
  1. Direct Object

    Ask - "What?"

    • me.........nos
    • te...........os
    • lo...........los
    • la...........las
  2. Indirect Object

    Ask - "To Whom?"
    ¿A Quien?

    • me..............nos
    • te...............os
    • le (se).........les (se)
  3. Placement of pronouns

    Juan greets me.
    Juan buys her a gift.
    Juan buys her it.
    • Juan me saluda.
    • Juan le compra un regalo.
    • Juan (le lo) se lo compra.
  4. Pronoun Flwg an Infinitive

    I don't want to write the letter to you.
    I want to watch it (the movie).
    • No quiero escribírtela.
    • Quiero verla.
  5. Reflexive Pronoun

    get oneself up
    You guys...
    You people...

    • me levanto
    • te levantas
    • se levanta
    • os levantaís
    • nos levantamos
    • se levantan
  6. Reflexive Pronoun Flwg an infinitive

    *pronoun must be put right after the verb

    They like washing themselves with hot water.
    I have to brush myself the teeth.
    • Les gusta lavarse con agua caliente.
    • Tengo que cepillarme los dientes.
  7. Imperative + Pronoun

    * pronoun must be put right after the verb

    Help me, please.
    Wait for us in the office.
    Ask him.
    • Ayúndame, por favor.
    • Espérenos en la oficina.
    • Pregúntale a él.
  8. Imperative + Reflexive + Pronoun

    * Pronoun must be put right after the verb.

    You get yourself up right now.
    You (r) get yourself up right now.
    You guys get yourselves up right now.
    we get ourselves up right now.
    You guys (r) get yourselves up right now.

    • Levántate desde ya.
    • Levántese desde ya.
    • Levantaos desde ya
    • Levantémonos desde ya.
    • Levántense desde ya.
  9. Present Continuous + Pronoun

    * Pronoun must be put right after the verb.

    I am washing me the hands.
    There is the director.
    Juan is greeting him.
    • Estoy lavándome las manos.
    • Allí es el director.
    • Juan está saludándolo.
Card Set
direct, indirect, reflexive and placement