slow heart beat, ventricular contractions less tan 60bpm
abnormal sound heard when an artery us ausulated, usually a blowing or swishing sound, high pitch than a murmur
heart pain described as atypical or ishemic
enalrgement of heart
cramplike pains in the calives cause by poor circulation
lacks of oxygen, bluish/grayish discoloration
profuse secretion of sweat
dyspnea on exertion (DOE)
difficult and/or painful breathing; if DOE, is experienced when effort is expneded
abnormal heart sound heard during systole, diastole, or both, wich may be described as gentle blowing, fluttering or hummiing sound
palness of skin and or mucosal membranes. on darker pigmented skin, it is noted in the inner surface of the lower eyelids or nail bends
pounding or racing of heart, patient is aware of it
pulmonary congestion
excessive amount of blood in the pulmonary vessels, usually associated with heart failure
shortness of breath (SOB)
breathless, air hunger
fainting, loss of consciousness
rabid heartbeat, more than 100bpm
fine vibration felt by the examiner on palpitation
venous distension
enlarged or swollen veins
coarctation of the aorta
congential cardiac anomaly characterized by a localized narrowing of the aorta, another term for narrowing
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
abnormal opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta caused by failure of the fetal ductus arteriosus to close after birth, most often in premature infants. Patent means open, occulude means closed
septal defect
any congential abnomality of the walls between the heart chambers
atrial septal defect (ASD)
hole in the wall between the upper chambers
venricular septal defect (VSD)
hole in the walls between the lower 2 chambers
tetralogy of fallot
congential cardiac anomoly that consists of 4 defects
aortic stenosis (AS)
narrowing of the aortic valve which may be acquired or congential
mitral stenosis (MS)
narrowing of the valve between the left and right ventricular caused by adhesions on the leaflets of the valve
mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
protrusion of one or both cusps of the mitral valve back into the left atrium during ventricular systole
condition in which a person must sit or stand to breathe compfortably
tricuspid stenosis (TS)
uncommon narrowing of the trucuspid valvue associated with lesions or other valves caused by rheumatic fever
abnormal heartbeat. aka dysrhythmia
atrioventricular block
partial or complete heart block this is the result of a lack of electrical communication between the atria and the ventricles (aka heart block)
bundle branch block (BBB)
incomplete electrical conduction in the bundle branches, L or R
ectopic beats
heartbeats that occur outside of normal rhythm
atrial ectopic beats (AEB) are irregulr contractions of the atria (aka premature atrial contractions (PAC))
ventricular ectopic (VEB) are irregular contractions of the ventricles (aka ventricular contractions (PVC))
extrmeley rapid and irregular contractions (300-600/miin) occuring with or without an underlyin cardiovacuslar disorder
atrial fibrillation (AF)
most common type of arythmia
ventricular arrythmia
rapid, irregular ventricular contractionsl may be fatal unless reversed
extrmely rapid, but regular hearbeat (250-350)
atrial flutter
rapid, regular atrial rythm
sick sinus syndrome (SSS)
any abnormality of the sinus node that may include the ncesessity of an implantable pacemaker
ventriclar trachyadia
condition of ventricular contractions >100bpm
angina pectoris
paroxysmal chest pain that is often accompanied by shortnesss of breath and a sensation of impeding doom
coronary artery disease (CAD)
accumulation and hardening of plaque in the coronary arteries that eventually can deprive the heart muscle of oxygen, leading to angina
cardiac tamponade
compression of the heart caused by fluid in the pericardial sac
progressive disorder of the ventricles of the heart
inflammation of the endocardium and heart valuves, characteriszed by lesions and microbes
heart failure (HF)
inability of the heart muscles to pump blood efficiently (aka CHF)
inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, with the possibility of pericardial effusion
layers of the heart
endocarium, myocardium, pericardium
thin tissue that acts as a lining of each of the chambers and valvues
cardiac muscle surrounding each of these chambers
double folded layer of connective tissue that surround the heart
localized diltion of an artery caused by a congential or acquired weakness in the wall of the vessel
disease in which the arterial walls become thickened and lose their elasticity, without the presence of antheromas
form of arteriosclerosis in which medium and large arteries have atheromas,
esophageal varices
varicose veins that appear in the lower end of the esophagus as a result of portal hypertension; superficial and may cause ulceration and bleeding
varicose condition of the external or internal rectal veins that causes painful swellings at the anus
orthostatic hypotension
experiencing low bp upon rising to standing position
peripheral arterial occlusion
blockage of blood flow to the extremities
peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
any vascular disorder limited to the extremeites; may affect not only the arteries and veins but also the lympatics
Raynaud disease
- idiopathic disease that is of unknown cause.
