Theatre History Final

  1. Match the term with the ID

    • A.
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  2. The earliest systematic treatise on drama that has survived was
    None of the above
  3. In both Greek and Roman theatres only males perfromed on stage. The only exception to this was that women performed in Roman
  4. Cultural Darwinism" refers to a belief that all societies, when they reach a certain level of complexity, produce similar works of art
  5. Put these playwrights in chronological order from oldest to youngest.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  6. Put these events in the correct chronoloigical order.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  7. According to your text, the first permanent theatre building in Rome was erected in what year?
    C 476 CE
  8. Match the person with the identification
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  9. Which 5th century (B.C.E.) Athenian tragedian seems to have the most impact on Hellenistic playwrights?
    C. Euripedes
  10. Which of the following is NOT an Athenian playwright whose tragedies have survived?
  11. Match the person with the ID
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  12. Which of these is NOT part of a Greek or a Roman theatre
    E) Thyromata
  13. Of the following Greek playwrights, which had the most success with the dramatic competitions of the City Dionysia?
    E) Sophocles
  14. Match the Playwright to the play
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
  15. Match the definiton with the acting-related term
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  16. Match the scenic element (term) from a Greek or Roman theatre with its definition.
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  17. Match the term with the proper identification
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  18. Which item below is a part of both a Greekand a Roman theatre?
    A. Orchestra
  19. Egyptian "pyramid texts" suggest the possibility of rituals related to the death of pharaohs, the coronation of new Pharaohs, sometimes related to seasonal change.
  20. Match the term with the ID
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  21. Issues that have arisen to complicate traditional accounts of the ritual origin of the theater include
    C. An increased awareness of racism and anti-Semitism in traditional Western cultural histories.
  22. Match the term with the ID
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
  23. Match the definition with the costume element.
    • A
    • B
    • C
    • D
    • E
    • F
    • G
  24. Some scholars argue that the Abydos "Passion Play" was a religious processional performance, possibly taking place over a number of locations and an extended calendar
  25. Beginning in about 398 C.E.______,were forbidden the sacrements of the church unless they forswore their profession, a decree not rescinded in many places until the eighteenth century.
  26. This type of Japanese play is typically populated with ghosts, demons or obsessed human beings whose souls cannot find rest because in life they had been too devoted to the material/physical world. they are strongly influenced by Buddhist views.
    C. Noh
  27. Built around a square or rectangular courtyard, these Spanish theatres were open air spaces.
    D. corrales
  28. Although probably not truly the first, the first use of forced perspective stage settings composed entirely of flat wings was in 1606. To whom is this attributed?
    D. Nocla Sabbattini
  29. This type of theatre, often reserved in the west as "children's theatre" appears frequently in many if not msot asian cultures.
    puppet theatre
  30. Inserted between acts, these Italian "interludes" were marked by their spectacular appeal using scenery, costumes, lights, music and special effects.
  31. Some theatre hsitorians believe that this type of Itlaian performance originated out of the Atellan farce of Rome and was kept alive by medieval mime troupes.
    Commedia dell'arte
  32. In commedia, character types can be divided into two genral groups.
    masked and unmasked
  33. The earliest known performance of a European play in the Americas took place in a Puerto Rican seminary approximately how long ago?
    500 years ago
  34. From what play does this line come: Priest: I am a priest who travels from province to province.
  35. With nearly 800 plays (some say more) attributed to him, this playwright is considered Spanin's most prolific "autores de comedias" (author of plays).
    Lope de Vega
  36. A southern (Chinese) play with as many as fifty or more actsin which any of the characters may sing
  37. After 1500 C.E. the Spanish developed a distinctive form of morality play called what?
    autos sacramentales
  38. Opened in 1585 this Italian theatre was originally designed for the performance of tragedy and incorported the use of forced perspective in its permanent architecture.
