Quiz 5

  1. 5 main causes of postpartal hemorrhage
    • uterine atony
    • lacerations
    • retained placental fragments
    • uterine inversion
    • disseminated intravascular coagulation
  2. Uterine atony
    • relaxation of the uterus
    • most frequent cause of postpartal hemorrhage
    • use uterine massage to help uterus contract
    • Pitocin or prostaglandins promote contractions
  3. Retained placental fragments
    • the retained portion keeps the uterus from fully contracting
    • detected by placental inspecion, ultrasound, or hCG in blood
  4. Subinvolution
    • incomplete return of the uterus to its prepregnant size and shape
    • uterus still enlarged and soft at postpartal visit (4-6 weeks)
    • lochial discharge is usually still present
  5. Methylergonovine
    • an ocytocic agent -> improves uterine tone
    • indications: uterine atony, subinvolution
  6. Puerperal infection
    • infection of the reproductive tract
    • treat with antibiotics after c&s testing
  7. Endometritis
    • infection of the endometrium
    • 100.4F (38C) for 48 consecutive hours days, occuring 3-4 days after birth
    • dark brown, foul odor lochia
  8. Peritonitis
    • infection of the peritoneal cavity (an grave extension of endometritis)
    • rigid abdomen, abdominal pain, high fever, rapid pulse, vomiting
    • paralytic ileus -> NG tube/TPN
    • lots of antibiotics
  9. Thrombophlebitis
    • inflammation of the lining of a blood vessel and formation of blood clots (aka. DVT)
    • fever, pain & redness in affected leg, 10-16 days after birth
    • treat w/ bed rest, anticoagulants, moist heat
    • do not massage!
  10. Mastitis
    • infection of the breast occurs through cracked/fissured nipples
    • pain, swelling, redness
    • treat w/ antibiotics
  11. Eight priority needs in the first few days of life
    • respirations
    • circulation
    • body temperature
    • nourishment
    • waste elimination
    • infection prevention
    • infant-parent relationship
    • developmental care
  12. Kernicterus
    • destruction of brain cells by invasion of indirect bilirubin (d/t breakdown of RBCs)
    • common condition of preterm immaturity
  13. Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the newborn
    • deficient surfactant -> alveoli collapse -> poorly perfused lungs and poor gas exchange
    • grunting, central cyanosis, tachypnea, nasal flaring, retractions, shock
    • surfactant replacement, O2 administration, ventilation
  14. tocolytic vs. ocytocic
    • tocolytic: halts labor progression
    • ocytocic: quickens labor progression
  15. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
    hypoxia -> vagal reflex -> meconium released & aspirated
  16. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
    • vitamin K deficiency
    • petechiae, other hemorrhages, hematemesis or melena
  17. Patent urachus
    fistula between the bladder and umbilicus
  18. Exstrophy of the bladder
    • infant's bladder is exposed in the abdomen
    • corrected surgically
    • skin around the bladder becomes excoriated because of constant exposure to acid urine
  19. Hypospadias
    • urethral opening is on the ventral (lower) aspect of the penis
    • (epispadias - opening on the dorsal [upper] aspect)
  20. Vesicoureteral reflux
    • retrograde flow of urine from the bladder into the ureters
    • valve is defective
    • surgically corrected
  21. Hydronephrosis
    enlargement of the pelvis of the kidney with urine d/t back-pressure in the ureter
  22. Glomerulonephritis
    • maybe have had recent upper resp infection
    • coke-colored urine, lowered blood protein level, increased BUN
  23. Nephrosis (nephrotic syndrome)
    • proteinuria, edema, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia
    • treated w/ corticosteroids
  24. Renal failure
    • acute - oliguria, azotemia, uremia, BUN increase, hyperkalemia
    • chronic - polyuria, enuresis, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, anemia
  25. Anasarca
    • overall, systemic edema
    • indicates severe cardiovascular disease
  26. Patent ductus arteriosus
    • hole between the left and right ventricles
    • acyanotic defect
  27. Glactosemia
    don't feed the baby milk!
  28. Hydrocephalus
    • head significantly larger than the chest
    • enlarged/bulging fontanel
  29. Polyhydraminos can lead to...
    • digestive blockage
    • i.e. esophageal atresia, tracheoesophageal fistula
Card Set
Quiz 5
Pedi/Maternity Quiz 5