- peripheral vascular system that causes intermittent cyanosis/erythmea of the distal ends of the fingers
inflammation of either deep veins (deep being thrombosis (DVT)) or superficial veins (supericial vein thrombosis, or SVT)
varicose veins
elongated, dilated superficial veins (varices) with incompetent valves that permit reverse blood flow
inflammation of the blood vessels. aka angitis
atrial myxoma
benign growth usually occuring on the interatrial septum
noncancerous tumor of the blood vessels. may be conential "stork bite" or may develop later in life
cardiac myxosarcoma
rare heart cancer usually orginiating in the left atrium
rare cancer of cells that line blood vessels
measures bp
auscultation and percussion (A&P)
listening to the internal sounds in the body, usually with a stethetscope, or by tapping
injection of a radiplaque substance during cardiac catheterization for the purpose of imaging th heart and related structures
cardiac catheterization
threading a catheter into a heart to collect diagnostic info
digital subtraction angiogrpahy (DSA)
digital imaging process wherein contrast images are usted to "subtract" the noncontrast image of surrounding structures, leaving only a clear image of blood vessels
echocardigraphy (ECHO)
use of ultrasonic waves directed through the heart to study the structure and motion of the heart
transephageal echocardiography (TEE)
images the heart through a transducer introduced into the esphogaous
exercise stress test (EST)
imaging of the heart during exercise on a treadmill with the use of radioactive ethallium or technetium
Holter monitor
portable electrocardiograph the is worn to record the reaction of the heart to daily activities
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
computerized imaging that uses the radiofrequency pulses in a magnetic field to detect areas of mycardial infaction, stenoses, and areas of blood flow
MUGA scan
multiple-gated acquistion scan is a noninvasive method of imaging a beating heart by tagging RBCs with a radio active substance
myocardial perfusion imaging
use of radionuclide to diagnose CAD, valvular or congential heart disease
xray imaging of a vein after the introduction of a contrast dye
positron emission tomography (PET)
computerized nuclear medicine procedure that uses inhaled or injected radioactive substances to help identify how much a patient will benefit from revascularization procedures
postanterior and lateral chest xrays may be used to evaluate the size and shape of the heart
Swan-Ganz catheter
long, thin cardiac catheter with a tiny balloon at the top that is fed into the femoral artery near the groin and extended up to the L venrical.
cardiac enzyme test
blood test that measures the amount of cardiac enzymes characteristically released during the MI, determines the amount of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine phosphkinase in the blood
lipid profile
blood test to measure the lipids in the circulating blood
the opening of a vein to withdraw a blood sample. aka venipuncture
removal of plaque from the coronary artery through a catheter with a rotating shaver or a laser
automatic implantable cardioverter defribillator
either external or implantable device that provides an electronic shock to the heart to restore a nomral rhythm
cardiac peacemaker
small, battery-operated device that helps the heart beat in a regular rhythm ; can be either internal or external
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
manual external cardiac massage and artifiical respiration used to restart the heartbeat and breating of a ptient
surgical division of a fibrous band or ring connecting corresponding parts of a body structure
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
open-heart surgery in which a pice of a blood vessel from another location is grafted onto one of the coronary arteries to reroute blood around a blockage
exracorporeal circulation (ECC)
use of a cariopulmonary machine to do the work of the heart during ope-heart procedures
left ventrical assist device (LVAD)
machine pump device that assists a ptient's weakend heart by pulling blood from the L ventricles into the pump and then ejecting it out into the aorta
minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB)
surgical prodecures in which the heart is still beating while a minimal incision is made over the blocked coronary artery and an artery from the chest wall is used as the bypass
endovenous laser ablation (EVLT)
thermal destruction of veins using laser fibers within a vein. used to treat varicose veins
excision of hemorrhoids
peripherally inserted central catherter (PICC)
a means of allowing intravenous access for delivering chemotheraphy, antibiotics, IV fluids, and feeding for a prolonged time
removal of a vein
injection of a chemical solution into varicosisties to cause inflammation