    Teatro Olimpico
  39. Giacomo Torelli is credited with what theatrical innovation?
    Chariot-and-pole scene changing system
  40. This playwright is considered the founder of Spanish drama.
    Jaun del Encina
  41. This type of Japanese puppet theatre reached the height of its popularity in the eighteenth century.
  42. (warning professor bias alert) Like the Romans before them the Italian theatre of the late fifteenth and throughout the sixtenth century is less known for its literary development than it is for its what?
    technological innovation
  43. This is a form of Hindu (Vaisnavism) devotional theatre that tells stories from the Ramayana staged a lond a processional route.
  44. Because Hindu drama was most concerend with the emotional and spiritual rather than the external and the material, it avoided ______?_______ production practices.
  45. These two epics from Sanskrit cedic (the Rigveda) have a significant impact on Indian drama.
    Mahabharata and Ramayana
  46. The sanskrit epic poems Mahabaharata and Ramayana provide the characters and settings for the shadow-puppet theatre of Jave in Indonesia called
    Wayang Kulit
  47. Credited with compiling the first Renaissance work on architecture with a dection devoted to the theatre and credited as the prime dessimnator of Italian theatre ideas abroad.
    Sebastiano Serlio
  48. The prototype for the modern theatre stage is what theatre in Italy?
    Teatro Farnese
  49. Generally speaking, this type of (Chinese) theatre (performance) is marked by what?
    stylization and convention
  50. Looking largely at the Spanish theatre building and scenery in Spanish theatres (like the court theatre of Philip IV in the 17th century) what other nation seems to have had a significant impact on Spanish theatre?
  51. These (Chinese) plays, which all end happily, are generally classified under two headings; civil plays and military plays.
    Beijing opera
  52. This type of Japanese plays are made up of loosely connected episodes that bring togeether three or four separate dramatic worlds.
  53. His Manual for Constructing Theatrical Scenes and Machines (1638) described two methods for changing scenery.
    Nicola Sabbatini
  54. The Quem Quaeritis Trope is credited with being the earliest extant Easter Trope (therefore liturgical drama) dating from about 925.
  55. Some scholars believe that the director (AKA Pageant Master) of the cycle plays was onstage during performance.
  56. A platea was a neutral platform (or space) that could indicate any location (depending on which signs or movable settings or Masion were attached to it).
  57. Hildegarde of Bingen is the first known female dramatist in the West.
  58. A matching question presents 4 answer choices and 4 items. The answer choices are lettered A through D. The items are numbered 2.1 through 2.4. Screen readers will read the answer choices first. Then each item will be presented along with a select menu for choosing an answer choice. Using the pull-down menus, match each item in the left column to the corresponding item in the right column.
    • C
    • D
    • A
    • B
  59. An example of a Morality play is
    The Castle of Perserverance
  60. Extant liturgical dramas were mostly associated with Easter
  61. The Feast of Fools probably contributed to the incorporation of comic elements into religious works.
  62. A matching question presents 5 answer choices and 5 items. The answer choices are lettered A through E. The items are numbered 1.1 through 1.5. Screen readers will read the answer choices first. Then each item will be presented along with a select menu for choosing an answer choice. Using the pull-down menus, match each item in the left column to the corresponding item in the right column.
    • B
    • D
    • E
    • C
    • A
  63. The town guilds were employed to stage and perform which sorts of entertainments?
    Cycle Plays
  64. Liturgical drama developed as part of the Corpus Christi celebrations.
  65. Court Interludes and Morality Plays were performed by professional entertainers.
  66. Cycle plays were performed by professional entertainers.
  67. Clergy, nuns, church choirs, and other church figures were probably the only performers of
    Monastic and Liturgical Drama
  68. English Cycle Plays were developed by town guilds as part of an overarching whole, ideally expressing the whole of Christian cosmology from creation to doomsday.
  69. The term "mansion" refers to noble houses and banqueting halls in which courtly performances were staged.
  70. Hans Sachs was an author of German monastic drama.
  71. Tournaments, Court Interludes, and Folk Farce are examples of secular theater in the middle ages.
  72. Typically, the platea was used to depict simultaneously
    Heaven, Earth, and Hell
  73. The Feast of Corpus Christi was
    A summertime holiday that became associated with dramatic performance
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Theatre History Final
Theatre History Final