
  1. frontonasal process
    • upper face
    • forehead
    • bridge of nose
    • nasal septum
  2. frontonasal process: medial nasal process
    • middle portion of the nose
    • intermaxillary segment: maxillary incisors
    • primary palate
  3. Frontonasal process: lateral nasal process
    ala of the nose
  4. Maxillary process
    • midface
    • sides of the upper lip
    • cheeks
    • secondary palate
    • posterior portion of maxilla with teeth
    • maxillary canines
    • zygomatic bone
    • portions of temporal bone
  5. mandibular arch, or first branchial arch
    • lower face
    • lower lip
    • mandible with teeth
    • trigeminal nerve (V)
    • muscles of mastication
  6. mandibular arch: meckel's cartilage
    malleus and incus (middle ear bones)
  7. Mandibular arch: perichondrium around meckel's cartilage
    temporomandibular ligaments
  8. branchial groove
  9. hyoid arch, or second branchial arch
    • muscles of facial expression
    • suprahyoid muscle
    • facial nerve (VII)
  10. hyoid arch: reichert's cartilage
    • stapes (middle ear bone)
    • styloid process
    • upper portion of hyoid bone
  11. hyoid arch: pericondrium around reichert's cartilage
    ligaments of hyoid bone
  12. third branchial arch
    pharyngeal muscle
  13. third branchial arch: unnamed cartilage
    lower portion of hyoid bone
  14. fourth/sixth branchial arch
    muscles of larynx and pharynx
  15. first pharyngeal pouch
    auditory tubes
  16. second pharyngeal pouch
    palatine tonsils
  17. third/fourth pharyngeal pouch
    • parathyroid gland
    • thymus gland
Card Set
Archie 1