Materials that, when exposed to an external magnetic field, non-magnetic atoms acquire temporary magnetic moments that tend to oppose the external field?
Material that, an external magnetic field causes randomly oriented magnetic atoms to align temporarily in the same direction as the field.
Material that is weakly attracted to an external magnetic field but cannot be magnetized permanently.
Which property is related to the resistance of a material to demagnetization?
Coercive field
Referring to the equation B=mu0(H+M), how is M related to H for a linear magnetic material?
Material that can be magnetized but will not conduct electricity.
What happens at the Curie temperature of a ferromagnetic material?
Saturation magnetization disappears
What is a Bohr magneton?
Magnetic moment of an unpaired electron
Iron is a ferromagnetic material, but not all pieces of iron are permanent magnets. Why?
Magnetic domains cancel the external field
Which property is proportional to the energy loss in a transformer?
Area inside hysteresis loop
Which property is related to the stength of a permanent magnet's B-field?
Which property determines whether a magnetic material is considered "hard" or "soft"?
Coercive field
Light falling on the interface between two media
Incident light
Mirror-like reflection at a smooth interface between two media
Specular reflection
Reflection at a rough interface between two media
Diffuse reflection
Bending of light as it passes through the interface between two media
Crystal defect inside medium where light is deflected
Scattering center
Place where light is converted to heat inside a medium
Absorption center
Which equation gives the reflectivity at small angles of incidence?
Which equation describes the refraction of light?
Which equation is the law of reflection?
Which equation allows us to estimate the refractive index of a dielectric from its electric and magnetic properties?
Which equation defines the absorption coefficient?