1. State how the Tenets of Air and Space Power complement Principles of War.
    Principles of War provide general guidance, while the Tenets provide more specific considerations for air and space forces.
  2. List the Tenets
    • Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution
    • •Flexibility and Versatility
    • •Synergistic Effects
    • •Persistence
    • •Concentration
    • •Priority
    • •Balance
  3. Beyerchen’s Evolution of Warfare
    • In Order:
    • Chemists War
    • Physicists' war
    • The information researchers' war
    • The Social Scientists' War
  4. Explain what it will take to win WWIV
    Cultural awareness, Building alien armies and alliances, Perception shaping as an art/not science, Inculcating knowledge/teach wisdom, Tactical intelligence, Psychological & physiological tuning, Developing high-performing Airmen and units, Leadership & decision-making, and Intuitive command.
  5. Department of Defense
    • A. President-serves as senior military authority
    • B. Sec. of Defense-provides oversight & carries out President’s policies by staffing military departments, CJCS, and unified commands
    • C. Joint Chiefs of Staff-serve as communications chain of command and military staff to unified and specified commanders; also, they prepare strategic plans and provide strategic direction for Armed forces.
  6. State role of Armed Forces Policy Council
    Advises Sec. of Defense on matters of broad Armed Forces policy, considers and reports on any matters that need in attention.
  7. Define Unified and Specified Command.
    • A. Unified-comprises forces from two or more military services and falls under one commander. There are currently ten unified commands.
    • B. Specified-is normally composed of forces from one military service. There are no specified commands.
  8. Define each Reserve Category.
    • Ready Reserve- a manpower pool of pre-trained individuals who have already served in active component units or in the Selected Reserve.
    • Standby Reserve- personnel who have completed all obligated or required service or have been removed from the Ready Reserves.
    • Retired Reserve- personnel who receive retired pay or personnel placed in a retired status based on completion of 20 or more qualified years of individual or combined Reserve and Active service.
  9. ID the categories that make up the Ready Reserves.
    Selected Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve, Inactive National Guard
  10. State the chains of command for he AF Reserve Command and the Air National Guard.
    • A. AF Reserve Chain of Command goes directly through the Sec of AF and to the President.
    • B. Air Nat'l Guard reports to the state governor. Therefore reporting goes through the unit, the State Adjutant General, the Chief of Staff, and then President.
  11. ID the four categories of Reserve accessibility.
    Presidential Selected Recall, Partial Mobilization, Full Mobilization, Volunteers
  12. State the seven times from 1947-2008 that Air National Guard forces have been federally mobilized.
    Korean War, Soviet Construction of Berlin Wall in 1961, 1968 when N. Korea seized the USS Pueblo, Kuwait 1990 (Desert Storm), Bosnia 1996, Operation Allied Force in Kosovo, Operation Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom
  13. Describe the three levels of doctrine.
    • A. Service- outlines service capabilities and guides the application of service forces.
    • B. Joint- describes the best way to integrate and employ air and space forces with land and maritime forces in military action.
    • C. Multinational- describes the best way to integrate and employ our air and space forces with the forces of our allies in coalition warfare.
  14. 3. List the 5 major goals of offensive counterspace operations.
    Deny, degrade, disrupt, destroy, or deceive and adversary's space capability
  15. List the 5 primary types of satellite systems.
    A. Environmental, navigation, communications, warning, and recon
Card Set
Final Exam