chap 15 2

  1. aqueous humor
    - thick watery subs filling the space between the lens and cornea
  2. canthus -
    angle where the upper and lower eyelids meet
  3. choroid -
    derived from the greek words (skin leather) eidos (form likeness resemblance) - opaque middle layer of the eye
  4. ciliary body -
    set of muscles and suspensory ligaments that adjust the lens
  5. cones -
    konos (cone) - color receptors
  6. conjunctiva -
    the mucous membrane covering the anterior of the eye and inner eyelid
  7. cornea -
    cornus ( horn) - transparent shield of tissue forming outer wall of eye
  8. dacryocyst
    - tear sac
  9. extraocular -
    situated outside the eye
  10. fovea centralis
    - a pit in middle of the retina that is the area of sharpest vision
  11. iris pl irides
    (messenger of gods) - colored part of eye
  12. lacrimal apparatus -
    the lacrimal gland, lake, canaliculi (small canals), and sac, along with the nasolacrimal duct
  13. lens -
    refractive struc of the eye, lying between iris and the vitreous body
  14. ocular -
    adj referring to the eye
  15. optic nerve -
    cranial nerve respons vision
  16. orbit -
    bony depression houses eye
  17. pupil - -
    dark part in cent of iris (little girl doll) pupilla
  18. rods -
    black and white receptors on the retina that respond to dim light
  19. uvea -
    vascular layer of eye
  20. vitreous body / humor -
    (glassy) - transparrent jelly like substance filling interior eye, and fluid component of the body
  21. amblyopia -
    (dim) (vision) - condition that occurs when visual acuity is note the same in both eyes also lazy eye
  22. blepharoptosis
    - dropping eyelid
  23. cataract -
    waterfall) - opacity of the ocular lens
  24. conjunctivitis -
    inflam of the conjunctive; pinkeye
  25. glaucoma -
    disease of eye char'd by intraocular pressure and atro of optic nerve
  26. hordeolum - (
    barley) - a sty on eyelid
  27. hyperopia/ presbyopia -
  28. myopia -
  29. oculodynia -
    pain in eyeball
  30. presbyopia -
    presbys (old man) - farsightedness resulting from old age
  31. scleroiritis -
    inflammation of the sclera and iris
  32. strabismus -
    (squinting) - lack of parallelism in the visual axes; crossed eyes
  33. xerophthalmia
    dry eyes
  34. auricle -
    auri (ear) - one of the 2 parts of the external ear (the other part is the auditory canal)
  35. cerumen
    - l cera (wax) - wax-like secretion occurring in the external auditory canal
  36. cochlea -
    latin word meaning snail shell - part of the bony labyrinth
  37. eustachian tube -
    auditory tube that connect the middle ear to the pharynx
  38. external auditory canal -
    other part of ext ear
  39. incus -
    one of the auditory ossiceles (the anvil
  40. labyrinth -
    canals of the inner ear
  41. malleus -
    l (hammer) - one of the auditory ossicles
  42. ossicles
    (small bone) 3 small bones in mid ear - malleus, incus, stapes
  43. pinna -
    (feather wing lobe) - term for auricle
  44. stapes
    (stirrup) one of the auditory ossicles
Card Set
chap 15 2
chap 15 2