Econ Exam 3

  1. Four goals for 2020
    • eliminate preventable disease, disability and premature death
    • avhieve health equity & eliminate health disparities
    • create environments that promot good health
    • promote health at every stage of life
  2. Economic infrastructure for disease prevention
    • Medicare
    • HMO
    • Traditional insurance
  3. Medicare and disease prevention
    • improving
    • ad hoc or political
    • expensive up front
  4. HMOs
    • support preventative care
    • pay for pharmacy
    • low copays
    • closed systems
  5. Traditional insurance
    • variation
    • less emphasis on preventative care
    • more pt. choice on providers
    • co-insurance
  6. stakeholders for improved health outcomes
    • patients
    • insurance companies
    • PBMs
    • Employers
    • Physicians
    • Society
  7. What do we need for quality health outcomes?
    • knowledgeable physicians
    • insurance designs that encourage pt. compliance
    • affordable
    • no infinite budget for any stakeholder
  8. Challenges for Healthy People 2020
    • funding issues
    • political issues
    • access issues
    • budget constraints and competeing interests of each stakeholder
Card Set
Econ Exam 3
Healthy People 2020