Oh I want a good Grady

  1. Arguments:
    A data item specified in a method call.
  2. Array:
    • A collection of data items, all of the same type, in which each item's
    • position is uniquely designated by an integer.
  3. Binary operator:
    An operator that has two arguments.
  4. Bit:
    Smallest unit of information in a computer.
  5. Block:
    In the Java programming language, any code between matching braces. Example: { x = 1; }.
  6. Boolean:
    An expression that can have only the values of true or false.
  7. Switch / case:
    Switch: A Java keyword used to evaluate a variable that can later be matched with a value specified by the case keyword in order to execute a group of statements.

    A Java keyword that defines a group of statements to begin executing if a value specified matches the value defined by a preceding switch keyword. i.e a part of a switch statement.
  8. Bytecode:
    The code in which java .class files are written and the JWM understands.
  9. Casting:
    Explicit conversion from one data type to another.
  10. Char:
    A Java keyword used to declare a variable of type character.
  11. Class:
    A blueprint for an object. Contains definitions of the variable used, constructors for creating objects of this class and methods.
  12. Compiler:
    A program that translates our source code into code that can be executed by the computer.
  13. Constructor:
    A pseudo-method that creates an object. In the Java programming language, constructors are instance methods with the same name as their class. Constructors are invoked using the new keyword.
  14. Declaration:
    A statement that establishes an identifier and its type.
  15. Encapsulation:
    Localization of functionality within a module.
  16. Extends:
    A keyword that indicates you will inherit from a previously defined class.
  17. Field:
    A data member of a class.
  18. Import:
    A keyword used at the beginning of a file to tell the JVM where to find packages and classes.
  19. Inheritance:
    The concept of classes automatically containing the variables and methods defined in a Superclass.
  20. JVM:
    Java Virtual Machine - the software that runs our code.
  21. Literal:
    An expression that does not need to be evaluated, like 7.
  22. Method:
    A function defined in a class.
  23. Object:
    A principal building block of an object oriented programming. Each object is a programming unit containing fields, constructors and methods.
  24. Package:
    A group of related classes.
  25. Pixel:
    The picture element on a display area, such as a monitor screen or printed page. Each pixel is individually accessible.
  26. Public vs. private access:
    Public: A Java keyword used in a method or variable declaration. It signifies that the method or variable can be accessed by elements residing in other classes.

    Private: A Java keyword used in a method or variable declaration. It signifies that the method or variable can only be accessed by other elements of its class.
  27. Subclass:
    A class that is derived from a given class.
  28. Superclass:
    A class from which another class is derived.
  29. CSS:
    A markup language for separating style from content.
  30. Canvas element:
    An HTML 5 element for drawing 2 and 3d.
  31. document.getElementById();:
    A javascript method for getting a programmatic handle on elements in the Webpage.
  32. Recursion:
    A method that can call itself.
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Oh I want a good Grady
CSIS 1400 Final Study Cards