollow organs or cavities.
  59. Endocrine glands
    Organs that produce (secrete) hormones.
  60. Epinephrine
    Hormone secreted by the adrenal gland in response to stress and physical injury.
  61. Epithelial
    Pertaining to skin cells.
  62. Erythrocyte
    Red blood cell.
  63. Exacerbation
    Increase in the seriousness of a disease, with greater intensity in the signs or symptoms.
  64. Excision
    Act of cutting out, removing, or resecting.
  65. Fibrillation
    Rapid, irregular, involuntary muscular contraction. Atrial and ventricular fibrillation are cardiac(heart)arhythmias.
  66. Fistula
    Abnormal passageway from an internal organ to the body surface or between two internal organs.
  67. Gastroenteritis
    Inflammation of the stomach and intestines.
  68. Gland
    Group of cells that secretes chemicals to the outside of the body or hormones directly into the bloodstream.
  69. Glucocorticoid
    Hormone secreted by the adrenal gland to raise blood sugar levels.
  70. Goiter
    Enlargement of the thyroid gland.
  71. Hematemiesis
    Vomiting of blood.
  72. Hematoma
    Mass or collection of blood under the skin.
  73. Hemodialysis
    Use of a kidney machine to filter blood to remove waste materials such as urea.
  74. Hemoglobin
    Oxygen-carrying protein found in red blood cells.
  75. Hepatic
    Pertaining to the liver
  76. Hernia
    Bulge or protrusion of an organ or part of an organ through the wall of the cavity that usually contains it.
  77. Hodgkin(�s) disease
    Malignant tumor of the lymph nodes.
  78. Hyperglycemia
    Higher than normal levels of sugar in the blood.
  79. Hypertrophy
    Enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or part of the body as a result of increase in size of individual cells.
  80. Hypotensive
    Pertaining to low blood pressure or to a person with abnormally low blood pressure.
  81. Iatrogenic
    Pertaining to a patient's abnormal condition that results unexpectedly from a specific treatment.
  82. Ileum
    Third part of the small intestine.
  83. Infarction
    Area of dead tissue caused by decreased blood flow to that part of the body.
  84. Infiltrate
    Material that accumulates in an organ.
  85. Inflammatory bowel disease
    Disorder of the small and large intestines marked by bouts of diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and fever.
  86. Inguinal
    Pertaining to the groin or the area where the legs meet the body.
  87. Ischemia
    Deficiency of blood flow to a part of the body caused by narrowing or obstruction of blood vessels.
  88. Jaundice
    Orange-yellow coloration of the skin and other tissues.
  89. Jejunum
    Second part of the small intestine.
  90. Laparoscopy
    Visual examination of the abdomen. A small incision is made near the navel, and an instrument is inserted to view abdominal organs.
  91. Lesion
    Damage to a part of the body caused by disease or trauma.
  92. Leukemia
    Increase in malignant white blood cells in blood and bone marrow.
  93. Leukocyte
    White blood cells.
  94. Ligament
    Connective tissue that joins bones to other bones.
  95. Lobe
    Part of an organ, especially of the brain, lungs or glands.
  96. Lumbar vertebrae
    A backbone in the region between the chest and lower back.
  97. Malignant
    Tending to become progressively worse.
  98. Mastitis
    Inflammation of the breast.
  99. Mediastinum
    Space between the lungs and the chest.
  100. Medullary
    Pertaining to the inner, or soft, part of an organ.
  101. Meninges
    Membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
  102. Menorrhea
    Normal discharge of blood and tissue from the uterine lining during menstruation.
  103. Mesothelioma
    Malignant tumor of the lining of the pleura.
  104. Metastasis
    Spread of a cancerous tumor to a distant organ or location.
  105. Multiple Sclerosis
    Chronic neurologic disease in which there are patches of demyelination throughout the brain and spinal cord.
  106. Muscular dystrophy
    Group of degenerative muscle diseases that cause crippling because muscles are gradually weakened and eventually atrophy.
  107. Myalgia
    Pain in a muscle
  108. Myelin sheath
    Fatty covering around part (axon) of nerve cells.
  109. Myelodysplasia
    Abnormal development of bone marrow, a pre-malignant condition leading to leukemia.
  110. Myeloma
    Malignant tumor originating in the bone marrow.
  111. Myoma
    Tumor (benign) of muscle.
  112. Myositis
    Inflammation of a muscle.
  113. Necrosis
    Death of cells.
  114. Nephrolithiasis
    Condition of kidney stones.
  115. Neonatal
    Pertaining to new birth; the first four weeks after birth.
  116. Neuralgia
    Nerve pain.
  117. Neuropathy
    Disease of nervous tissue.
  118. Nocturia
    Excessive urination at night.
  119. Nosocomial
    Pertaining to or originating in a hospital.
  120. Ocular
    Pertaining to the eye.
  121. Oncogenic
    Pertaining to producing tumors.
  122. Oncology
    The study of tumors.
  123. Oophorectomy
    Removal of an ovary or ovaries.
  124. Orchiectomy
    Removal of a testicle or testicles.
  125. Osteomyelitis
    Inflammation of a bone and bone marrow.
  126. Osteopenia
    Deficiency of bone tissue.
  127. Osteoporosis
    Decrease in bone mass with formation of pores or spaces in normally mineralized bone tissue.
