Week 1 Nsg 325

  1. How was mental illness treated in the 1900's?
    State hospitals. crowded, bad conditions, but improving with treatment and medications mid century
  2. What did Hippocrates focus on other than the supernatural?
    humors - blood, black & yellow bile, phlegm
  3. Who was the "Father of Psychiatry" in mid 18th century?
    Benjamin Rush
  4. Who incorporated psychiatric nursing into the curriculum in 1955?
    Linda Richards
  5. What tool is used in psychiatry to assist with psychiatric diagnoses: Multiaxial Evaluation System?
  6. Maslow's hierarchy of needs identified what as one's highest potential?
    self actualization
  7. What is a 5150?
    72 hour hold
  8. What is a 5250?
    14 day hold
  9. What are the criteria for a hold?
    Suicidal, homicidal, gravely disabled
  10. Dude with depression is in an accident and c/o chest pain, what do you do?
    c - inform team leader so they can do a proper assessment to r/o cardiac irregularities
  11. If dude is sobbing and yelling frantically with his chest pain, which Peplau level of anxiety is he? (moderate, severe, or panic)
  12. Mr Z is psychotic and has been admitted for violent outrages toward his family. He starts calling you cousin. What do you do?
    inform the team of his delusion and await team decision on how to approach him
  13. joan was admitted for depression after her baby died of SIDS. She begs you to let her out because baby i9s crying and needs her. What stage of grief is she in?
  14. Joan informed you as the student nurse that she plans to kill herself. What is your response?
    c - what were you thinking of doing?
  15. What year did the patient's bill of rights give the right to refuse treatment?
  16. Mr wild eyed responding to demon voices he calls for help and throwing a chair against a wall. What do you do?
    b - call staff for assistance, provide reassurance that he's in a safe place
  17. psych nurses provide many roles. When they provide guidance in assisting the pt in changing lifestyle what role?
  18. describe every role nurses play
    counselor, teacher, milieu management, promotion of self care, psychobiological intervention, case manager
  19. first step in getting acquainted with patient
    pre-interaction - understand myself, then read the chart
  20. patient has asked to work on a project, however he is extremely scattered, unabled to do simple tasks. Who could help you decide what project could be therapeutic for this pt?
  21. as a nurse it is your duty to benefit or promote the good of others. Describe these legal actions that nurses are responsible for upholding. Non - maleficence, ethics, beneficience
  22. Three major divisions of brain and their functions?
  23. 6 alternate parts of the brain and their functions?
  24. what is the limbic's function?
    emotions, motivation, regulation of memories
  25. afferent and efferent neurons do what?
    afferent = sensory, efferent = motor; transmit information/instructions to and from the brain
  26. how are messages transmitted?
    electrical impulses along the axon, then neurotransmitters at the synaptic cleft
  27. what are dopamine, serotonin and epinephrine and how do they work?
  28. what is a synapse?
    the space between neurons (nerve cells)
  29. what is included in a mental health assessment
    identifying info, appearance, emotions, thought/perception, cognition/orientation, judgment/insight
  30. what would be included in your assessment in medication administration?
  31. name the phases in psych nurse led groups?
    formin, normin, stormin and performin, adjournin
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Week 1 Nsg 325
Week 1 homework for Nursing 325