Final A&P Exam

  1. What are the structures of the male anatomy
  2. Whats the path sperm takes starting from the Seminiferous tubules?
    Seminiferous tubules - From the testis to the epididimis- vas deferens - Seminal vesicles - Ejaculatory duct - Prostate - Urethra - pass th bulbourethral gland.
  3. Structure of the TESTIS?
  4. Structure of the Female Reproductive System
  5. Structure of the Cervix
  6. Spermatogonia has # of Cromosomes
  7. Spermatids have # of Chromosomes
  8. Spermatozoa has # of chromosomes
  9. 3 glands that contribute to the ejaculate of semen
    • 1. Prostate Gland
    • 2. Ejaculatory gland
    • 3. Seminal vesicles
  10. Substance produced in the prostate gland what percentage.
    • Secretes a watery milky-looking, and slightly acidic fluid that constitutes about 30% of the seminal fluid volume.
    • -plays an important role in sperm activation, viability, and motility.
  11. Substance produced in the bulborethral gland
    • Secrete and alkaline fluid that is important for counteracting the acid present in the male urethra and the female vagina.
    • secretes less than 5% of the seminal fluid volume
  12. Substance produced in the Seminal vesicle % of seminal fluid volume.
    • Highly convoluted pouches that, when fully extended are about 15 cm in lenght.
    • Secrete an alkaline, viscous, creamy-yellow liquid that constitutes about 60% of semen volume.
    • The alkalinity helps neutralize the acid pH environment of the terminal urethra and in the vagina. Fructose found in this component of the semen serves as an energy source for sperm motility after ejaculation.
  13. Testes and epididymis secrete what % of seminal fluid volume.?
    less than 5%
  14. Spermatogonia cells are homologous to the female?
  15. What is clamped in males in a Vasectomy
    Vas deferens
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Final A&P Exam
Final A&P exam