What is special education?
special education refers to specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability
Who receives special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
Requires that all students have access to a free and appropriate education. Provides funding for special education services.
What kinds of services are students with disablilities entitled to receive under the IDEA ?
FAPE and IEP's
What are the major principles that recent legislation has addressed in relation to students with disabilities?
How do each of the major principles (legislation has addressed) relate to the educational programs of students with disabilities?
- PL 94-142 amended in 1990 to include infants and toddlers early intervention programs, renamed IDEA
- PL 105-17 (1997) added clarification on the rights of parents with students needing special education
- PL 108-446 (2004) changes to required support in the No Child Left Behind Act - requires greater accountability showing students with disabilities have access to general education and assessed - allows schools to use RTI - favors short term over long term goals
What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), and what are the implications of the LRE for our current delivery model of special education services?
LRE = encourages students with disabilities to be educated in the general education setting (with peers who are not disabled) to the maximum extent appropriate.
Alfred Binet
- developed performance test with an emphasis on determining if low functioning children should be placed in programs for students labeled "mentally deficient"
- his work has had lasting effects on classification, diagnosis, and educational planning
Lewis Terman
- revised Binet's intelligence test and standarized it for american children
- laid the groundwork for est. special edu. services and studants with learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, and other conditions
What/who are the major sources of influence on the evolvement of special education in this country?
- Alfred Binet
- Lewis Terman
What are the major pieces of federal legislation related to special education and/or individuals with disabilities?
When /what were the first special classes established ?
- 1869 in Boston for deaf students
- 1896 in Chicago for blind students
- - the provision of ensuring that individuals with disabilities (especially individuals with mental retardation) have life patterns resembling members in the general community as much as possible
- was a major factor in the development of community-based services for individuals with MR
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
- first compulsory education law
- mandated FAPE for all students with disabilities 3-21
Handicapped vs. disability
- handicap describes the consequences of have a disabilitydisability refers to a condition that a person has
What was the PL-94-142 renamed and why?
IDEA - to reflect the "people first" terminology
PL-94-142 was amended in 1997 to do what?
- to define parents' rights for spec. ed. option in private schools
- included ADD and ADHD as eligible under the category of "other health impairments"
IDEA defines special education as?
specially designed instruction
Under IDEA, if a student has a disability making them eligible for special education services, the students has...
exceptional learning needs
How many categories of exceptionality are in IDEA, and what ages are served?
What is an Individualized Education Program(IEP)?
A written document required by P.L. 108-446 (and subsequently IDEA) for students with disabilities (ages 3-21) that includes a statement of the student's current level of functioning, annual goals, short-term instructional goals and objectives, services to be provided (with dates and personnel responsible), and evaluation procedures and criteria.
What is an Individualized Family Service Plan(IFSP)?
A written document required by P.L. 99-457 for infants/toddlers with disabilities (birth through two) that includes the child's present level of development, the family's needs related to the child's development, services provided to the child and family, evaluation procedures, and transition procedures from an early intervention program into a preschool program.
The practice of providing instructional and related services to students with disabilities in the general education setting.
IDEA was to use federal dollars for what?
to put the federal dollars into grants-in-aid to assist states in covering the excess cost of special ed. services
2 important features of IDEA
the requirement of FAPE and an IEP
What is a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?
Requirement under P.L. 108-446 to provide special education and related services to students with disabilities at public expense and in conformity with the student's individualized education program (IEP).
OSEP Office of Special Education was created within the Department of Education for what purpose?
for implementing and monitoring compliance with IDEA
BEH Bureau of Education of the Handicapped
the first separate unit established for Special Education at the federal level of government
number or percentage of individuals who have a disability condition at a given time
- Regular Education Initiative
- an initiative from the OSERS(offices of special education) and rehabilitation services) sponsored by Madeline Will in 1986 that advocated the integration of general and special education into one educational system for all students
pullout services
the emphasis on normalization for indiv. with MR concurrently produced the resource room as an instructional alternative for students with mild disabilities - they are placed in general education settings then "pulled out" for part time intensive or remedial instruction
- state improvement grants
- given to states to help improve programs for ind. w/disabilities