Biol lab.txt

  1. Conus medullaris
    End of spinal chord
  2. Cauda equina
    Horse tail-collection of inferior spinal nerves
  3. Filum terminale
    Fibrous extension of pita mater
  4. Denticulate ligaments
    Saw tooth shelves of pita mater. Secure spinal chord to vertabral cloumn
  5. Number of pairs of spinal nerve
  6. Gray matter of spinal chord
    Dorsal lateral and ventral horn
  7. Gray commissure
    Central area of gray matter
  8. Central canal
    Center of spine
  9. Dorsal root
    Contain sensory fibers
  10. Ventral root
    Contains motor fibers
  11. Spinal nerves
    Formed from fusion of sensory and motor fibers
  12. White matter
    • Dorsal
    • Lateral
    • Ventral funiculus
  13. First pair of spinal nerves leaves-
    Via the occupit and atlas
  14. Spinal nerves are mixed nerves
    Because they carry afferent and efferent fibers
  15. Dorsal and ventral rami
    Divisions of the spinal nerve after branching
  16. Plexus are branches of nerves that-
    Serves motor and sensory needs of muscles and skin of the limb
  17. Phrenic nerve
    • C3-C5
    • Innervates into the diaphragm
  18. Brachial plexus
    C5 - T1
  19. Axillary nerve
    Serves deltoid and shoulder skin
  20. Median nerve
    Serves flexor group
  21. Ulnar nerve
    Serves flexor muscle in anterior forearm
  22. Radial nerve
    Serves extensor muscles of posterior arm
  23. Lumbar plexus
  24. Femoral nerve
    Serves muscles such as quadracepts
  25. Sciatic nerve
    Serves tibia and fibular. Largest nerve in body
  26. Common fibular
    Serves skin of anterior leg and dorsal of foot
  27. Sacral plexus
    Serves the buttock
  28. Sciatica
    Stabbing pain running across siaric nerve
  29. Footdrop
    Leg cannot flex and foot drops into plantar flexion
  30. In the somatic nervous system the cell bodies reside
    In the Cns
  31. Autonomic nervous system
    Consists of chains of two neurons. Preganglionic neurons are in the CNS. ganglionic neurons reside outside the CNS
  32. Conus medullaris
    End of spinal chord
  33. Cauda equina
    Horse tail-collection of inferior spinal nerves
  34. Filum terminale
    Fibrous extension of pita mater
  35. Denticulate ligaments
    Saw tooth shelves of pita mater. Secure spinal chord to vertabral cloumn
  36. Number of pairs of spinal nerve
  37. Gray matter of spinal chord
    Dorsal lateral and ventral horn
  38. Gray commissure
    Central area of gray matter
  39. Central canal
    Center of spine
  40. Dorsal root
    Contain sensory fibers
  41. Ventral root
    Contains motor fibers
  42. Spinal nerves
    Formed from fusion of sensory and motor fibers
  43. White matter
    • Dorsal
    • Lateral
    • Ventral funiculus
  44. First pair of spinal nerves leaves-
    Via the occupit and atlas
  45. Spinal nerves are mixed nerves
    Because they carry afferent and efferent fibers
  46. Dorsal and ventral rami
    Divisions of the spinal nerve after branching
  47. Plexus are branches of nerves that-
    Serves motor and sensory needs of muscles and skin of the limb
  48. Phrenic nerve
    • C3-C5
    • Innervates into the diaphragm
  49. Brachial plexus
    C5 - t1
  50. Axillary nerve
    Serves deltoid and shoulder skin
  51. Median nerve
    Serves flexor group
  52. Ulnar nerve
    Serves flexor muscle in anterior forearm
  53. Radial nerve
    Serves extensor muscles of posterior arm
  54. Lumbar plexus
  55. Femoral nerve
    Serves muscles such as quadracepts
  56. Sciatic nerve
    Serves tibia and fibular. Largest nerve in body
  57. Common fibular
    Serves skin of anterior leg and dorsal of foot
  58. Sacral plexus
    Serves the buttock
  59. Sciatica
    Stabbing pain rubnibf across siaric nerve
  60. Footdrop
    Leg cannot flex and foot drops into plantar flexion
  61. In the somatic nervous system the cell bodies reside
    In the Cns
  62. Autonomic nervous system
    Consists of chains of two neurons. Preganglionic neurons reside in the CNS. synapses with the gaglnglionic neurons outside the CNS
  63. Conus medullaris
    End of spinal chord
  64. Cauda equina
    Horse tail-collection of inferior spinal nerves
  65. Filum terminale
    Fibrous eztension of pita mater
  66. Denticulate ligaments
    Saw tooth shelves of pita mater. Secure spinal chord to vertabral cloumn
  67. Tapping on tendons
    Activate stretch muscles
  68. Reciprocal inhibition
    Inhibiting antagonist muscles in a reflex arch using the same AP to activate agonist muscle
  69. Stretch reflexes
    important for maintaining posture, balance and locomotion
  70. cross extensor reflex
    withdrawl followed by extension of the opposite limb
  71. plantar reflex
    stimulate cutaneous receptors on sole of feet

    causes toes to come close together

    flaw: babinski's sign (toes flare apart)
  72. corneal reflex
    mediated via trigeminal nerve

    absense: dmg to brain stem
  73. gag refled
    tests cranial nerve 9 and 10

    level of mucosa rise should be equal
  74. pupilary light reflex & consensual reflex
    tests cranial nerve 2 and 3

    flaw: damage to brain stem
  75. ipsilateral reflex
    reflexes that occur on the same side of the body from which it was stimualted
  76. ciliospinal reflex
    gently stroke neck

    pupil should dilate
  77. salivary reflex
    collecting spit and testing with pH paper
Card Set
Biol lab.txt
nervous system