storage and delivery of medical gases

  1. what is the contributing factor that causes change in temperature of regulator when gas begins flowing?
    because of the rapid expansion
  2. what creates back pressure?
    attachment of equipment that blocks the flow
  3. NO
    nitric oxide
  4. critical pressure
    pressure that must be maintained to keep a gas at liquid
  5. critical point
    critical temp and pressure combined
  6. what gas manufactored by Joule-Thompson effect that dilates pumonary vessels, used to treat large airway obstruction
  7. FDA purity standards?
    99 and 99.5%
  8. which gas is used for anesthesia?
  9. what effect does NO have on the body?
    pulmonary vasodilation
  10. 3 safety systems incorporated into medical gas
    • frangible disk - rupture
    • fusible - melt
    • spring loaded - spring raises
  11. 3 safety systems that prevent accidental gas release/combustion
    American standard (ASSS), pin-index (PISS), Diameter-index (DISS)
  12. what are the advantages of flow restrictor
    preset constant flow, low cost and simplicity, gravity dependent
  13. what is a flow restrictor classified as?
    fixed orifice, constant pressure
  14. what is a bourdon gauge classified as?
    fixed orifice, variable pressure
  15. what is the problem with downstream pressure and bourdon gauges?
    will read @ a higher flow than actual
  16. what is the bourdon gauge always used with
    adjustable high pressure-reducing valve
  17. thorpe tube classification
    variable orifice, constant pressure
  18. is the accuracy of the thorpe tube affected by downstread pressure?
  19. 2 recommending agencies
    • CGA - compressed gas association - makes recommendations and specifications about safety systems
    • NFPA - national fire protection agency - recommends protocol for the storage and distribution of medical gases
  20. 3 regulating agencies
    • DOT - stanards for handling and shipping of compressed gas cylinders
    • FDA - regulates development and purity standards
    • OSHA - occupational safety of health admin - safety procedures in the workplace
  21. fractional distallation process
    atmospheric air is filtered to remove pollutants, water, and CO2 > pure air is liquefied > resulting mixture is O2, N2, and trace gases in liquid form > mixture heated slowly in a distillation tower > N2 escapes first as a gas and is followed by the trace gases > only liquid O2 is left > transferred to an insulated storage cylinder > O2 could also be allowed to convert to a gas and be stored in gas cylinders
  22. what color of tank is oxygen
  23. what color of tank is CO2
  24. what color of tank is N2O
  25. what color of tank is cyclopropane
  26. what color of tank is helium
  27. what color of tank is ethylene
  28. what color of tank is N2
  29. what color of tank is air
  30. reducing valve vs. flowmeter
    RV used to solely reduce gas pressure while FM used to control gas flow
  31. what are the 3 fire risks for medical gases?
    flammable, non-flammable, and non-flammable but combustible
  32. What is the formula to calculate the duration of a cylinder?
    duration = (pressure x CF) / flow
  33. What is the cylinder factor for an H cylinder?
  34. what is the cylinder factor for an e cylinder?
  35. what is the conversion factor for ft^3 to L?
    ft^3 x 28.3
  36. what is the formula for converting liquid oxygen from ft^3 to liters of gas?
    CF x 860 x 28.3
  37. How long will a full H cylinder of O2 last @ 10 L/min?
    @ least 10 hours
  38. What is the pin setting for oxygen?
Card Set
storage and delivery of medical gases
chapter 37