
  1. The latent period in radiation of biology is the period of time between_________ and _________
    • exposure to x-radiation
    • clinical symptoms
  2. an unchargaeable molecule that has an unpaired electron in the outer shell, is highly reactive and unstable, and combines with molecules to form toxins
    free radical
  3. A free radical:
    is an uncharged molecule
    has an unpaired electron in the outer shell
    is highly reactive and unstable
    combines with molecules to form toxins
    all of the above
  4. Direct radiation injury occurs when____________ hit___________________
    • x-ray photons
    • critical targets within a cell
  5. Indirect radiation injury occurs when____________are__________
    • x ray photons
    • absorbed
    • form toxins
  6. What graph relationship describes the response of tissues to radiation?
    linear, nonthreshold
  7. Which of the following factors contribute to radiation injury?
    total dose
    dose rate
    cell sensitivity
    all of the above
  8. What are 4 factors that contribute to radiation injury?
    • total dose
    • dose rate
    • cell sensitivity
    • age
  9. Identify the correct statement:
    short-term effects are seen with small amounts of radiation agsorbed in a short period
    short term effects are seen with small amounts of radiation absorbed in a long period
    long term effects are seen with small amounts of radiation absorbed in a short period
    long term affects are seen with small amounts of radiation absorbed in a long period
    D. long term effects are seen with small amounts of radiation absorbed in a long period
  10. radiation injuries that are not seen in the person irradiated but occur in future generations
    genetic effects
  11. Which of the following is most susceptible to ionizing radiation?
    bone tissue
    small lymphocyte
    muscle tissue
    nerve tissue
    epithelial tissue
    small lymphocyte
  12. What is the sensitivity of tissue radiation determined by? (3)
    • mitotic activity
    • cell differentiation
    • cell metabolism
  13. which of the following is conidered radioresistant?
    immature reproductive cells
    young bone cells
    mature bone cells
    epithelial cells
    mature bone cells
  14. An organ, that if damaged diminishes the quality of an individual's life is termed a?
    critical organ
  15. The traditional unit for measuring x-ray exposure in air is termed?
  16. What radiation unit is the QF used to determine?
  17. What is the unit for measuring the absorption of x-rays?
  18. Identify the correct conversion:
    1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 C
    1 rad = 0.1 Gy
    1 rem = 0.1 Sv
    1 Gy = 10 rads
    1 Sv = 10 rem
    1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 C
  19. Which of the following units does not have an SI equivalent?
  20. Which of the following is used only for x-rays?
  21. Identify the correct conversion(s):
    1 R =2.58 x 10-4 C
    1 Gy = 100 rads
    1 Sv = 100 rem
    1 rem = rad x QF
    all of the above
  22. Identify the average dose of background radiation received by an individual in the United States
    150-300 mrads (0.0015-0.003 Gy)
  23. What is the single largest contributer to artificial radiation exposure?
    medical radiation
  24. The amount of radiation exposure an individual recieves varies depending on what factors? (4)
    • film speed
    • collimation
    • technique
    • exposure factors
  25. A single intraoral radiograph (D speed film, 70 kVp, long PID) results in a mean surface exposure of:
    50 mR
    250 mR
    500 mR
    1 R
    5 R
    250 mR
  26. What is the dose of mrads that leukemia induction will most likely occur?
    5000 mrads (0.05 Gy)
  27. Identify the incorrect statement:
    x-radiation is not harmful to living tissues
    dental radiographs benefit the patient
    in dental radiography, the benefit of disease detection outweighs the risk of damage due to radiation
    raiographs should be prescribed only when the benefit outweighs the risk
    biologic damage results from x-ray exposure
    dental radiographs is not harmful to living tissues....FALSE!!!! It IS harmful!
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LAST quiz baby!!! Yeeeah!!