Chapter 19 ECM and junctions

  1. 4 major families of tissues (tissue= group of similar cells)
    • 1) epithelial tissues
    • 2) connective tissues
    • 3) muscular tissues
    • 4) nervous tissue
  2. 4 major class Cell Junctions

    • Channel-forming Junctions
    • Anchoring Junctions
    • Occluding Junctions
    • Signal-relaying Junctions
  3. A plasmodesmata cell junction found in _____ cells and this is an example of a _____ junction
    • plant cells only
    • chanel-forming junction
  4. a Occluding Junction is a

    E) tight junction

    Occluding junctions include tight junctions and septate junctions
  5. another name for a cell-matrix junction
    actin-linked cell-matrix adhesions
  6. The transmembrane adhesion proteins in anchoring junctions
    CAMs (cell adhesion molecules)
  7. The 2 major families of CAM's
    • Cadherins
    • Integrins
  8. This anchoring protein connects IF's to ECM proteins to form hemidesmosomes
  9. this anchoring protein forms desmosomes
  10. true/false

    cadherins AND integrins are independant on Ca 2+ ions
    false. Cadherins and integrins are dependant for funtionality on Ca2+ ions
  11. __________ connects IF's of neighboring cells to provide mechanical strength. The protein involved is called_________
    • desmosomes
    • cadherin
  12. A selectin is part of the _____ family. It also is dependant on ___
    • CAM
    • Ca2+ in order to function
  13. The only CAM protein that does not require Ca2+ in order to function
    Immunoglobin superfamily
  14. Immunoglobulin superfamily examples:

    D) c and d

    NCAM and ICAM
  15. The blood-brain barrier is an example of this type of junction
    tight junction
  16. a ______ ______ is formed by a band of branching sealing strands that encircle the apical region of each cell
    tight junction
  17. sealing strands in a tight junction are composed of transmembrane proteins called
  18. what is a Junctional complex
    a complex of a combination of cell junctions in epithelial cells
  19. 3 examples of what might be found in a junctional complex and the proteins seen in that type of junction
    • tight junction (claudins)
    • adherens Junction (cadherins)
    • desmosomal junction (cadherins)
  20. This type of junction permits the movement of ions and small molecules between cytosol of neighbouring cells
    channel-forming junctions
  21. a gap junction is found only in ____ cells and channels between cells are connected though ______
    • animal cells
    • connexons (formed of connexins)
  22. T/F: Gap junctions link skeletal muscle and nervous tissue
    F. Gap junction link the cells or nearly all mammalian tissues EXCEPT skeletal muscle and most nervous tissue
  23. The only cells junctions in a plant cell are?
  24. This specialized layer of ECM that helps bind cells to the ECM
    basil lamina (basement membrane)
  25. Not an example of ECM

    D) none of these
  26. this type of CAM attaches a cells cytoskelton filaments to the basal lamina
  27. define laminin.
    ECM glycoprotein that helps attach the overlying cell to the underlying connective tissue
  28. 2 major families of molecules that are secreted by the cells in the matrix
    • GAGs
    • Fibrous proteins
  29. GAGs - can be covelently linked to proteins to form _________
  30. ground substance is composed of?
    proteoglycans and GAG's
  31. an ECM family that consists of a repeating disaccharide repeated dozens of times
  32. define: proteoglycan
    a GAG that is linked to a core protein
  33. Collagen is an example of ECM and belongs to which family
    Fibrous proteins
  34. this ECM provides strength to a tissue and is the MOST abundant protein in mammals
  35. this fibrous protein (ECM) provides elasticity to a tissue as well as flexability
  36. T/F: some fibrous proteins have an adhesive role
    True. Fibronectin and Lamina (both technically glycoprotein)
  37. The structural and adhesive molecules in PLANT cells
    • cellulose
    • adhesive ; pectins
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Chapter 19 ECM and junctions