ChE 361 #4

  1. What is the SI unit of current?
  2. What is the SI unit of resistance?
  3. What is the SI unit of resistivity?
  4. What is the SI unit of conductance?
  5. What is the SI unit of conductivity?
    siemens per meter(S/m)
  6. What is the SI unit of electrical potential?
  7. Who is credited with the idea of positive and negative charges?
    Ben Franklin
  8. V=?
  9. How do solutes affect the yield strength of a metal?
    Increase yield
  10. How do solutes affect the resistivity of a metal?
    Increase resistivity
  11. How does temperature affect the yield strength of a metal?
    As T increases yield decreases
  12. How does temperature affect the resistivity of a metal?
    As T increases resistivity increases
  13. According to the text, what is true of ionic solids?
    Ionic solids conduct at temperatures high enough to promote rapid ionic diffusion
  14. What is nv in the equation ke=nve(mue)?
    Number density of free electrons
  15. What is mue in the equation ke=nv(mue)?
    Mobility of fee electrons
  16. What is true of ionic bonds?
    Valence electrons are tightly held by anions
  17. What is true of covalent bonds?
    Valence electrons are localized in bonding orbitals
  18. What is true of metallic bonds?
    Valence electrons are delocalized
  19. What is true of secondary bonds?
    Dipoles interact
  20. What contributes to good electrical conductivity?
    Valence electrons are delocalized
  21. What contributes to good thermal conductivity?
    Valence electrons are delocalized
  22. What are valence electrons?
    Electrons in outermost occupied shell
  23. How do defects affect the charge carriers in a metallic conductor?
    Defects scatter charge carriers
  24. Which materials may retain polarization in the absence of an external electric field?
  25. Which materials change shape appreciably when polarized?
  26. Which materials ave little or no electrical resistance at very low temperatures?
  27. Which materials become polarized when strained?
  28. Which materials are typically used to insulate electrical wires and cables?
  29. Which materials become polarized when heated?
  30. What is meant by the capacitance of a material?
    Ability to conduct electrons
  31. What happens at the breakdown voltage?
    Significant current occurs in an insulator
  32. What is the term for two charges +q separated by a small distance delta(x)?
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ChE 361 #4
Engineering materials final