research in the field, which is any place where people and culture are found
participant observation
basic field work method in cultural anthroplogy that involves living in a culture for a long period of time while gathering data
multisited research
filedwork conducted in more than one location in order to understand the behaviors and ideas of dispersed members of a culture or the relationships among different levels such as state policy and culture
informed consent
an aspect of fieldwork ethics requiring that the researcher inform the research participants of the intent scope and possible effects of the study and seek their consent to be in the study
a trading network, in which man have long-standing partnerships fo rthe exchange of everyday goods such as food as well as highly valued necklaces and armlets
ex. Trobians islands jewelry
culture shock
persistent feelings of uneasiness loneliness and anxiety that often occurs when a person has shifted from one culture to another
ex. coming back to US after being in remote Africa
deductive approach (to research)
method that involves posing a research question or hypothesis gathering data related to the question and then assessing the findings in relation to the original hypotheses
inductive approach(to research)
research approach that avoids hypothesis formation in advance of the research and instead takesits lead from the culture being studied
quantitative data
numeric info
qualitative data
non-numeric data
an analytical framework used by outside analysts in studying culture
insider's perceptions and categories and their explanations for why they what they do
Hawthorne Eeffect
research bias due to participants changing their behavior to conform to the expectations of the researcher
research technique that involves gathering of verbal data through questions or guided conversation between at least 2 people
research instrument containg pre-set series of questions that the anthroplogist asks in a face-to-face seeting, by mail or by -mail
the naming of places
indigenous knowledge(IK)
local understanding of the enviroment climate plants and animals
a 1st-hand detailed description of a living culture based on personal observation
collaborative research
approach to learning about culture that involves anthroplogists workign with members of the study of population as partners and participants rather than as "subjects"