Bio exam 3

  1. Genetics
    Study of Inherientence
  2. Inherientence
    Passing down traits from parents to offspring.
  3. Peer-breeding
    Self-polleniated, always produce offsprings - look like the parent
  4. Mendal's Law of Dominant
    Dominant, mask ressessive.
  5. Homozygous
    Both alleles are the same
  6. Heterozygous
    Alleles are different
  7. Punnett's Square
    Tool for calculating the probability offspring will have certain traits
  8. Genotypte
    Allele combination
  9. Phenotype
    Outward apperence
  10. Mendal's Law of Independent Assortment
    Passing down and individual traits is independent of other traits.
  11. mendals laws of segregation
    each offspring revieces 1 allel for each parent
  12. incomplete dominance
    dominant allel parially masks recessive allele
  13. co-dominace
    • neither allele is masked by the other
    • both allele express their traits
  14. simple trait
    coded only 1 gene
  15. polygenetic traits
    coded for multiple traits
  16. pleiotropy
    one gene codes many traits
  17. dominant disoders
    • hungingtons
    • polydactalylism
  18. recessive disorder
    • sickle cell
    • cystic fibroses
  19. x linked disorder
    • recessive disorder found on X chromosome
    • hemophelia
    • color blindness
  20. pedigree chart
    ways of tracking traits through family
  21. helicase
    unzips the 2 strands of DNA which forms double helix
  22. protein synthesis
    making new proteins
  23. stages of proten synthesis
    • 1/transcription - DNA read to create mRNA
    • 2/ translation- mRNA read and decoded to create protein.
  24. difference between DNA & RNA
    • RNA uses ribose as a sugar
    • RNA uses uracil instread of Tymine
    • RNA stays as a single strand
    • RNA stands are shorter than DNA
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Bio exam 3
bio exam