exam 2

  1. which of the following does not make a good candidate for bipap
    hi paco2 - bc this is the reason why you are doing it, you want to use bipap for a pt w/ a high co2
  2. stating settings for bipap are
    10/5 + 02 (bc u have that low pa02, you have to add the oxygen +02)
  3. which of the following can you adjust to lower c02
    inc rr
  4. hypoxic hypoxia increases in altitude

  5. you have a cao2 not two cv02 bc it will cancel each other out

  6. minimal rr for the vision
  7. tidal range for a pt w/ ards
    high rr and vt (5-8cc/kilo)
  8. intentionally allowing co2 to rise
    permissive hypercapnea
  9. if you reduce the diameter by half you inc the pressure x16
    pasollous law
  10. if you have bowing in a pressure volume loop (2)
    • inc resistance (bowing is affecting resistance)
    • change in compliance the loop stands up or lays down
  11. what type of compliance is measured w/o airflow
    static compliance

    (this is why you get a static compliance when you do a ins pause, bc its pausing air flow so its measured with no airflow)
  12. low comp increases FRC

  13. normal range for static compliance
  14. tidal vol used in gas exchange
    alverolar vol or ventilation
  15. normal shunt
    less than 10%
  16. ipap and epap =
    spontaneous timed mode (cpap)
  17. pressure drops to allow for easier exhalation
  18. intial cpap settings for cpap
  19. which is not a maximum support mode
    pressure support

    bc it is in conjunction w/ spont mode (the rest are maximum support) ac, pc, prvc are full support)
  20. initial rr
    10-20 bpm
  21. when do u want to have an inital higher rr
    • a high co2 (to decrease co2)
    • head injury (by loweing co2 u are constricting blood vessels in the brain, causing less swelling)(u want to hyperventilate to about a co2 of 30-35 instead of a co2 35-45)
  22. initial vt for a medical/disease normal pt
    5-8 cc/kilo
  23. initial wave flow in a ramp waveform
  24. high flow rates can cause
    increase peak ins pressure (pip) (faster the flow higher the pressure)
  25. when is the pressure sensitivity on the avea activated
    when the nebulizer function is active (as soon you activate the nebulizer the flow trigger turns off and the pressure sensitivity is functioning)
  26. time cycle pressure limited ventilation is available only in the
    neonatal settings (not pediatrics)
  27. the 2 triggers are
    flow and pressure
  28. does the avea have a internal nebulizer
    true - it uses its own flow
  29. how do u activate a sigh in the avea
    through the advance settings, vt under advance settings bc a sigh is part of your advance settings
  30. all modes are on the avea except
    vc+ (this is an 840 version of prvc)
  31. all are advantages of the vision over the bipap s/t except
    internal nebulizer
  32. s/t has all of these modes
    ipap, spont, and spont timed
  33. what do u have to do when u need oxygen with the bipap s/t
    you have to bleed in oxygen form an external source bc it does not connect to 50 psi
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exam 2
exam 2