Radiology Final

  1. What is property exhibited by electromagnetic radiation? It refers to the speed of the wave as it travels through space.
  2. What is a technique for obtaining cross sectional images of the human body? It does not use x-rays and no radiation.
  3. What is the ability to do work and overcome resistance?
  4. What does SLOB mean?
    Same on linugal opposite buccal
  5. What does it mean when the portion of the radiograph that is dark?
  6. What does it mean when the portion of the radograph appears light?
  7. True/False. Enamel is radiopaque because it is dense.
  8. What is the monitoring device containing a special type of film which, when properly developed and interpreted, gives a measurment of the exposure recieved during the time the badge was worn?
    Film badge
  9. What is the size of the beam?
    2.75 inches
  10. What does ALARA stand for?
    As Low As Reasonably Achievable
  11. What is the invisible image produced when the film is exposed of x-rays photons? When the image remains invisible until the film is processed.
    latent image
  12. How far do you need to be away from the tube head?
    6 ft
  13. Where do you wear your film badge?
    on your waist to protect your eggs
  14. What is the correct angulation for Bite Wings?
    + 10 degress
  15. What is the most common reason for blurred film?
  16. What are the points of entry?
    tip of the nose, ala of the nose, point below pupil of the eye, outer canthus of the eye
  17. What is the sppot on the surface of the face at which the central ray is directed?
    point of entry
  18. What is the device of layered metal steps of varying thickness used to determine film density and contrast?
    step wedge
  19. What uses a coin and slightly exposed film to determine adequacy?
    coin test
  20. Why do you get a frown?
    When the chin is tipped to high
  21. Why do you get an exaggereated smile?
    The chin is tipped to low
  22. What is the imaginary line from the orbital ridge to the acoustic meatus of the ear?
    Frankfort plane
  23. What gives a continous image produced on the film?
    Moving center rotation
  24. What gives a split image on the film because it stops at the midline?
    Double center rotation
  25. When is three centers rotations are used?
    Triple center rotation
  26. What is the imaginary plane or line from the ala to the tragus and must be positioned apprx. 5 degrees down?
    ala-tragus line
  27. What is also refered to as the open mouth projections that is used to examine fractures of the condylar neck of the mandible?
    Reverse Towne radiograph
  28. What is the distance between two similar points on two successive waves?
  29. What has a negative charge and are constantly in motion oribiting the nucleus?
  30. What has a positive charge?
  31. What has no charge?
  32. What is the formation of ion pairs?
  33. Any radiation that produces ions is called...
    ionizing radiation
  34. Who discovered the x-ray?
    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
  35. When were x-rays discovered?
  36. Who is believed to have exposed the prototype of the first dental x-ray film?
    Otto Walkhoff
  37. Who is considered by many to be the first advocate for the science of radiation protection?
    William Robert Rollins
  38. Who is given credit for suggesting the bisecting technique?
    A. Cieszynski
  39. Who is given credite for developing the paralleling technique?
    Franklin McCormach
  40. Which imaging modality does not require the use of ionizing radiation?
    Magnetic resonance imaging
  41. What are some mistakes when exposing film?
    light hitting film,touching the film, double exposure, bend the film, NOT PUSHING THE RING IN
  42. What is the ordinary household current used in the United Stated is 110-V, 60 cycle?
    Alternating current (AC)
  43. What flows continuously is one directon?
    Direct current (DC)
  44. What is an example of DC current?
    stove, dryer, tanning bed, etc.
  45. Panoramic radiographs play a valuable role in:
    examinig large areas of the facial jaws, lacating impacted teeth or retained root tips, evaluating trauma, lesions, and disease of the jaw, assessing growth and development
  46. What are the four locations of caries?
    proximal, occlusal, buccal/lingual, cemental
  47. On radiographs what caries are located on the tooth surface that contacts the adjacent tooth?
    Proximal caries
  48. What caries are located on the chewing surface of the posterior teeth?
    occlusal caries
  49. What caries develop between the enamel border and free margin of the gingiva on the comental surface?
    cemental caries
  50. What is panaormic radiographs also known as?
  51. What are the fules for shadow casting?
    • 1. small focal spot
    • 2. large target object distance
    • 3. short object-film distance
    • 4. parallel relationship between object and film
    • 5. perpendicular relationship between the central ray of the x-ray beam and the object and film
  52. What controls the size and shape of the useful beam?
  53. What is the absorption of the long wavelength, less pentrating c-rays of the polychromatic x-ray beam by passing the beam through a sheet of material?
  54. What is it when the radiographs are mounted so that the embossed dot is concave?
    lingual mouting method
  55. What is when the radiographs are mounted so that the embossed dot is convex?
    labial mouting method
  56. What are ways the radiographer can reduce the tactile stimuly?
    do anterior regions first, place film firmly and expertly, utilize bisecting technique, confuse the sense, and utilize special products
  57. What system uses rare earth phosphate and stores the x-ray energy until later stimuluation by a laser beam that reads the electrons signal and converts it into digital image?
  58. What causes herring bone?
    putting the film in backwards
  59. What causes a lighting bolt appearance?
  60. What causes overlapping?
    horizontal angulation
  61. What is there to abosorb scattered radiation?
    lead foil
  62. What will fluoresce and emit energy in the form of blue or green light when they abosrb x-rays?
    Rare Earth Phosphors
  63. What consits of methods of exposing dental x-ray films within the oral cavity?
  64. What are the three types of intraoral radiographs?
    bitewing, periapical examination, occlusal examination
  65. What shows the entire maxillary or mandibular arch or a portion thereof, on a single film?
    occlusal examination
  66. What is the use of special LED bulb or a filtered white light bulb that provides enough light in the darkroom to allow the clinician to perform activities without exposing or fogging the film?
    safe light
  67. If the dose of radiation is large neough the resultant signs and syptoms that comprise these short term effects are collectively known as ..
    acture radiation syndrome ARS
  68. What is the best way to judge periodontal status or bone level?
    verticle BW
  69. What is used to examine structures of the skull, the maxilla and mandible, and the TMj?
    extraoral radiographs
  70. Extraoral radiographs are used to:
    examine large areas of the jaw, study growth and development, detct fractures and evaulate trauma, detect pathological lesions, detect and evaluate impacted teeth, and ecaulate TMD
  71. What term describes the smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element?
  72. Radiant energy sufficient to remove an elctron from its orbital level of an atom is called:
  73. To get the biggest increase in the quantity of electrons available, increase the:
  74. What term describes the elctrical pressure between 2 electrical charges?
  75. According to the law of B and T cells with a high reproductive rate are described as:
  76. Which of these cells are most radiosensitive?
    red blood cells
  77. What cells are most radioresistant?
    muscle cells
  78. Film holding instruments are classified as:
    semicriticial objects
  79. What is not an intraoral survey?
Card Set
Radiology Final
Radiology Final