Practical 3

  1. How does the brain develop?
    NEURAL TUBE divides into PRIMARY BRAIN VESICLES (prosen, mesen, rhomben-cephalon), which form the SECONDARY BRAIN VESICLES (telen, dien, mesen, meten, myelen- cephalon), which form the ADULT BRAIN STRUCTURES.

    • lateral ventricles = cerebrum
    • third ventricles = diencephalon
    • cerebral aqueduct = midbrain
    • fourth ventricle = pons, cerebellum, medulla oblongata
    • central canal = spinal cord
  2. What are the nervous cells? What are their functions?
    NEURONS- transmitting cells

    • - supporting cells
    • act as phagocytes
    • myelinate the neurons in CNS
    • control the chemical environment around neurons
    • circulate cerebrospinal fluid
    • myelinate the extensions of the neurons in PNS
    • surround cell body of the neuron in the PNS
  3. What is the function of the hypoglossal nerve? Where is it located?
    • - provides somatic motor fibers to muscles of tongue
    • - medulla
  4. What is the function of the accessory nerve? Where is it located?
    • - provides somatic motor fibers to trapezium and sternocleidomastoid
    • - spinal cord
  5. What is the function of the vagus nerve? Where is it located?
    • - carry impulses TO pharynx
    • - medulla
  6. What is the function of the glossopharyngeal nerve? Where is it located?
    • - sensory fibers carry impulses FROM pharynx, tonsils, taste buds, etc.
    • - medulla
  7. What is the function of the vestibulocochlear nerve? Where is it located?
    • - transmits impulses related to hearing and equilibrium
    • - inner ear
  8. What is the function of the facial nerve? Where is it located?
    • - supplies somatic motor fibers to muscles of facial expression
    • - pons
  9. What is the function of the abducens nerve? Where is it located?
    • - carries somatic fibers to the lateral rectus muscle
    • - inferior pons
  10. What is the function of the trochlear nerve? Where is it located?
    • - major sensory nerve of face; conducts sensory impulses
    • - pons
  11. What is the function of the trochlear nerve? Where is it located?
    • - provides somatic motor fibers to superior oblique muscle that moves eyeball
    • - midbrain
  12. What is the function of the oculomotor nerve? Where is it located?
    • - directs eyeball through somatic motor fibers to inferior oblique and superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscles
    • - dorsal midbrain
  13. What is the function of the optic nerve? Where is it located?
    • - carries afferent impulses associated with vision
    • - retina of eye
  14. What is the function of the olfactory nerve? Where is it located?
    • - carries afferent impulses associated with sense of smell
    • - olfactory epithelium
  15. What are the cranial nerves?
    • olfactory,
    • optic
    • oculomotor
    • trochlear
    • trigeminal
    • abducens
    • facial [and then there's]
    • vestibulocochlear
    • [you can't forget the] glossopharyngeal
    • [or the] vagus [too]
    • [and then comes the] accessory,
    • [the] hypoglossal [and then we're through]
  16. What is one hormone that the gonads produce?
  17. What is one hormone that the pancreas produces?
    insulin, glucagon
  18. What is one hormone that the adrenal glands produce?
  19. What is the one hormone that the parathyroid glands produce?
    parathyroid hormone
  20. What is one hormone that the thyroid gland produces?
    thyroid hormone
  21. What is one hormone that the pineal gland produces?
  22. What is one hormone that the pituitary gland produces?
    • anterior = growth hormone
    • posterior = oxytocin
  23. What is one hormone that the hypothalamus produces?
    GHRH- growth hormone releasaing hormone
  24. What are the primary endocrine glands?
    • 1) hypothalamus
    • 2) pituitary gland
    • 3) pineal gland
    • 4) thyroid gland
    • 5) parathyroid glands
    • 6) adrenal glands
    • 7) pancreas
    • 8) gonads (ovaries and testes)
Card Set
Practical 3
nervous system, special senses, endocrine system