Cognitive Science Final

  1. Classical AI
    • 1) Assumes digital computational theory of mind
    • 2) Uses physical symbol systems
    • -Thought it result of symbol manipulation
  2. Functionalism
    • 1) Physical Kinds: Things are defined by what they are made of (mind=brain)
    • 2) Functional Kinds: Things are defined by their function (doughnut=doorstop)
  3. Digital Computational Theory
    • 1) Cognitive states are mental representations
    • 2) Cognitive processes are computational operations performed on mental representations
    • 3) Computations are digital
    • 4) Use algorithms and programs
  4. Algorithm
    A sequence of instructions and effective procedures. Independent of programming language
  5. Program
    • Implement algorithms.
    • Written in specific programming languages
    • Algorithms are ideal, programs are specific
  6. Turing Test
    Thought experiment asking if a machine could fool a human. Do we count this as thought? Does this mean a machine is intelligent? No.
  7. Classical AI vs. Connectionism
    • Classical AI relied on physical symbol systems hypothesis. Results were slow and only worked in very small worlds
    • Connectionism uses a neural net (ANN) to show a pattern of activation
  8. Artificial Neural Network
    • Pattern of activation, like real neural network
    • Mathematical model
  9. Components of ANNs
    • Nodes: Have activation values, thresholds, can fire if input exceeds threshold. Like Cell Bodies
    • Links: Connections between nodes. Have Weights, or numbers associated with the link.
    • Weights: Can be anywhere from +1 to -1. Closer to |1|=heavier weight.
  10. Basis Function
    • Sum of the activation values ties the connection weights.
    • Sj=∑aiwji
  11. Activation Function
    I don't know yet
  12. Backpropogation
  13. Lesioning and ANN
    Cutting out certain links in an ANN to see if network performs like person with a brain injury. Can hypothesize relationship between organization of network and the organization of neural system.
  14. Robots
    • 1) Mechanical creature that can function with no operator
    • 2) Can adapt to changing environment
    • 3) Can function even if some parts break
    • 4) Can move and change things
  15. Primitives of robotic system
    • Sense: Take information from environment, convert to information system, either from sensor of knowledge base
    • Plan: Use information and generate set of tasks to execute. Analogue to human cognition.
    • Act: Commands for action
  16. Reactive Paradigm
    • Remove the Plan stage
    • Subsumption Architecture
    • Interaction between two layers (avoid objects, wander around) looks like intelligent behavior
    • No central planning
  17. Uncanny valley
    Gap in graph of similarity to familiarity in robots
  18. Distributed Cognition
    Cognition is not confined to a single brain. It is spread across an individual's mind, body, the environment, and other people.
  19. Pragmatic vs. Epistemic actions
    • Pragmatic: Change the world in order to have things in a certain position
    • Epistemic: Change the world to make mental tasks easier. To aid with cognition
  20. Similarities and Differences in Animal and Human Cognition
  21. Embodiment Hypothesis
    • How we think is intimately tied to our human bodies and interacting with the world with these bodies.
    • Support: Affordances, Simulation
  22. Affordance
    How a person thinks an object can be used or interacted with
  23. Emergent Structure
    • 1) Evolutionary: Natural Selection
    • 2) Epigenetic: from egg to embryo
    • 3) Developmental: As we grow
    • 4) Online: Self-organization of multiple organisms
  24. Social Cognition
    • Recognition of Intention: Understanding that others have mental states/goals
    • Joint Attention: Mutual focus on an object AND knowing the focus is mutual
    • Theory of Mind: Understanding that others may have different mental states than your own
    • Communicative Intention: You can change someone else's mental state via communicative action
  25. Habituation Paradigm
    Show a stimulus to infant until bored, then show another stimulus and gauge reaction
  26. Mirror Neurons
    • May cause empathy.
    • We understand others because we simulate their actions or emotions.
  27. Cognitive Development
    How humans acquire knowledge over the course of a lifetime
  28. Mylination
  29. Synaptic pruning
    Change in the gray matter density in the brain, number of connections. Connections that are not used are removed.
  30. Piagetian Processes
    • Assimilation: New experiences are linked to existing schema
    • Accommodation: Schema is modified to include new experiences
  31. Piagetian stages of cognitive development
    • Sensorimotor: beginning of intentional action and object permanence
    • Preoperational: Lean to use language and egocentric thinking
    • Concrete Operational: Have conservation, classify objects by more than one property
    • Formal Operations: Abstract reasoning, hypothesis formation
  32. Conservation
    You can move things around while still having the same amount of stuff
  33. Object Permanence
    Things continue to exist even though they are not seen
  34. Nativist Approach to Cognitive Science
    • Number
    • Physics
    • Language: Critical Period. Pro-Genie, Con-Don't know existing damage
  35. Deception in Children
    Before 4, children can deceive to change someone's action, after 4 can deceive to change mental state
  36. Problem Solving
    • General Approach
    • Means-End
  37. Problem Space
    Mental representation of a problem, including initial, final, and intermediate states
  38. Genreal Problem Solver
    • Used mean-end analysis
    • Worked with logic problems
    • Can't solve real world problems
  39. Analogical thinking-Relations
    Pattern of Similarity
  40. First Order vs. Higher Relations
    • First Order: direct similarities
    • Higher order: relations among relations. (x is like y in the same way a is like b)
  41. Analogical Processes
    • Accessing: find items in memory
    • Mapping: transfer information from source to target
    • Inferencing: Generate new inferences
    • Adapting/evaluating: choosing which information to map and which inferences not to draw
  42. Analogical Paradox
    When tested in experimental situation, people only transfer when superficial properties are preserved.
  43. Human Factors Engineering
    Field focusing on designing objects so that they are compatible with human body and human cognition.
  44. Principles of Good Design
    • Flow:
    • Presence:
  45. Design Cognition
    The study of human information processing in design
  46. Design vs. Problem solving
    Design is creating a plan. Problem solving is navigating through problem space to find a solution.
  47. Protocol Anaylsis
  48. Cognitive Science of Art
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Cognitive Science Final
Final exam review