  128. Otitis
    Inflammation of an ear.
  129. Pancreas
    Gland that produces digestive juices (exocrine function) and the hormone insulin (endocrine function)
  130. Parathyroid hormone
    Hormone secreted to maintain a constant concentration of calcium in the blood and bones.
  131. Peptic ulcer
    Sore (lesion) of the mucous membrane lining the first part of the small intestine (duodenum) or lining the stomach.
  132. Periosteum
    Membrane that surrounds bone.
  133. Peritoneal fluid
    Fluid produced in the abdominal cavity.
  134. Phlebitis
    Inflammation of a vein.
  135. Phrenic
    Pertaining to the diaphragm.
  136. Pineal gland
    Small endocrine gland within the brain that secretes the hormone melatonin, whose exact function is unclear.
  137. Platelet
    Cell in the blood that aids clotting; a thrombocyte.
  138. Pleura
    Double membrane that surrounds the lungs.
  139. Pneumonectomy
    Removal of a lung.
  140. Pneumothorax
    Abnormal accumulation of air in the space between the pleura.
  141. Polycythemia
    Increase in red blood cells.
  142. Polydipsia
    Excessive thirst.
  143. Polyp
    A growth or mass protruding from a mucous membrane.
  144. Prolapse
    To move out of place; especially for an internal organ to protrude beyond its normal position.
  145. Rectocele
    Hernia (protrusion) of the rectum into the vagina
  146. Renal calculus
    Kidney stones
  147. Resection
    Removal (excision) of an organ or a structure
  148. Retrogastric
    Pertaining to behind the stomach
  149. Rheumatoid arthritis
    Chronic inflammatory disease of the joints and connective tissue that leads to deformed joints
  150. Rhinitis
    Inflammation of the nose
  151. Sacral region
    Five fused bones in the lower back, below the lumbar bones and wedged between two parts of the hip (ileum)
  152. Salpingectomy
    Removal of a fallopian (uterine) tube
  153. Sarcoidosis
    Chronic, progressive disorder of cells in connective tissue, spleen, liver, bone marrow, lungs, and lymph nodes
  154. Sclera
    White, outer coat of the eyeball
  155. Sebaceous gland
    Oil-producing gland in the skin
  156. Septic
    Pertaining to infection
  157. Spleen
    Organ in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen that stores blood cells, and destroys red blood cells while producing white blood cells called lymphocytes
  158. Sputum
    Material expelled from the lungs through the mouth
  159. Spondylosis
    Abnormal condition of a vertebra or vertebrae
  160. Systemic lupus erythematosus
    Chronic inflammatory disease affecting many systems of the body (joints, skin, kidneys, and nerves)
  161. Tachycardia
    Condition of fast, rapid heartbeat.
  162. Thoracentesis
    Surgical puncture of the chest to remove fluid.
  163. Thoracic
    Pertaining to the chest.
  164. Thoractomy
    Incision of the chest.
  165. Thrombocyte
    Clotting cell; a platelet.
  166. Thrombosis
    Abnormal condition of clot formation.
  167. Thrombophlebitis
    Inflammation of a vein accompanied by formation of a clot
  168. Thyroxine
    Hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. Also known as T4.
  169. Tinnitus
    Noise in the ears, such as ringing, roaring, or buzzing.
  170. Tissue capillaries
    Tiny blood vessels that lie near cells and through whose walls gasses, food, and waste material passes.
  171. Tomography
    Series of x-ray images that show an organ in depth by producing images of single tissue planes.
  172. Transdermal
    Pertaining to through the skin.
  173. Tricuspid valve
    Fold of tissue between the upper and lower chambers on the right side of the heart.
  174. Triglyceride
    Fat consisting of three molecules of fatty acid and glycerol.
  175. Tuberculosis
    Infectious, inflammatory disease that commonly affects the lungs, although it can occur in any part of the body.
  176. Tympanic membrane
  177. Ulcerative colitis
    Recurrent inflammatory disorder marked by ulcers in the large bowel.
  178. Ulna
    One of two lower arm bones located on the little finger side of the hand.
  179. Ultrasound
    Sound waves with greater frequency that can be heard by the human ear. This energy is used to detect abnormalities by beaming the waves into the body and recording echoes that reflect off tissues.
  180. Upper GI series
    Barium is swallowed and x-ray images of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine are taken.
  181. Urea
    Chief nitrogen-containing waste that the kidney removes from the blood and eliminates from the body in urine.
  182. Uremia
    Abnormal condition of excessive amounts of urea in the bloodstream.
  183. Ureter
    One of two tubes that lead from the kidney to the urinary bladder.
  184. Urologist
    Specialist in operating on the urinary tract in males and the reproductive tract in males.
  185. Valve
    Natural structure or artificial device that prevents backward flow of fluid.
  186. Varicocele
    Swollen, twisted veins within the spermatic cord, above the testes.
  187. Varix
    Enlarged, swollen, tortuous veins (pleural: varices).
  188. Vasculitis
    Inflammation of blood vessels.
  189. Vasoconsrictor
    Drug that narrows blood vessels, especially small arteries.
  190. Ventricular arrhythmias
    Abnormal heart rhythm originating in the lower chamber of the heart.
  191. Vesical
    Pertaining to the urinary bladder.
  192. Visceral
    Pertaining to internal organs.
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