human development
study of both change and continuity in the indvidial across the life span (process begins before birth)
three stages of prenatal development
germinal stage; embryonic stage; fetal stage
germinal stage
begins at conception and lasts for two weeks
embryonic stage
- formation of major organs (nervous ystem, heart, ears, etc.)
- weeks 2 to 8
fetal stage
organs continue to grow and mature while fetus rapidly increases in size
fertilized egg forms this at conception
blastocyst (travels down fallopian tube and attaches to the uterine wall)
by day 7, a zygote is called
pbrain (still gorwing rapidly at birth)
first major organ to develo
yneural migration: neurons move from one part of the brain to their more permanent home
what happens from months 3-5 of pregnanc
teratogens such as prenatal exposure to certian toxins or viruses
factors that inerfere with neural migration
prenatal programming
the process by which events in the womb alter the development of physical and psychological health
substances that can disrupt normal development and cause long-term effects (smoking, alcoohl)
early motor development
changes in physical movement and body control ( early in infancy babies start to show intentional movements)
early sensory development
hearing is almost fully develop at birth but vision is now only about 20-600; visual sharpness or acuity continues to improve during infancy
black and white edges and patterns; 6 months of age
news are best able to see _____; color vision develops by ____
critical period
specific period in biological development when individuals are most receptive to a particular kind of input from the environmental (such as visual stimulation and language learning)
visual cliff
a tests of depth perception in babies who have learned to crawl
early cognitive development
with growth comes cognitive development-advances in abiltiy to think, reason, remember, learn, solve problems
level at which a child can almost but not fully comprehend/perform a task on his/her own
sensorimotor stage
Piaget's first stage of cognitive development (ages 0-2); infants learn about the world by using their sens and by moving their bodies in it
object permanence
ability to realize that objects still exist when they are not being sensed
9 months of age
object permanence (Piaget argues) appears around ___
preoperational stage
(ages 2-5) begins which emergence of symbolic thought, or the use of symbols such as words or letters to represent ideas or objects
animistic thinking
idea that inanimate objects are alive
tendency to view the world from one's own perspective and not see things from another's
ability to recognize that when objects change shape or size, the overall amount stays the same
concrete operational stage
(6-11); children can perfom mental operatiosn (real or concrete, objects and events) but they still have trouble with abstract ideas and reasoning
reversing evetns is one type of operation a child masters in this stage
formal operational stage
formal logic becomes possible (adolescents develop scientific reasoning and hypothesis-testing skills)
theory of mind
knowledge and ideas of how other people's minds work; involves knowing and understanding what other ppl are thinking, wanting and feeling.
false-belief task
recognize that others can have beliefs about the world that are wrong.
Lawrence Kohlberg (did for moral reasoning what Piaget did for cognitive development)
found that moral raesoning moves form being focused on the self to on others
who had development of moral reasoning
preconventional level
the first level in which moral reasoning involves avoiding punishment or maximizing rewards
conventional leve
person values caring, trust, and relationships as well as social order and lawfulness
postconventional level
person acknowledges both the norm and the law, but argues that there are universal moral rules that may trump unjust or immoral local rules
rapid and innate learning of the characteristics of a caregiver very soon after birth
strong emotional connection that develops early in life to keep infants close to their caregivers
John Bowlby
who defined separation anxiety
separation anxiety
distress reaction shown by babies when they are separated from their primary caregiver (shown around 9 months)
Mary ainsworth
developed a technique for measuring the attachment of infant and caregiver
strange situation task
- 20-minute labortary seesion in which a mother and her 12-month infant are alone in a playroom. Then a stranger comes and interacts with infant. Mother then leaves for 2 periods.
- 1st period: infant is left alone with the stranger
- 2nd period: infant is left completely alone
adapting to the environment
children are most concerned with
ease adaption (developed through experience, our world)
fitting new experiences into existing schemas
developing new schemas
secure attachment
infants are happy and intiate when mother returns
anxious resistant attachment
infants are uncertain
avoidant attachment
infants stay calm when mother leaves, accept stranger and when mother returns, ignore the mother
social referencing (can make sens of their mother's emotional facial expressions); what age?
ability to make use of social information from another person (1 year old)
emotional competence
ability to control emotions and to know when it is appropriate to express certain emotions
transition period b/w childhood and adulthood (11-18)
period when sexual maturation begins (Beginning of adolesence)
11; 13
girls reach puberty at ___; boys ____
sex hormones released
beginning of puberty stems from ___
onset of menstruation
spermarche (first ejaculation)
readiness to reproduce
ability to think and solve problems systematically; trial and erro method
extent to which ppl develop reasoning skills is ___ rather than ____
frontal lobes
last part of the brain to fully develop
personal fable
egocentrism normally exhibited during early adolescence, and it is characterized by an over-differentiating of one's experiences and feelings from others to the point of assuming those experiences are unique from those of others.
imaginary audiecne
adolescents believe that everyone is looking at them all the time
emergence of sexual interest and sexual relationships
most obvious change in adolescent social development
middle adulthood
ppl experience loss of vision or hearing and sensitiveity to taste and smell by ____
older brain does not change as rapidly as younger brain; but new experiences and mastery of skills still continue to give rise to neural branching
cognitive and brain development in adulthood
loss of cognitive functions including memory problems and difficulty reasoning, solving problems making decisions and using language
alzheimer's disease
degenerative disease marked by progressive cognitive decline and characterized by a collection of symptoms, including confusion, memory loss, mood swings, and eventual loss of physical functions
Socioemotional Selectivity Theory
as people age and become more aware of their limited time, they become more selective about where they expend their resources in personal and emotional relationships
trust vs mistrust; feeding; infant forms a first loving relationship with caregiver (or mistrust)
EE: 0-1
autonomy vs shame/doubt; toilet training;development physical skills. childl earns control but may develop shame and doubt
toilet training
initiative vs guilt; independence; continues to become more assertive but may be too forceful (guilty feelings)
industry vs inferiority; school; learns new skills or risks a sense of inferiority
identity vs role confusion; peer relationships; sense of own identity or confusion of role in lfie
intimacy vs isolation; love relationships; intiamte relationships or becomes isolated from meaningful ones
generativity vs stagnation; parenting; adult must find some way to satisfy and support next-generation; or becomes self-centered
ego integrity vs despair; reflection and acceptance of one's life; culmination is a sense of fulfillment or despairs over ever being able to find meaning in life
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