Peripheral Nervous System

  1. Different sensory receptors are classified by what?
    Location, type of stimulus or complexity.
  2. List the types of sensory receptors categorized by location.
    Exteroceptors, interoceptors and proprioceptors.
  3. Where are exteroceptors located?
    They are located beneath the surface of the skin and sense touch, pain, temperature, vision, etc.
  4. Where are interoceptors located?
    They are located deep inside the body (ie., viscera, blood vessels, etc.)
  5. Where are proprioceptors located?
    They are located inside deeper than the surface of the skin, but not as deep as the viscera (ie., skeletal muscles, joints, etc.)
  6. What do mechanoceptors sense?
    Touch & pressure
  7. What do termoceptors sense?
  8. What do photoceptors sense?
  9. What do chemoceptors sense?
  10. What do nociceptors sense?
  11. Give examples of complex sensory receptors.
    Eye, ear, taste (special senses)
  12. Give examples of simple sensory receptors.
    Unencapsulated and encapsulated (general senses)
  13. Name the different types of unencapsulated simple sensory receptors.
    Free (sense heat and cold/thermoceptors) & modified: Merkel discs & root hair plexus (light touch/exteroceptors)
  14. Name the different types of encapsulated simple sensory receptors.
    Meissner's corpuscles, Krauses's end bulbs, Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini's corpuscles, Muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs & joint kinesthetic receptors.
  15. Meissner's Corpuscles
    Cigar like sensory receptors which sense light touch
  16. Krausses's end bulbs
    Encapsulated sensory receptors located in mucosa which sense light touch
  17. Pacinian Corpuscles
    Encapsulated, onion like sensory receptors which sense deep pressure
  18. Ruffini's Corpuscles
    Encapsulated sensory receptors which sense deep pressure and stretch
  19. Muscle spindles
    Encapsulated sensory receptors which work against overstretch
  20. Golgi Tendon Organs
    Encapsulated sensory receptors which work against overstretch
  21. Joint Kinesthetic Receptors
    Combination of Pacinian corpuscles, Ruffini corpuscles, Golgie tendon organs and free sensory receptors located in joints
  22. Cranial Nerve I
    Olfactory nerve (smell)
  23. Cranial Nerve II
    Optic (vision)
  24. Cranial Nerve III
    Oculomotor. Efferent (motor) fibers. Controls cilliary muscle, sphincter of pupil and aall external eye muscles, except those controlled by cranial nerves IV & VI.
  25. Cranial Nerve IV
    Trochlear (controls the superior oblique muscle) (efferent (motor) fibers)
  26. Cranial Nerve VI
    Abducens (controls the lateral rectus muscle) (efferent (motor) fibers)
  27. Cranial Nerve V
    Trigeminal (sensory - face, sinuses, teeth) (motor - muscles of mastication) (mixed fibers)
  28. Cranial Nerve VII
    Facial (muscles of face) (motor - submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal glands) (sensory - anterior 2/3 of tongue, soft palate) (mixed fibers)
  29. Cranial Nerve VIII
    Vestibulocochlear (hearing)
  30. Cranial Nerve IX
    Glossopharyngeal (sensory - posterior 1/3 of tongue, tonsil, pharynx, middle ear) (motor - stylopharyngus, upper pharyngeal muscles, parotid gland) (mixed fibers)
  31. Cranial Nerve X
    Vagus (motor - heart, lungs, palate, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, G.I. tract) (sensory - heart, lungs, trachea, bronchi, larynx, pharynx, G.I. tract, external ear) (mixed fibers)
  32. Cranial Nerve XI
    Accessory (sternocleidomastoid, trapezius) (efferent (motor) fiber)
  33. Cranial Nerve XII
    Hypoglossal (tongue muscles & strap muscles by ansa cervicalis) (efferent (motor) fibers)
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Peripheral Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System