
  1. The ultimate goal of patient teaching is
    the prevention of illness and the promotion of wellness.
  2. Nurses teach patients about their
    disease or disorder, including diet, medications, treatment, and self-care.
  3. Preop teaching covers
    phases of surgery, what will be experienced, what can be expected, and the exercises to be done afterward.
  4. Prior to discharge, the patient must
    be taught how to care for himself at home.
  5. Patient teaching aids in achieving the goals
    of Healthy People 2010 and the Canada Health Act.
  6. Discharge planning is a
    process that begins at the time of admission.
  7. This includes assessing for
    special needs, learning to identify appropriate teaching moments, and providing learning opportunities focused on patient self-care.
  8. A teaching moment occurs
    when the patient is at an optimal level of readiness to learn and apply a particular piece of information.
  9. Research shows that people learn in 3 ways
    • 1. visually through what they see (visual learning)
    • 2. aurally, through what they hear (auditory learning)
    • 3. kinesthetically, by actually performing a task or handling items (kinesthetic)
  10. Cognitive domain is
    when the learner takes in and processes information by listening to or reading the material.
  11. Affective domain is
    when the material is presented in a way that appeals to the learner's beliefs, feelings and values.
  12. Psychomotor domain is
    when the learner processes the information by performing an action or carrying out a task.
  13. Before beginning to teach
    assess for factors that might interfere.
  14. Conditions that can affect learning process include
    poor vision or hearing, impaired motor function, illiteracy, and impaired cognition.
  15. Situational factors that interfere with learning
    include pain, nausea, fatigue, a sense of being overwhelmed by all that is happening and multiple interruptions.
  16. The patients cultural values and personal expectations regarding treatment and recovery
    differ from those of the nurse and other health care providers.
  17. It is necessary to work
    within the patient's values and cultural system.
  18. Patients may practice religious
    rituals as an aid to healing with which the nurse may not be familiar.
  19. Play techniques
    can be very successful when teaching younger children.
  20. Language must be tailored
    to the child's level of understanding.
  21. Children interpret language literally,
    so avoid idioms because they can be easily misunderstood.
  22. When teaching the elderly,
    the pace is slow to allow more time for processing the information.
  23. A teaching plan using
    visuals and kinesthetic learning will often be the most effective for the elderly.
  24. When printed materials are used
    go over them with the patient and ask questions to determine whether the information has been understood.
  25. Assess what patients already know about the skills they need to learn
    so that you can build upon their current knowledge base.
  26. Teaching is most effective when
    you can relate the material to a subject that patients already understand.
  27. Motivation plays a large role in
    effective learning.
  28. Work with patients to show them
    the advantages of learning what they need to know.
  29. Behavioral objectives
    represent the desired changes or additions to current behaviors and attitudes.
  30. Teaching can be done
    one to one or in a group setting.
  31. Be certain
    room temp is acceptable and patient is comfortable.
  32. Return demonstration is
    the patient is thought a specific skill, have the patient demonstrate that skill.
  33. Learning is a
    process of many steps, and rushing these steps can cause confusion, frustration, and a sense of failure for both the patient and the nurse.
  34. If the facility does not use a patient education flow sheet,
    information should be entered into the nurse's notes.
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