Ch.3 Geography

  1. Albedo
    the percentage of visable light reflected by an object or substance from the earth.
  2. Specular Reflection
    when light strikes an object and it is refleted back as a beam of equal intensity. Like a miror
  3. Diffuse Reflection or Scattering
    when a beam is reflected from an object as a larger number of weaker rays traveling in many different directions. When scattering occurs you cannot see an image of yourself on the reflecting surface.
  4. Diffuse Radiation
    scattered radiation that is also redirected toward the earth's surface
  5. Direct Radiation
    radiation that reaches the earths surface that is not scattered.
  6. Rayleigh Scattering
    involves gases, smaller than insolation wavelength. Scatters light in all directions. Most effective on short wavelengths. Explains blue sky and orange sunsets.
  7. Mie Scattering
    involves aerosols, larger than gas molecules. Foreward scatter. Equally effective across visible spectrum. Explains hazy, gray days. Refelcts ALL colors of light
  8. Non-selective Scattering
    water droplets in clouds. clouds appear gray or white.
  9. Atmospheric Window
    range of wavelengths, not readily absorbed by atmospheric gases. Represents a certain range of wavelenths of special importance to the radiation balance.
  10. Latent Heat
    the energy required to change the phase of a substane. like a solid liquid or gas.
  11. Greenhouse Effect
    like glass, in that it is transparent to incoming shortwave radiation but opaque to outgoing longwave radiation. Therefore it allows in more radiation than is allowed to escape causing the temperature to increase.
  12. Isotherm
    lines on a map that show equal temperature.
  13. Influences on Temperature (KNOW THIS)
    • 1. Latitude
    • 2. Altitude
    • 3. Atmospheric Circulation Patterns
    • 4. Contrasts Between Land and Water
    • 5. Warm and Cold Ocean Currents
    • 6. Local Conditions
Card Set
Ch.3 Geography
terms from ch.3 for midterm