mcb 62 Tea 11/2

  1. Tea
    • Drink made as hot water infusion of roasted leaves
    • Made from the leaves of camelia sinensis
    • native to SE Asia and China
    • grown today in India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Africa, and S. America
    • best teas=young bud and leaves
  2. Black Teas
    • rolled to break internal cell walls and release essential oils
    • spread out in a cool humid place to ferment and oxidize
    • then roasted to further enhance flavor
    • linnaeus though this came from a different plant than green tea
  3. Green Teas
    • leave briefly heated after picking to destroy microbial activity
    • leaves are rolled to release essential oils and break cells walls
    • NOT fermented and oxidized
  4. Tea History
    • written records of tea consumption in china date back 3000 years
    • china had ritual tea consumption, ceremonies that flourished in Buddhist temples and monastaries
    • introduced in Japan by Buddhist monks 1000 years ago, ceremonies became even more highly developed
    • unknown in Europe until the 1500s
    • brought back to Portugal from Japan in the 1580
  5. Dutch East India Company
    • established in 1602, the richest company in the world in the 1600s
    • at its peak it employed 20,000 sailors, 10,000 soldiers, and 50,000 civilians
    • exclusive rights for trade in Asia
    • interested in spices (cloves, black pepper, tea)
    • always in fights with England, formally dissolved in 1798
  6. British East India Company
    • established in 1600, strong presence in India in early 1600s
    • captured most of European tea market during the 17002 and 1800s
    • tea was grown in India and sold in Europe and America, taxed by England
    • tea smuggling was a large industry to avoid taxes
    • British East India company had tons of unsold tea
    • 1773 British governement gave permission to company to sell tea in the American colonies w/out paying taxes, therefore bypassing American merchants
    • Dec 1773 Boston Tea Party!!
    • set stage for American independence, contributed to social rejection of tea in America
    • early 1800s BEIC was responsible for developing the opium industry in India and forcing importation from china
    • late 1800s British gov took over
    • dissolved in 1874
  7. Caffeine
    • primary sources: tea (china and se asia), coffee (NE africa), cacao (S america)
    • caffeine firts isolated from coffee in 1820
  8. Physiological Effects of Caffeine/ other Xanathines
    • arousal, alertness, wakefulness
    • increased HR and BP
    • bronchial dilation
    • increased kidney output (diuretic)
    • increased metabolic rate
    • effects are dose dependent
    • individual variability and tolerance
  9. Caffeine withdrawl
    • fatigue
    • headache
    • irratability
  10. Caffeine in the Brain
    • Caffeine and other xanthines are adenosine receptor antagonists (adenosine is an inhibitory NT)
    • vasodialation of respiratory systems
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mcb 62 Tea 11/2
tea lecture