acabar de+ infinitive
to have just
acabar por+infinitive
to end by, to finally
alegrarse de
to be glad of (to)
alejarse de
to go away from
apoderarse de
to take possession of
apoyarse en
to lean against (on)
apresurarse a+ infinitive
to hurry to
arrepentirse de
to repent
asomarse a
to look out of, to appear at (a window)
atreverse a+ infinitive
to dare to
burlarse de
to make fun of
casarse (con)
to marry, to get married (to)
consentir en
to consent to
contar con
to rely on, to count on
consistir en
to consist of
convenir en
to agree on (to)
cuidar a
to take care of (a person)
cuidar de
to take care of (a thing)
cumplir con
to fulfill, to keep (a promise, one's word)
dejar de + infinitive
to fail to, to stop to neglect
dirigirse a
to address, to make one's way
disponerse a + infinitive
to get ready to
echarse a + infinitive
to start to, to begin to
echar la culpa (a)
to blame
empeƱarse en + infinitive
to insist on, to persist in
enamorarse de
to fall in love with
encogerse de hombros
to shrug one's shoulders
enterarse de
to become aware of, to find out about
estar a punto de + infinitive
to be about to
estar conforme (con)
to be in agreement (with)
estar de acuerdo (con)
to be in agreement (with)
estar de vuelta
to be back
estar para+ infinitive
to be about to
estar por
to be in favor of
fijarse en
to stare at, to notice
guardar cama
to stay in bed
llegar a ser
to become, to get to be
llevar a cabo
to carry out
negarse a+ infinitive
to refuse to
oír hablar de
to hear about
oler a
to smell of, to smell like