Jacksonian Democracy Era
began with the election to the presidency of andrew jackson in 1828, the prestige of chief executives was enhanced; emphasized political and social equality, government by the common man over government by an aristocracy
Administrative efficiency
to centralize administrative authority and responsibility in the hands of one person- the governor
approval of spending before it actually takes place and is normally done by the controller
post audit
review after money is spent to see whether it was spent according to legislative intent and without corruption, it is the responsibility of the state auditor
Plea barganing
defendant pleads guilty in return for a reduced charge and most likely a less severe penalty
lame duck
have diminshed power because he or she will soon leave office and can't run again; ability to succeed one self in office means you wont be a lame duck
incremental budgeting
traditional system using last year's figures as the basis for current calculations
common law
interpreted individually by each state; judge made law that originated in england from decisions shaped according to existing custom
political incorporation
where minorities are part of the dominant city making policy-making coalition on minority-related issues is the exception rather than the rule
impartial 3rd party assists the disputants in reaching a voluntary settlement
calls for one or more persons to hear the arguments in a dispute, review the evidence and reach a desicion or award
community policing
ambiguous because community is difficult to define, 'reinventing government'
satellite cities
on the fringes of metropolitan areas low density, heavily landscaped
special districts
most often perform a single fuction and they're appealing because they're superimposed on the existing structure of government and leave municipal boundaries untouched
city extends it's boundaries by absorving adjacent land
service style
serious crimes where treated seriously, but minor infractions, particularly when they involved juveniles, were handled more inoformaly
refused to make loans for construction in certain parts of cities they considered too risky
edgeless cities
a form of sprawling office development that doesn't have the densit or cohesiveness of edge cities but accounts for 2/3 of office space found outside downtowns
judicial review
by state supreme courts, to overrule, declare unconstitutional, acts passed by state legislatures
fragmented government
little or no coordination or control by a central agency
released prisoners who return to criminal behavior after release
watchman style
police behavior emphasized maintenance or order in public places, rather than law enforcement