British Lit

  1. Where is Plate 7 of "A Rake's Progress" set?
    In a Debtor's Prison
  2. In, his Diary, Samuel Pepys wrote about witnessing the coronation of what monarch?
    Charles II
  3. In A Journal of the Plague Year, how many bodies does the narrator say are in the large burial pit in the Aldgate Churchyard only two weeks after it is dug?
  4. In November of 1666, one of Pepys friends tell him about a medical procedure performed at Gresham college, what procedure was it?
    A blood transfusion
  5. Pepys concludes several of his diary entries with the phrase, "and so to
  6. Samuel Pepys stopped writing in his diary because he said he was going blind.
  7. Samuel Reported on the King's Cori nation but he had to miss the final ceremonies why?
    He had to urinate and didn't want to humiliate himself
  8. In part three of Gulliver's Travelers, The immortals Struldbruggs, are marked by?
    A red spot on the forehead
  9. William Hogarth is best Known for his
    satirical engravings
  10. In his entries on the Fire of London, Pepys reports on the methods used to stop the fire. One of the methods he describes is the attempt to set up wind baffles to deflect the air from the fire toward the river.
  11. In Part 3 of Gulliver's Travels, Swift describes the Academy of Lagado ... what institution is he satirizing in his description?
    The Royal Society
  12. Samuel Pepys was a highly-placed official in ....
    The navy
  13. The waterman, in A Journal of the Plague Year, is afraid of catching the disease from his wife and family, so he leaves them money on a _____
  14. In his diary, Samuel Pepys reports on the King's coronation ... however, he had to leave the final ceremonies early ... what caused him to miss this historic event?
    He had to urinate and could not wait
  15. Gulliver finally leaves Houyhnhnm-land in a canoe made from wood and ________ skins.
  16. Briefly identify Sarah Young from "A Rake's Progress."
    The woman Rakewell made pregnant
  17. What is the name of the central figure in Hogarth's series "A Rake's Progress?"
  18. Which of the following MOST worries Dr. Faustus in Marlowe's play?
    His fear of internal damnation
  19. What exactly does Faustus stand to gain in exchange for surrendering his soul to Lucifer?
    twenty-four years of voluptuousness
  20. At the stroke of midnight, when Lucifer comes to claim Faustus' soul, who does Faustus most blame for his damnation?
    himself and Lucifer
  21. When Dr. Faustus is persuaded by Valdes and Cornelius, he rules out further interest in all but which one of the following medieval professions?
    magic and occultism
  22. Which aspect of Dr. Faustus would have been most shocking to the Elizabethan audience?
    Faustus' audacity in ignoring Christian warnings about capitulating to the powers of hell
  23. The story of Oroonoko is narrated by
    the author Aphra Behn as a first -person observer
  24. Which of the following is NOT a reason why Oroonoko is enraged when he is first enslaved bu the ship's captain?
    because slavery is simply wrong
  25. Oroonoko was a prince of what African nation?
  26. In the opening pages of Oroonoko, the narrator explains that the English never enslave the indigenous people of Surinam. Which of the following is NOT among the reasons she gives for this fact?
    the natives out number the English
  27. Why does Oroonoko kill Imoinda?
    to preserve her from the dishonor he knows she will face after his own death
  28. Identify: Clemene
    Imoinda's name in captivity
  29. Why are Oroonoko and Imoinda particularly eager to regain their freedom after Imoinda becomes pregnant?
    because they don't want their baby to be born a slave; because it will be harder for the three of them to gain freddom than it would be if there were only two; because they are weary of the indignity of being slaves.
  30. The narrator describes Oroonoko as handsome partly because his nose was not "African and flat" ... but rather "rising and _________________
  31. a) Whether or not we are Christian, whether or not we believe in hell, we are all quite familiar with the concepts of Lucifer/Satan and hell. How does Milton's description in Paradise Lost of Satan, hell, and its first occupants resemble and/or differ from your own conception of them (or from how you think Christian believers generally conceive them)? Quote from Books 1 and/or 2 at least twice to illustrate your claims.b) Discuss the primary arguments of at least two of the different speakers in the council debate in Book 2 on how the devils should proceed against God. Include the views of at least two of the following: Moloch, Belial, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Satan. Offer at least one quote from each speaker you discuss
  32. Discuss Faustus's initial motivations in wanting to become a "magician." Consider the various professions he ponders and rejects before deciding upon magic, and of course, consider why he chooses magic rather than medicine, law, or "divinity" (theology or the church).
    Faustus ends up choosing to become a magician because he'd much rather do extraordinary things that of which other educated individuals who study things such as law and theology can never hope to master. Faustus wants to become unique from the rest of the world and achieve things that others can't even dream of. Faustus acknowledges that all of this can be done through the study of the black arts, which is why he chooses this as a path instead of more worldly things.
  33. Consider the purposes Faustus originally intends to accomplish with his unholy power and then discuss what he actually does once he has the power. What "message" might Marlowe intend through Faustus's different uses of magic in various scenes throughout the play?
    Faustus's original plans are to become great and perform feats of awe with his power, but once his powers are administered to him, he sees the truth in the boredom of having such powers. Very much in the same way an eccentric billionaire may grow bored when it comes to purchasing new items as there is no true value to them and therefore their importance and joy obtained from them are null and void since money means nothing when a seemingly endless supply is provided.The overall message that seems to have been given to us through Marlowe's writing it one that has remained acknowledged throughout most of time - that absolute power corrupts any individual whom so happens to wield it.
