CH9 - CNET Key Terms

  1. Companies that specialize in providing customers with access to applications and file services through a Web browser over the Internet.
    application service providers (ASPs)
  2. A server in a client/server networking environment.
    back end
  3. A computing environment in which all processing takes place on a mainframe or central computer.
    centralized computing
  4. In this environment, when multiple redirectors are loaded on a client, the client can communicate with servers from different vendors.
    client-based multivendor solution
  5. A computing environment in which processing is divided between the client and server.
    client/server computing
  6. The Windows method of accessing files across a network; this method is a newer version of Server Message Block.
    Common Internet File System (CIFS)
  7. Client/server computing environments that use SQL to retrieve data from the server. See also Structured Query Language (SQL).
    database management systems (DBMSs)
  8. A client in a client/server networking environment.
    front end
  9. The local directory in a UNIX or Linux file system in which an NFS volume is made accessible. See also Network File System (NFS).
    mount point
  10. A distributed file system originally developed at Sun Microsystems. It supports network-based file and printer sharing using TCP/IP-based network protocols and is the native file-sharing protocol for Linux/UNIX systems.9
    Network File System (NFS)
  11. A portion of a UNIX or Linux file system that has been exported and made available to NFS clients.
    NFS volume
  12. A term describing software that’s always available at no charge, even after modifications to its source code.
    open source
  13. An open-source software suite that makes Linux servers look and act like Windows servers. It permits DOS or Windows clients to access Linux- or UNIX-based file systems and services without special software on the client end.
  14. A server, such as one running Windows Server 2003, that can readily communicate with clients from multiple vendors.
    server-based multivendor solution
  15. The standard database query language designed by IBM.
    Structured Query Language (SQL)
  16. A software subsystem for Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server that permits clients to run large or complex applications on computers with minimal processing power by transferring the burden of client processing to the server.
    Terminal Services
  17. A networked computer with a keyboard, a pointing device (mouse), a display device, a network interface, and enough processing power to access terminal services or a mainframe, where the real application processing occurs.
    thin client
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CH9 - CNET Key Terms
key terms