English vocab

  1. What does aptitude mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "a natural tendency to do something well."
    • It is a noun
  2. What does apportion mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "to divide something among many." Hint: think about the word portion.
    • It is a verb. To divide something is an action.
  3. What does bedlam mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "a place or situaton full of noise, chaos." Hint: think about a bed on a sleepover night. Isn't it noisy?
    • It is a noun.
  4. What does blase mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "unconcerned."
    • It is a noun.
  5. What does brandished mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "to wave something about." Hint: think about Chew Wong.
    • It is a verb. Waving is an action.
  6. What does delectable mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "delicious." Hint: think delectable dessert.
    • It is an adjective.
  7. What does detest mean? What part of speech is it?
    It means "to dislike somebody or something very much."

    It is a verb.
  8. What does duration mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "the period of time that something lasts or exists."
    • It is a noun. Time is a thing.
  9. What does fatalist mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "a pessimistic person, a quitter."
    • It is a noun. A quitter is a person.
  10. What does fatigue mean? What part of speech is it?
    It means "mental or physical exhaustion."

    It is a noun. Tiredness is a thing.
  11. What does fortnight mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "two weeks."
    • It is a noun. Two weeks is an idea.
  12. What does garish mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "excessively ornate or elaborate."
    • It is an adjective.
  13. What does implore mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "to beg or plead."
    • It is a verb. Pleading is an action.
  14. What does inadequate mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "not enough, or not good enough."
    • It is an adjective. It is describing how bad something is.
  15. What does innuendo mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "hint of something improper."
    • It is a noun.
  16. What does irk mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "to irritate somebody."
    • It is a verb.
  17. What does ludicrous mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "utterly ridiculous."
    • It is an adjective.
  18. What does nuisiance mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "an annoying or irritating person or thing."
    • It is an adjective.
  19. What does optimist mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "somebody who tends to feel hopeful and positive about future outcomes."
    • It is a noun.
  20. What does philosophical mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "concerned with deep questions about life."
    • It is an adjective.
  21. What does phlegmatic mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "generally unemotional and difficult to arouse."
    • It is an adjective.
  22. What does rendezvous mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "a meeting arranged for an agreed time and place."
    • It is a noun.
  23. What does rhetorical mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "effective use of language, asking a question without expecting an anwer."
    • It is an adjective.
  24. What does unanimous mean? What part of speech is it?
    • It means "agreed on by everyone."
    • It is an adjective.
  25. What does unrequited mean?
    What part of speech is it?
    • It means "not felt in response, or not returned in the same way or to the same degree."
    • It is an adjective.
Card Set
English vocab
This set is for the book Cheaper by the Dozen.