  34. Point out and discuss the many places where Faustus seems to have doubts about his bargain with the Devil, where he seems to want to "do the right thing" but doesn't follow through. Consider, of course, the "Good Angel" and also the Old Man in Scene 12. What do you think Marlowe's message might be in not allowing Faustus to be saved by repenting? Why doesn't Faustus repent?
    The first time he goes to seal the deal with his blood gives him a moment where he considers the thought to repent. The Latin words that appear make him wonder if it's not a sign to change his mind. The Good Angel of course always lets him know when he appears that it isn't too late to return to Christ. The old man in Scene 12, who I think is to represent Jesus in disguise, tries to also warn him. At the end when he starts pleading once it's time for him to go to his hell he of course would like to be saved or atleast have his punishment lessened. I think Marlowe's message in not allowing him to be saved was just his way of showing us that not everyone really wants to be saved. Some people just choice hell. Having power over others to them are more appealing then then having eternal life in heaven. Some even think heaven doesn't exists so wither we want to think about it or not, there are those that will spend their eternity in hell.
  35. Discuss Milton's depiction of Satan: in what different ways does he seem "heroic"? How is he portrayed as a great leader, a foe who might indeed challenge God Almighty?
    The reasons leading to Satan as appearing heroic in the context of Milton's "Paradise Lost" is due to the fact his specific character appears to us at first as being the character in distress and facing obstacles. This in part leads the reader to trying to comprehend Satan's motives and have an understanding of Satan's feelings. This is mainly done through the use of humanizing Satan's character as a whole. Satan's ability to corrupt God's plan is seen as heroic by the other devils and demons due to the fact that Satan and his actions are relentless, for even though they had already lost one war and were cast down, the demon collective were planning a second foray into battling God and his Holy forces from Heaven.
  36. How does Milton's depiction of Satan and the other devils, and of hell itself, "justify the ways of God to man"? How is Satan and/or hell essential in showing God's infinite goodness?
    By giving us detailed back-story on Satan and his warrior devils, and describing the darkness of hell and the evil moods of all those associated, it easily shows us the light that is God and how His plans for His creations are all moral and holy when compared to those who are fallen. By giving us rich descriptions of both Satan's personality and of his egotistical authoritative complex we the reader are easily led to see clearly the conflict of good vs evil.
  37. What devices does Satan use to convince Eve that she should eat the apple?
    Satan uses himself and the mystery of the snake being able to talk. He is able to convince Eve, without much effort, that God is hiding some knowledge from them. Since something like a snake is able to talk after indulging into the forbidden fruit, she is quick to believe that there is some truth behind the snakes words. Her amazement of the powers that the snake promised her the fruit would bring is what really pushed her into the bite.
  38. Did Adam eat the apple out of ignorance (it was Eve's idea) or did he know full well what he was doing? (Did he love her so much he could not bear to live in a world without her?)
    According to Milton's version, I believe that Adam was well aware of what he was doing. He makes this very plain by his horror when Eve admits to eating the apple and his deliberation about whether or not he should eat the apple as well. He makes it very plain that while he know it is wrong he can not bear to lose Eve and go on sinless without her. He also seems to wonder for a time if he will be punished any way as they are two parts of a whole and perhaps God will feel it better to start over from scratch. So while it was Eve's idea, Adam went with it knowing exactly what he was doing.
  39. What of the argument that you need evil to appreciate good ... your thoughts?
    Before we can determine if "evil" is indeed required in order to comparatively appreciate acts of "good" we must define evil and good in their own standings. Evil is relatively known as something that goes against the accepted form or the so called "properly adorned" consideration of what is genuinely good. However, one person's idea of Good may drastically conflict with another individuals. Lets take sports, football for instance, let us say that one individual would like a certain team to win and his friend wishes drastically for the opposing team to trump his friend's chosen team. One can consider his preferred team "good" while the other "bad". Regardless of which side you are own both are needed in order for the competition to exist at all, so in theory both sides are needed. However, that doesn't make the sport of football any more interesting. Good and Evil are a simple matter of perspective and while two different sides gives credence to the existence of the other, perhaps the greater appreciation should be in the fact that we, no matter what we do in life, are given the choice between actions. For my idea of true evil is a one-way road without the subjectivity of a possible alternate path.
  40. Compare and contrast the two halves of the novel: how do the parts set in Africa and Surinam seem to be two separate stories entirely, especially in the tone or atmosphere pervading each?
    The two parts of the novel 'Oroonoko' are very different and while connected have a totally different feel to them. The atmosphere in the first part is a mixture of adventure, intrigue and romance. The prince, Oroonoko, goes from being the most honored and most famous warrior and prince to being sold into slavery and having to deal with the loss of his freedom, home and love. The atmosphere of the first half is all wrapped in the tribal world and plots of the royal court. The second half is the world of the colonials in the jungle of South America
  41. Discuss Behn's commentary on slavery.
    Behn’s commentary on slavery seems to both favor the institution but also favor the Negroes’ freedoms. She favors the institution of slavery early in the novel by discussing the English’s reasoning for enslaving the Negroes who didn’t posses the same means as the indigenous people of Surinam were capable of. In contrast, near the end of the novel she seems to favor the Negroes freedom in her endearment of Oroonoko. While she was in fear for her life upon learning of Oroonoko’s freedom, she ends up feeling pity towards this fallen prince near the closing paragraphs of her novel. While Behn’s society and religion favored the institution of the enslaving of these Negroes at the time, as an author she seems to be conflicted about the institution. Behn seems to be more interested in their intelligence, moral values, and abilities in language as justifications for their freedom, not the premise of slavery simply “just being wrong.”
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British Lit
Final Study