first and second conjugation: present system passive voice
- -r; -mur
- -ris; -mini
- -tur; -ntur
flumen, fluminis
(n)- river
genus, generis
- (n)- origin; kind, type, sort, class
- [genus]
hostis, hostis
(m)- an enemy (of the state)
ludus, -i
(m)- game, sport, school
probitas, probitatis
(f)- uprightness, honesty
scientia, -ae
- (f)- knowledge
- [scientific]
clarus, -a, -um
- clear, bright; renowned, famous, illustrious
- [clarity]
(adv)- thereupon, next, then
fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum
lego, legere, legi, lectum
- to pick out, choose
- [elect]
misceo, miscere, miscui, misxtum
- to mix, stir up, disturb
- [miscellaneous]
moveo, movere, movi, motum
- to move, arouse, affect
- [mobile]
videor, videri, visus sum
(passive of video)- to be seen, seem, appear