World Civ111 Tang & Sui & Song Quiz

  1. Xuanzang became a well-known monk of the Tang
    dynasty because?

    B) his travels and study in India helped to popularize Buddhism in China.
  2. Which of the following does not describe
    the Sui dynasty?

    • B) It brought about great prosperity in China and long-lived imperial
    • rule.
  3. The Tang maintained an efficient communication
    network, which can be seen by the fact that?

    B) emperors at Chang'an could have fresh seafood delivered from Ningbo, a city 620 miles away.
  4. Under the equal-field system, the Tang

    A) allotted land according to the land's fertility and the recipients' needs.
  5. The Tang government was
    run primarily by
    A)hereditary aristocratic families.
    B)royal kinsmen and relatives.
    C)descendents of the Sui
    .D)bureaucrats of intellectual merit.
    E)samurai warriors.
    D)bureaucrats of intellectual merit.
  6. "There was always something of a fictional quality to the [tributary] system." By this statement the authors mean that

    B) Chinese authorities had little real influence in the supposedly subordinate lands.
  7. One cause for Tang decline during the mid-eighth century was that

    A) the emperors neglected public affairs in favor of music and mistresses.
  8. Compared with the Tang dynasty, the Song dynasty was

    .E)all of the above.
    B) less militarized
  9. The Song government moved from north to south in the early twelfth century because of the invasion of

    B) the Jurchen.
  10. Fast-ripening rice

    E) all of the above.
  11. The practice of foot binding

    D) placed women of the privileged classes under male supervision.
  12. Which of the following was not a major technological innovation of Tang and Song China?

    C) Paper making.
  13. The Chinese term flying cash meant

    B) letters of credit used by merchants.
  14. During Tang times, several foreign religions came to China. The foreign faiths that did not arrive in China

    B) Hinduism and Jainism
  15. In order for Buddhism to be accepted in China,
    Chinese Buddhists

    B) accommodated Buddhism to Chinese values such as filial piety.
  16. The poet of the Tang who wrote of the social
    life in cities was

    C) Li Bo.
  17. Despite cultural borrowing and imitation, Korea
    was still different from China in that

    A) aristocrats dominated Korean society while bureaucrats dominated Chinese life
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World Civ111 Tang & Sui & Song Quiz
Tang & Sui & Song Dynasty Quiz