Radiology Exam

  1. To help avoid molar overlap, the radiographer should place the film packet:
    perpendicular to the molar embrasures
  2. To minimize canine-premolar overlap, the radiographer should direct the ray beam slightly from the:
  3. To compensate for a shallow palatal vault, the vertical angulation may be adjusted to:
    Increase by up to 15 degrees
  4. Which area of the oral cavity would require the highest exposure setting?
    Maxillary posterior region
  5. The presence of a large mandibular tours may make which of these difficult?
    film packet placement
  6. The best film packet placement for a patientt with a torus palatinus is:
    Behind the torus
  7. The paralleling technique is the best technique for imaging edentulous areas. The bisecting technique is the best technique when imaging endodontic treatment.
    The first part is true. the second part is false.
  8. Which of the following radiographs would be the lease beneficial for the totally endentulous patient?
  9. The exposure setting for edentulous regions should be:
    decreased by 25%
  10. Which of the following would be the best film holder for imaging working radiographs exposed during a root canal procedure?
    Endodontic film holder
  11. Localization adds which of the following dimesnsions to two dimensional radiographs?
  12. Which of the following methods of localization utilizies a cross-sectional occlusal radiograph?
    right angle method
  13. If the tube shifts to the mesial and the object in question shifts to distal, the object is located on the lingual. This is an example of the definitive method of localization.
    both statements are false
  14. When exposing a disto-oblique periapical radiograph of the maxilla, which of the following changes should be made to the standard periapical radiograph?
    5-degree shift in vertical angulation, 10-degree shift in horizontal angulation, and 1 impulse increase in the exposure setting
  15. To project an impaced mandibular third molar anteriorly onto the film, a mandibular disto-oblique periapical radiograph requires a:
    10 degree shift in angulation
  16. What is pixel?
    Discrete units of information that together constitute an image
  17. What is spatial resolution?
    The discernable seperation of closely adjacent image details.
  18. What is line pair?
    refers to the number of paired lines visible in 1 mm of an image
  19. What is analog?
    Relating to a mechanism in whch data is represented by continuously variable physical quantities.
  20. what is gray scale?
    refers to the total number of shades of gray visible in an image.
  21. A digital radiographic image exists as bits of information in a computer file. The computer transfers this information into an image that appears on the computer monitor.
    Both statements are true.
  22. Digital radiography systems can be used for which of the following?
    bitewing images, periapical images, cephalometric images
  23. When an existing fim based radiograph is digitzed via the use of a special scanner or digital camera, the process is called:
    Indirect digital imaging
  24. The smaller the number of pixels in the image the sharper the spatial resolution. Each pixel stores a number representing a different shade of gray.
    The first part is false. The second part is true.
  25. Digital radiography can be used for which of the following?
    To defect caries, to evaluate growth and development, to detect dental disease, to monitor an endodontic procedure.
  26. All of the following are necessary equipment for digital radiography except one. Which on is this exception?
  27. All of the following are digital image receptors except one. Which one is this exception?
  28. Which of the following stores the x-ray energy until later stimulation by a laser beam reads the electron signal and converts it into a digital image?
  29. Digital radiography requires less radiation exposure to produce an image than film based radiography becase the:
    Chemical processing steps are eliminated
  30. All of the following are true regarding digital radiography in comparison to film based radiography except one. Which one is exception?
    Less time is required to obtain a diagnostic image
  31. All of the follwing are disadvantages of digital radiography when compared to film based radiography except one. Which one is this exception?
    Learning curve required to transfer interpretation skills
  32. For which of these purposes are extraoral radiographs least suitable?
    For detection of interproxial caries
  33. Which of these surveys is most frequently ordered by the orthodontist?
    Latheral cephalometric
  34. The general practitioner is most likely to use which of these extraoral radiographs?
  35. What size film is generally used in cephalometric radiography?
  36. Black artifacts on extraoral films may result from each of the following except one. Which one is this exception?
    scratched intensifying screens
  37. Intensifying screens will:
    reduce exposure time
  38. What term describes the crystals used in the emulsion of intesifying screens?
  39. Fast intensifying screens have _____ sized crystals and _____ thickness of emulsion.
    small, increase
  40. Rare-earth intensifying screens require less radiation to produce a quality image. Rare-earth intensifying screens emit blue light when energized by x-radiation.
    the first part is true. the second part is false.
  41. Unsharp images result from which of the following?
    film and screens not in close contact, faulty hinge on rigidt cassette, not closing the cassette tightly.
  42. Which of these radiographs would best image an impacted mandibular thrid molar?
    lateral jaw
  43. Which of these radiographs would best image the maxillary sinus?
  44. A panaoramic radiograph is valuable when diagnosing each of the following except one. Which one is this exception?
    an impacted molar
  45. Which of these is an advantage of a panoramic radiograph when compared to an intraoral radiograph?
    More structures are imaged
  46. Which of these is a disadvantage of a panoramic radiograph when compared to an intraoral radiograph?
    Ghost images appear on a panoramic film
  47. What is the term given to the technique where a slice of tissue is exposed distinctly, while structures outside of the designated area are blurred out of the image?
  48. Which of the following panoamic machines must stop the radiation exposure to shift to the next pivotal point?
    Double center rotation
  49. Which of the following rotational centers result in a split image panoramic radiograph?
    double center rotation
  50. What is the term given to the area where structures will be imaged with relative clarity, while structures outside this area are blurred on the image?
    focal trough
  51. All of the following are compnents of most panoramic x-ray machines except one. which one is this exception?
    round collimated PID
  52. Which of the following must be pre-set by the manufacturer of the panoramic x-ray machine?
    exposure time
  53. Which of the following places is utilized to position the patient correctly within the superior infereior dimension?
    ala-tragus line and frankfort plane
  54. Which of the following positioning errors results in anterior teeth that are blurry and diminished in size?
    too far forward in the focal trough
  55. When the arches are rotated to the left, the teeth on the right side will be positioned closer to the film. The teeth closes to the film will appear blurry and magnified.
    both statements are false.
  56. Which of the following positioning errors results in an exaggerated "smile" appearance of the arches?
    chin tipped too far down
  57. The appearance of a large radiolucency that obscures the maxillary teeth apices result when:
    The tongue is not resting on the papte during exposure
  58. Which of the following appears radiolucent on a panoramic radiograph?
    Nasal cavity
  59. Which of the following appears radiopaque on the panoramic radiograph?
    zygomatic process of the maxilla
  60. Which of the following could be called a nagative shadow?
    glossopharyngeal air space
  61. What is the term given to a structure that is imaged a second time, with less sharpness and on the opposite side?
    ghost image
  62. List three air spaces that may be imaged on panoramic radiographs:
  63. List three machine parts that may be imaged on panoramic radiographs:
    chin rest,side head positioner guides
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Radiology Exam
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