
  1. /bin
    contains programs and commands necessary to boot the system and perform other system tasks not reserved for the admin. such as shutdown and reboot
  2. /root
    the home directory for the root user only
  3. cat
    let you view the contents of a file. use the redirect symbol > with cat command to copy a file
  4. chmod
    changes the attributes assigned to a file and is similar to the DOS Attrib cammand
  5. clear
    clears the screen
  6. cp
    Used to copy a file
  7. grep
    searches for a specific pattern in a file or in multiple files
  8. ifconfig
    used to troubleshoot problems with network connections under TCP/IP. can disable and enable network cards and release and renew the ip addressed assigned to these cards
  9. kill
    kills a process instead of waiting for the process to terminate
  10. ls
    • displays a list of directories and files
    • has many options
    • -l long list
    • -t sort by modification time
    • -h list file sizes in human readable format
    • -r reverse the order
    • options can be combined
  11. man
    displays the online help manual, called man pages
  12. | more
    Appended to a command to display the results of the command on the screen one page at a time
  13. ping
    use to test network connections
  14. ps
    displays the process table so that you can identify process IDs for currently running processes( once u know what the ID u can kill the process)
  15. pwd
    shows the name of the present working directory
  16. traceroute
    shows the route of ip packets; used for debugging connection on a network
  17. vi
    launches a full-screen editor that can be used to edit a file
  18. Alt+D
    delete a word
  19. Ctrl+K
    delete from the current position to the end of the line
  20. Ctrl+A
    to move the cursor to the beginning of the command line
  21. Alt+B
    to move the cursor left one word
  22. Alt+F
    to move the cursor right one word
  23. linux is what type of op system?
    Unix-type based on the linux kernel and it is free
  24. linux ip prdominantly known for?
    use in servers
  25. primary difference in Linux and other popular OP systems?
    The linux kernel and other components are free and open source software
  26. Advantages of Linux
    • open source
    • stability
    • performance
    • network friendliness
    • flexiblility
    • campatibility
    • choice
    • fast and easy intallation
    • full use of hard disk
    • multitasking
    • security
  27. Disadvantages of linux
    • not user friendly and confusing for beginners
    • to many different distributions
    • will not run all windows based applications
  28. Tow most popular desktop enviroments
    • GNOME
    • KDE
  29. Other enviroments
    • Xfce
    • LXDE
  30. Root Account
    • In unix-style OS it is the conventional name of the user who has all right or permissions to all files and programs.
    • It is advisable to create a normal user account and then use the su command to switch when necessary
  31. How are Linex files stored
    • In a single rooted hierarchical file system
    • Data-stored in directories (folders)
    • Directories may be nested as deep as needed
  32. Commands
    • entered at the command prompt
    • typed in lower case
  33. The two categories of commands
    • User-level; perform tasks
    • System administration; system management(sudo commands)
  34. What is *
    Can be use as a wildcard
  35. Creating files in Unix\Linux
    • requires the use of an editor
    • nano\pico
    • vi
    • emacs
  36. permission levels
    • "r" means read only
    • "w" write permission
    • "x" execute permission
    • the order is you-group-world
  37. live cd
    • contains a bootable computer OS
    • may include mechanisms and utilities for altering the host computers hard drive
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Appendix E